Sunday, April 11, 2010

Doom Island,Papua,Indonesia

Doom is one of the island where the Dutch heritage. Doom Island is presenting Dutch skills in managing the city. Although the outer circumference of the island is only about 4.5 kilometers in length, the Netherlands set the former city government center Onderafdeling (subdivision), Raja Ampat it with slick. On the island there are soccer fields and grocery stores New Sorong, which in 1950 is famous for the delicious ice cream. Even on a small island, there was a building called the Fun House, which is where Dutch soldiers unwind by swimming, playing tennis, or dancing. 

Supporting the island's infrastructure was also built. A complete water wells with installation of the pipe that pumps water to the homes of government officials in Guinea-Dutch Island of Doom hilly area built in the back office Plaatselijk Hoofd van bestuur (HPB) Sorong. HPB's office is now Sorong Sorong Islands District Office. One of these diesel generators is also built and electricity was flowing ports, warehousing area, and all the settlements on the Island of Doom. 

On the Island of Doom we can not only climbed the remnants of old buildings from the Dutch. On the island we also can find dozens or perhaps tens of man-made underground tunnel Japanese soldiers during World War II. Dozens of the hallway connecting some point the Japanese army air defense bunker, also link vital infrastructure such as seaports. 

Left air defense bunker can still be found in one resident's house. Where the house is an old house that has also been used as headquarters of the Japanese army. 

Preservation of Dutch settlement areas built on the island, including the Church of Orange, a former office building HPB Sorong-Raja Ampat and Onderafdeling, or Fun House, tennis courts, or the remaining buildings on the island of the Japanese defense forces did not do Doom. As a result, today many buildings have been damaged and poorly maintained. 

Orange Church Building is still standing with the classical architecture of the Dutch church building. Unfortunately, the old church walls gaba-gaba (midrib of sago) are now no longer functioned as a church. "The church that was built in 1911 until 1913 is now the Citizens Development Center Bethel Church Church of Doom. The Church has moved to a hilltop church activities Doom Island. 

Former office building HPB-Sorong and Raja Ampat Onderafdeling until now is still a government office Islands Sorong District. However, the government has been restoring the building, and restoration of the original building has been cut. Original building was interrupted almost beyond recognition since the new building that ignores the old building architecture. 

Remaining old buildings that are still maintained among others Sorong Police Sector Office and the Islands Elementary School Building YPPK Stella Maris. Around the Island of Doom soccer field, which is also believed to be the inhabitants of the island of Doom as the oldest football field in Papua, there are still many houses the remnants of Dutch colonialism. 


Anonymous said...

Interesting !! My father was actually the HPB officer in Doom where we lived in the mid 1950s.We had electricity and cold running water :)

Kids never care where they live as long as we had fun with other kids ....
Charles Stephan

Bun Yong said...

Hallo Charles Stephan, I am interested at your statement that your father was the HPB officer in Doom. I am in the middle of a study of Doom Island and would like to communicate with you.. Is it possible? Yong, from Bandung, West Java

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