Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
West Sumatra
The Lightning Monument
The striking lightning at the top of the pole symbolizes the dramatic moment when the proclamation was made.
(taken from badan pengelola monumen nasional document)
The Text Proclamation
Soekarno-Hatta Monument
The Proclamation Monument

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Borobudur temple was founded by King Samaratungga of the Cailendra dynasty i the year 824 and is a reflection of the universe. It was built by means of contributions from the Buddhist population and mutual cooperation of the people.
The construction of the temple indicates that at the time the nation had already achieved a high standard of technical knowledge and organization. Borobudur temple is regarded to be the one of the wonders of the world.
Penyengat Island

Saturday, June 7, 2008
North Sumatra
The Bukit Barisan mountain range with its plateaus and valleys, has reached its shape in Lake Toba. In Karo Uplands, the active volcanoes Sibayak (2904 meters) and Sinabung 92450 meters) are to be seen missing in to clouds. in contrast the lowland on the East side, features the man-mad landscape of plantations as far as the eye can see spreading out.
The traditional life of the Batak tribe is charactezed by the mixture of the ancient megalithic civilization and the leap to the modern lifestyle.
exotic aceh

Aceh is known well as "Serambi Mekah" cause almost all its citizen were moslem. The community is marked by a mixture of indigenous tribes and the influence of a strong Islamic faith. Of all the region of Indonesia, Aceh is the first to have come into contact with the outside world. In 2004, tsunami happened in Aceh. it killed so many person and until now there were several people didnt have permanent residence.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
exotic sumatra
The abundance of fauna and flora to be found amid its endless lakes, rivers, valleys and mountains of Sumatra create an indescribable tropical experience.
Tens of indigenous ethnic groups of people with their kaleidoscopic communities and cultures are living side by side on an island stretching 1060 miles lengthwise from its northwestern to southern tips.
The natural world of Sumatra and its potpouri of Sumatra cultures is in itself a spellbinding experience.
Indonesia is always surprise
Its landscape are unbelievably beautiful, towering volcanoes, dense forest, green rice fields, white sandy beaches, sea gardens, shared with amazing tropical weather, make you feel in paradise. The people, the culture and the dramatic scenery are just some of the esteemed delights to be temped by.
Hoping from island to island is not only fun, it is the only way to appreciate the country's incredible diversity.The difference in people, the difference in religion, the difference in culture influence, the difference in agriculture patterns or shifting cultivation. Island hoping is also inexpensive. And while on the subject of money, we do like to point out that our packages cater for every budget.
Friday, May 23, 2008
my beautiful country

Indonesia is a beautiful country. It has so many beautiful places to see and to enjoy, not only in Bali but also in another places in this country.
Indonesia consists of 17,508 islands, about 6,000 of which are inhabited. These are scattered over both sides of the equator. The five largest islands are Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan (the Indonesian part of Borneo, New Guinea (shared with Papua New Guinea), and Sulawesi.
At 1,919,440 square kilometers (741,050 sq mi), Indonesia is the world's 16th-largest country in terms of land area. Its average population density is 134 people per square kilometer (347 per sq mi), 79th in the world, although Java, the world's most populous island, has a population density of 940 people per square kilometer (2,435 per sq mi). At 4,884 meters (16,024 ft), Puncak Jaya in Papua is Indonesia's highest peak, and Lake Toba in Sumatra its largest lake, with an area of 1,145 square kilometers (442 sq mi). The country's largest rivers are in Kalimantan, and include the Mahakam and Barito; such rivers are communication and transport links between the island's river settlements.Indonesia's location on the edges of the Pasific, Eurasian, and Australian tectonic plates makes it the site of numerous volcanoes and frequent earthquakes. Indonesia has at least 150 active vol canoes, including Krakatau and Tambora, both famous for their devastating eruptions in the 19th century. The eruption of the Toba supervolcano , approximately 70,000 years ago, was one of the largest eruptions ever, and a global catastrophe. Recent disasters due to seismic activity include the 2004 tsunami that killed an estimated 167,736 in northern Sumatra, and the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006. However, volcanic ash is a major contributor to the high agricultural fertility that has historically sustained the high population densities of Java and Bali.
Lying along the equator, Indonesia has a tropical climate, with two distinct monsoonal wet and dry seasons.
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