Thursday, December 30, 2010
Geundrang from Aceh,Indonesia
Geundrang is a unit of force musical instruments Serune Kalee. Geundrang including types of percussion instruments and played by beating with hands or use a wooden bat. Geundrang found in Aceh Besar district and is also found in coastal regions such as Pidie and North Aceh. Function Geundrang a complementary tool tempo of traditional ethnic music Aceh.
Arbab from Aceh,Indonesia
Arbab is instrument consists of 2 parts: Arbabnya own (parent instrument) and bow (stryk stock) in the local language called Go Arabic. This instrument is made from coconut shell, goat skin, wood and strings.
Music Arbab never developed in Pidie district, Aceh Besar and Aceh Barat. Arbab is performed on special occasions crowds of people, such as folk entertainment, night markets etc. Now is not never seen this art, is estimated to have started to become extinct. Last artistry can be seen during the reign of the Dutch and Japanese occupation.
Rimba Raya Radio Monument,Aceh,Indonesia
Rimba Raya Radio Monument is a monument built to commemorate the history of Radio Rimba Raya who play a very large in defending Indonesia from Dutch aggression. The monument was inaugurated by Minister for Cooperatives / Head of Bulog, Bustanil Arifin on October 27, 1987 at 10:30 pm. The monument is situated in the village of Great Rime, Rime Door Gayo district, the central highlands. The monument is in addition to historic sites is also one of the interesting attractions to visit.
Historically, Rimba Raya Radio device was bought on John Lee (a mulatto Manado-China) that mediates the purchase of these radio devices. Rimba Raya Radio Equipment was bought in Malaysia and brought to the city Juang Bireuen. From the town of Bireuen, the device was taken to Koetaradja (Banda Aceh) and had assembled the components at the end of 1948, but had not yet aired, by the fighters in Aceh, a radio device that was brought to the village Rime Raya then enter sub Buck Elephant , Central Aceh.
Previously, the radio device is planned to be taken to the village Burni Stunning, sub Silih Nara. However, due to security conditions in the area was unsafe, the Dutch colonizers are monitoring the process of sending a radio device, then the equipment will be placed in the ward Rime Kingdom.
After passing uphill battle in establishing Radio Rimba Raya, finally in early December 2008, Radio airs Rimba Raya who preach that the Republic of Indonesia to the outside world still exists. From Radio Rimba Raya Aceh proclaimed the heroes of this message to other freedom fighters to continue fighting to defend the country from Dutch colonialism.
Tamaddun from Aceh,Indonesia
Tamaddun derived from the Arabic word meaning maddana fostering an airport / city or community a person who has a civilization. Tamaddun words can mean to live in a society that increases the state forward. Other terms the same understanding with tamaddun is: Umrah, hadarah, madaniah. In English, the term is nearly equal to tamaddun is: "culture and civilization" or culture in the Malay language.
Tamaddun Aceh once glorious feast in the kingdom Peureulak, Ocean Pasee and the Iskandar Muda as a side effect rather than stability of the existing education system. Buket Cebrek shrine, shrine and Jami'ah Baiturrahman Cot Kala has successfully raised the Aceh Islamic civilization all over Southeast Asia. At that time also Aceh has many scholars, intellectuals, political experts, and traders familiar. In the kingdom of Aceh Pasee Peureulak and Oceans to develop Islam and Science to Pattani (Southern Thailand), Moro (Southern Philippines). Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and Java.
While on the Al-Qahhar Aceh to establish a close international relations with European countries, especially once the region with Turkey. And at the time of Iskandar Muda into five large State Islamic superpower on earth. All of that becomes the important manifestation tamaddun and civilizations of the past for Naggroe Aceh Darussalam.
Aceh's past civilizations separated by Islamic hard, probably because he got up and jaya with advanced and glory of Islam in Aceh and Indonesia. As a complete and comprehensive religion, Islamic civilization has a system of deception and dignity. System has been down and blend in Aceh through the spread of Islamic civilization since the Peureulak, Ocean Pasee, the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam to the leadership of the ulama Pusa (All Aceh Ulama Association).
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sundak Beach,Java,Indonesia
Sundak Beach, Asu and Urchin Fight which Reaping Blessing
Sundak Beach not only has a fascinating natural scenery, but also keeps the story. Name Sundak turns to experience evolution evidences can be traced geologically.
In order to know its evolution, visitors must know first edge condition Sundak beach then and now. On the western edge of the beach when they visit the mosque and there is empty space that is now used as a parking lot. While in the east there are caves that are formed from coral rock approximately 12 feet altitude. Entering the cave, will be found natural wells where people get fresh water.
Region described above before the year 1930 remained under sea. It is said that water to a region that is now built mosque, which form the rock caves were still under water. As the geological processes on the southern coast, the sea surface to shrink and the water is indented into the sea. The coral reef and the area around the mosque became the new land which people used the beach for economic activity to date.
There is a unique natural phenomenon of the activity that eventually became the starting point of naming this beach. If the rainy season arrives, many of the inland water flowing toward the ocean. As a result, the plain on the east coast divide to form a shape like a river. Water that flows like mbedah (splitting) of sand. When drought comes, parts of it disappear and come along with sea water carrying sand. Natural phenomenon is what causes the name of the beach into Wedibedah (sand split).
The name change took place some decades later. Around the year 1976, there is an interesting event. One afternoon, a dog was running around in coastal areas and entered the cave coral met a sea urchin. Because the hungry, the dog tried to eat the sea urchin escape but the sea urchin. There was a fight that ultimately won the dog managed to eat half of the body with sea urchin and out of the cave with pride. The act known to the owner of the dog, named Arjasangku, saw half of the sea urchin's body in a dog's mouth. Checking into the cave, it turns out the owner found the body of sea urchin and a half remaining. Well, since then, the name changed to Sundak Wedibedah, abbreviation of asu (dog) and porcupine.
No warning, the fight was a blessing for locals. After decades of water shortages, residents finally found a spring. Initially, the wonder dog owner that his dog out of the cave with dripping wet. The hypothesis, in the cave there is water and the dog had drowned while chasing porcupines. After some investigations, the prediction turned true. Be present, the water in a cave used for the purpose of life. From inside the cave, now installed pipes for connecting with people. The findings of this spring treat disappointment because of the well established residents were inundated by sea water.
Well, if conditions in 1930 just as was said above, can be estimated conditions for hundreds of years earlier. Of course very many organisms that utilize the bottom of the reef which is now a cave and the area that is now the mainland. Therefore, many archeologists believe that as a consequence of geological processes that exist, many marine organisms are left behind and piled up as fossils. What fossils are found, indeed up to now has not been much research reveals.
Besides offering a silent witness of history, Sundak also offers an enjoyable evening. You can enjoy the evening breeze while ordering raw fish to be grilled with friends. By paying a few thousand, you can buy wood for fuel. If lazy, just order a mature, so be ready to eat. What is clear, do not be confused to find a place to stay. Visitors can sleep anywhere, set up a tent, or just lying on the bench tonight stall if unused.
Satan Building, Surabaya,East Java,Indonesia
Satan Building
The building is located in Kampung Banyu Urip Wetan IA No. 107, Surabaya, this condition is old, dull white color, and less manicured. Some parts of the building actually looks worried.
In fact, two-story building covering an area of 400 square meters is inhabited by 40 households or about 150 souls. They lived in a building owned by a wealthy businessman who allegedly named Teng Kun Gwan has been passed down through generations since the Dutch Military Aggression II in 1948. Most of them from ethnic Chinese, some other Chinese-Javanese descent.
In this building, the residents share space with barriers gave way. Due to limitations, in fact there are spaces that are multifunctional. Some of the rooms of the owner look simple. There is one room on the second floor is used as a place of worship the people of the Church of Pentecost.
That said, the story said, the building was once inhabited by hundreds of birds swallow. To be safe bird's nest and not plundered, the building was then labeled with the sinister: the building of Satan. In addition, the building was once a complex persemayaman Chinese citizens and its location was in a complex with the Chinese cemetery. In fact, G30S PKI After the incident hit the homeland, the House of Satan is a place-bong bong China and gradually transformed into villages and homes.
Until now, the early inhabitants and their descendants still occupy the building. Beyond that, interesting stories revealed by Sastro Hadi Utomo, 72, one of the occupants in the building environment demons since he was 11 years old. He said, at the time of the Dutch Military Aggression II many ethnic Chinese residents who received and accommodated by Cung Cung Hwa Hwa, a Chinese citizen associations that existed at the time.
After the Dutch Military Aggression, Chinese citizens who live in this building were released. But most of them living there for generations until today. In fact, Teng Kun Gwan, the building owner who lives in Jl. Maj. Gen. Haryono 42 (Duck), Malang, vote and give mandate to the Hadi Utomo through the official power of attorney to manage and maintain the building. Once two people who claim descent Teng Kun Hadi Gwan visit to ensure the validity of the letter of authority, and they express the truth.
However, Satan has been the building of cultural heritage. Therefore, expectations, there is concern from various parties for not more miserable and damaged
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Waduk Babalan,Kudus,Central Java,Indonesia
Kudus is a district in Central Java province in the northern coastal strip east of CentralJava, namely between (Semarang-Surabaya). located 51 km east of Semarang.
On the east by Pati and the south by the County and District Grobogan Demak,Jepara and adjacent to the west.
In terms of antique buildings in addition to the familiar sanctuary of the Kudus Joglotraditional house which is famous for its carvings, sacred also have several other antique buildings that have historical value that was built since colonial times which are spread throughout the city's soup and porridge.
One of the other historic buildings that may be many Holy people do not know, namelyReservoir Babalan. Reservoir (dam) located in the hamlet village Babalan KalirejoUndaan district is one of the legacy of Dutch colonial buildings.
Form a distinctive Dutch colonial buildings and has a high historical value, ReservoirBabalan in addition to functioning as a means of irrigation and agricultural land asflood control for undaan and surrounding area, in fact Reservoir Babalan can alsofunctioned as tourist attractions.
By making attractions in addition will get additional revenue. Also to preserve thehistoric buildings which are increasingly endangered.
Do not let the historic buildings in the Kudus City of vanished history.
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