Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Seni Musik Tradisional dari Wijirejo,Bantul,Java,Indonesia

Establishment began in 1942, with the first founders of Sumodeli. Music instruments used include bamboo flute, clay drums, bass sebul (from bamboo materials), Kenthongan bamboo. Songs were often played, among others; Ongke-ongke, Butterfly, Bali, Jenang Gulo, Janger, Bunga Rampai. Personnel, among others; Abdullah Kirin, Mino, Ponco Tukijo, Harto Kamidi, Cipto, Jimin, Ramidal, Kamidin, and Suratiman. In 1949 this group to stop. 

In 1958, this group began to rise again with Parjiyo as spearheaded by the head of the group. Warso personnel Mino, Sanun, Sujiyo, Tukijan, Mitroharjo, Cipto Jimin, Dalimin, Wargani, Kamidin, Ngatijo, and Suranen. At this time also began to join support mothers as choir director. They, among others; Juminten, Yanti, Sujiyem. The song that is played more nuanced struggle, and patriotic songs but there are also songs Lumpang Sago, Kepiye to awakku, Jenang Gulo, Wind Mamiri, Ganjer-Velvetleaf, Sinande-nande. 'm Starting a music instrument harmonica addition, ketipung, guitar, and bass from clay. 1962 came to a stop because there are so police, navy, there is a civil servant, and part of the move. 

Rose again on May 17, 2002 with commanded by Subardi, Waliyono, Dulkasim, and Aspandi. With musicians Toekijo personnel, Sujiyo, Cipto Wiyono, Mitro Tukijo, Pardiyono, Margono, Tumiran, Harto Kamidin, Subarjo, Wagino, Daroni, Miskiran, Sarjono, Sudiran, Patience, Harto Topo, Sungkono, Sungkono, Surupto, Ngadirin, Parinem, Siah Subardi. Unlike the previous year during this period played a lot of old songs, campursari, keroncong, and track Qasida. Equipment began to include tools and cak cuk. Because of the earthquake, this group fakum again. 

A year after the earthquake, the group tried to re-start-up on July 7, 2007. This time it started to involve village officials as an elder or advisory groups. Both Pardiyo and Margono. Tugimin members, Aspandi, Subardi, Tukiran, Syawal, Pardiyo, Tukijan, Mitriharjo, Sujiyo, Kamijan, Suratman, Harto Kamidin, Dulkasim, Patience, Parinem, Yanti, and Sutinah. This group is now named for Orchestra Pekbung 'Wijisewu Barrel'. 

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