Sunday, March 14, 2010

Punden Berundak Pasir Lulumpang,Garut,west Java,Indonesia

Located in the village cimareme, cimareme village, kec. Banyuresmi. Lulumpangan sand berundak Punden including new discoveries. This Punden new attention after a report from the head of the cultural section garut kandepdikbid district in 1994, and this year also a team of archaeological center bandung conduct a review to the site. In 1995 a team of archaeological center bandung intensive research. Berdassarkan conducted research team stated that the sand is a site lulumpang shaped punden from megalithic period (pre-history). Besides berundak punden buildings totaling two lies in a united territory, but it also found three pieces of stone mortar.

Punden berundak Bangunann sand terrace lulumpangan has 13 pieces. This berundak punden orientation towards the west with the railroad east terrace located entirely in the west. Kemungkingan megalithic cultural traditions of this prehistoric period of history continues until the eve of Islamization and does not cover occurred in the farming community

Building punden berundak as megalithic culture is a building that utilizes a hill made terraces with stone structure that helps trap-trap. Symbolic meanings that are used in those days was where a hill is a replica of a great place / high and is a place close to where the spirits of ancestors. This culture continues and as the development of beliefs, both in the hindu, islam budha even now the concept is by most people still believe.

Megalit traditions are still found in some tribes who still have a traditional life style, such as tribes in nias, dani tribe in Irian Jaya and Baduy tribe in western Java. Thus Megalit culture is not stagnant but continues though not in exactly the same form with Megalit culture in the past. Building pundek berundan sand lulumpangan as an object of cultural heritage relics of pre-historical period needs to be maintained and preserved its existence because it has important value of the historical aspects, culture and science. The presence of sand site punden berundak lulumpangan untreated because there is no restoration and maintain the care of an interpreter.

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