Saturday, September 11, 2010

Magic Hill,Sumatera,Indonesia

Magic Hill area as a tourist attraction located ± 2 km from center Lubuklinggau. Magic hill is a natural tourist attraction in the form of a large hill with an altitude of ± 700 m from the sea surface with natural vegetation and beautiful and the air temperature is cool. For up to take kepuncaknya ± 1.5 hours walking through rocky paths and soil. This hill is challenging enough for tourists and nature lovers who like adventure.

From the top of the Mount Magic visitors can freely view Lubuklinggau natural beauty, especially at night will be even more interesting.

In addition, there are at the top of the Mount Magic plants form a unique bamboo, bamboo stem colored like the color green is generally clean but the branches and twigs and barbed-yellow spines. In addition there are also hollow bamboo stalks as usual but the bamboo branches and twigs stuck making this bamboo has its own uniqueness and distinctiveness that may not be included elsewhere.

Which is just as interesting on the slopes of Mount Magic there are rivers with clear water. The river was named Kesie river, the water flowing along the river with beautiful scenery, so the Mount Magic will provide serenity and coolness of its own as a tourist attraction for visitors or tourists.

On the slopes of Mount Magic there are also sites of 4 (four) graves, graves cemetery was named Bujang Ringworm, even by the community and Musi Rawas Lubuklinggau already sacred.

Ringworm is one of bachelorhood folklore and Musi Rawas Lubuklinggau which tells the miracle of a person at that time. Ringworm Bujang site location in Sidorejo Pelita Jaya Village District West Lubuklinggau I ± 1 km from center Lubuklinggau. To reach the complex site visitors can use two-wheeled vehicles (two) or on foot, can not be achieved with four-wheeled vehicles (four) because of the location of these sites are separated by the river flow Kelingi. On top of this river there is a suspension bridge, suspension bridge is the only way that can be achieved to reach the site Ringworm Bujang site.

Magic hill Lubuklinggau also identical with, because Hill is a symbol of magic Lubuklinggau which can be viewed or viewed from all directions Lubuklinggau.

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