Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nyangoni Traditon from Java,Indonesia

Nyangoni tradition usually done on 10 Muharram. Ie citizens give compensation to the orphans. Nyangoni tradition comes from the Javanese word that means to give pocket money to children that young. But traditions are normally undertaken by the villagers in the district special Ambal given to orphans, or children who their parents are still intact but in duafa category.
When the time comes, residents alternately nyangoni these orphaned children. Readings are accompanied by a wasp sholawat tambourine to accompany the procession. One by one residents climbed onto the porch, stroking the boy's head as he handed the money to the basin provided the committee. Every child is a child facing a basin.
Less than an hour, the five basin was filled with banknotes from Rp 1,000 to Rp 20,000. Having finished giving benefits all citizens, residents sat back in the courtyard of the mosque to listen tabligh akbar. In addition to compensation events, other activities such as semaan and prostrated themselves there in the Mosque

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