Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mane'e Tradition from Intata Island,Sulawesi,Indonesia

Tradition mane, e is the capture of fish by using a rope from coconut and coconut tree roots on the island of Itata. Thousands and various species of fish with special occasions such as governed attracted to the mainland. 
Intata is one small island in North Sulawesi. Island located on the border between North Sulawesi and the Philippines has a unique tradition called mane, e ie, catch fish by using coconut oil and rope from tree roots. Local people also carry this tradition with a special prayer ritual. 
In performing this tradition of putting people first yellow special occasions with a rope from tree roots. Citizens who do must undergo special prayers at night. After a long series of yellow coconut, the rope is pulled to the beach. Series of ropes and yellow coconut is used as a trawler to attract the fish to land. 
Uniquely, the thousands and many species of fish with special occasions such as governed attracted to the mainland. When fish are considered old enough are gathered, a traditional leaders will be invited residents to take the catch that. From the shore, thousands of residents who were present mingled with guests scrambling to pick up the fish at their feet. 
As in previous years, the only unique ceremony held every May this is always crowded by tourists. Unfortunately, local governments lack of attention to the potential of this tour. Evidenced by the lack of promotion and the lack of transportation facilities available to this small island

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