Sunday, June 26, 2011
Pantai Nama,Moluccas,Indonesia
If you get bored go to the mall, occasionally come to a place far from the noise. For that, try going to the Moluccas, where there are many beautiful beaches, unspoiled.Exoticism Maluku is famous for a long time. This place is so famous for its variety of beaches to attract the eye. One of them, Pantai Nama, which is located in Southwest Maluku. Pantai Nama is famous for its natural beaches are still beautiful. If you visit the beach on a weekday name, charm is strong enough. Because the venue as uninhabited beach. Quiet and calm. However, if you visit during the day, it appears some people around who are busy with their respective activities. On the beach, there are several flora, one coconut tree, which is one of the most potential of plantation there. Local people used to download a coconut to eat. The sun was still casting its rays. Occasionally the sea breeze blowing hard, but some people still seem cool to continue its activities. The cliffs are not too high on the beach, filled with a variety of wild trees in there, into another scene, if you're tired of seeing the ocean. Evening came. When this is the most awaited by the visitors Coast Names. Because they can enjoy the beauty of the sun began to dim in the distance. Vacationing at the Beach The name is memorable. In addition to everyday people can see there, the beach has a beautiful name that can not be obtained elsewhere.
Museum Pusaka,TMII,Jakarta,Indonesia
Heritage Museum located in the south path between the Indonesian military museum and the Museum of Insects, a typical building on the roof because there is the looming shape of the keris. This museum aims to preserve, maintain, collect, and inform the cultural objects of traditional weapons to future generations to feel proud of their nation and can be utilized for those who want to study and research on the weapon. At first museum was a collection, then granted by Sri Lestari Agung Mas Ibu Tien Soeharto, the chairman of Yayasan Harapan Kita. Once coupled with the purchase, Heritage Museum has the most complete collection of traditional weapons, representing 26 provinces in Indonesia. Museum''with two floors covering an area of 1535 m² on 3800 m² of land has some space as a means and support, which is exhibition space, information space, space management, workshop space, library space, space conservation and preservation, stock room, and space souvenirs . In addition to modeling the objects collection of weapons throughout the country, the exhibition space also informed various things about the inheritance, for example details of the inheritance, various forms of inheritance, epoch-making heritage, decorative heirloom blades, a variety of typical regional heritage, heritage from age to age, and relics of the results findings. The types of wood to create a heirloom and besalen space (the workplace master keris maker) and utensils complement the exhibition. In Keris Nagasasra Sabuk Inten era, Kujang era Pajajaran, keris Singa Barong tinata mas, karih of Sumatra, belati from Mataram kingdom era, Kudi of Tuban empire era, the sword from Hamengku Bowono IX era, and keris Naga Tapa of Yogyakarta on display as heirlooms seeded because of the rare and legendary. In addition to permanent exhibitions, the museum also conducts periodic exhibitions both at home and cooperation with outside parties. Other activities offered to the public is penjamasan heritage, heritage consulting, and exchanges for those interested in collecting heirloom heirlooms
Serangan Island, Bali,Indonesia
Bali has so famous around the world. Kuta and Sanur become the most favourite places to visit in Bali. But now you can visit Serangan island. One of exotic island hidden behind Benoa bay.
Sea on the island is almost no waves. This quiet ocean that really made the atmosphere very comfortable.Enjoying the breeze along the coast, with a glass of coconut ice can be selected. Enjoy a beautiful sunrise with a light massage for the body to relax. Morning is the best time to enjoy the beauty of this island.
Coat the body with sunblock, and enjoy the warm sunshine. Do not forget to wear sunglasses to ward off the heat of the sun. Sand-coarse sand found on the shoreline, will seize your attention to put off your shoes and walking away.
What about the Sea... Do not ask again. So clear and beautiful. Glint of the sun makes the sea more beautiful and interesting. Not surprisingly, many who turn away foreign tourists from Bali, and parked his yacht to enjoy the beauty of the island of attack.
Want to stay... No need to worry about finding a place. Because along the island there are hotels with various facilities on offer.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Taman Satwa Jaru Jurug,Solo,Central Java,Indonesia
Animal Park or also known as Jurug Park located in Solo,near Bengawan Solo river. This beautiful place also used to celebrate traditional event of Solo for example Syawalan tradition. This special event marked by Larung Ageng Gethek Joko Tingkir.Thousand of people came around to Bengawan Solo river for watching this event.
This procession told about Joko Tingkir's journey towards Demak starts from Pesanggrahan Langenharjo Grogol, Sukoharjo until Butuh Sragen.
The procession so very attractive so that many people came to see this event.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Air Permai Beach,Kalimantan,Indonesia
Air Permai Beaches located in the village of Sungai Kanan Awan Ketapang district of West Kalimantan, Air Permai beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Ketapang. In addition to its white sand, vegetation flora and fauna found on the beach is also very attractive for visitors. The vegetation of mangrove forests (Rhizophora sp, sp Bruiguera,) is still quite preserved coastal bird habitats are very exotic. Air Permai Beach is located 10 km from City Ketapang Air Permai beach can be reached by two-wheeled vehicles and four wheels with a travel time of approximately sekitara 10 minutes. Beach attractions Tears Permai which covers 100 hectares of mangrove forest is dominated by the still incomplete and is a place for wildlife observation of birds. There are about 27 bird species found around the coast of Tears Permai, among others butorides satriatus, haliastur indus, haliaetus leucogaster, numenius Arquata, numenius phaeopus, Tringa cinereus, Tringa hypoleucos, streptopelia chinensis, pelargopsis capensis and others. In addition to recreation, the beach Tears Permai visitors can perform various other activities such as beach sports, camping, and out bond activity.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Way Hayang Beach,Sumatera,Indonesia
Way Hawang Beach is located in the Village Way and the Coast Linau Hawangroadside cross-Bengkulu Lampung, Way Hawang Beach is a beach that has whitesand and a bay so the water was calm and clean.
Sightseeing more precisely this beach is located in the district Hawang Way Kaur.Between Bintuhan with Merpas.
Besides the beautiful beaches here are stone objects jung is a rock shaped like a ship / boat which located in Beach Way hawang sub Maje district Kaur. According to the tale, this stone came from a ship, why the curse because of the bitter tongue. the curse of the bitter tongueof this because at that time around the ship there is someone who is looking for fish,and then came a gentlemen (the bitter tongue) that are running around the beach.
He asked the fire on the ship owner that he called-Mangil but like the same time ignored, not necessarily because the ship ignored but the distance was far enoughfrom shore so as not to be heard by the owner of the vessel. Sipahit tonguedikutuknya wrath and the ship was turned to stone, then the ship was changed into stone. When viewed through the stone shape very similar to a ship / boat. Very fittingfor a vacation with family on weekends while menghilangi tired after undergoing aweek of activities.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Pombo Island Marine Park,Halmahera,Maluku, Indonesia
Pombo Island marine park with nature and the circumstances surrounding marine waters have a typical flora and fauna and their ecosystems should be protected and development that took place in nature has been designated as a conservation area of natural resources by category of natural reserves. Establishment of nature reserves with the status of Pombo Island Nature Reserve / Marine Park conducted by SK.Minister of Agriculture Number: 327/Kpts/Um/7/1973 dated July 25, 1973 with an area of 1,000 ha, including land, coral reef (coral reef) and the lagoon. As Nature Reserve / Marine Park, the utilization of natural resources Pombo Island that can be done is with the emphasis for research and development of science, education and other activities that support the cultivation (Act No. 5, 1990, Article 17.1). Pombo island as one of the conservation of marine resources is important and high potential in the Province need to be developed into a national asset that can accelerate the achievement of national development goals in general and in particular Province. Nature Reserve / Pombo Island Marine Park has a sea view in the form of rocks, a very beautiful and very well-organized nature, combined with life as a kind of ornamental fish, zoo-plankton and shellfish. This conservation area is also home to one stopover and nesting bird species typical / Maluku endemic bird which Pombo (Ducula bicolor) and various other bird species.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Bayang Sani Waterfalls,West Sumatera,Indonesia
In the Dutch colonial era, Bayang Sani waterfall knew as the place for shower for Dutch Royal family. Waterfall with a height of almost 80 hundred meters is already very well known.Bayang Sani beautiful waterfalls located in the village of Koto Baru district Bayang.
Object tourism is 60 km from the city of Padang and 20 km from the city with a long journey Painan ± 1.5 hours and can be reached by vehicle two and four, and veryeasy to reach because it is only 500 m from the roadside. Bayang Sani Waterfall consists of three tiers of waterfalls from Batang shadow Sani, who came from farupstream on the hill.
Former waterfall that is similar to a ponytail is always referred to by the community with a new name come well in the decade of the 80s come well name it is replaced by the name of Bayang Sani. Bayang Sani waterfall consists of several levels, according to locals there are around five waterfalls. But who can be reached only up to thesecond level waterfall. Can say this Sani waterfall shadow of the largest waterfalls inthe South Coast district. Bayang Sani waterfall is a waterfall tourist icon in the South Coast district.
Selampit Delapan Dance, Jambi,Indonesia
Dance braid eight is a traditional dance originating from the province of Jambi. This dance was first introduced by M. Ceylon, for closer relations between the youth association. Through the medium of dance, the atmosphere of intimacy among youth can be developed well. Every movement in this dance describes the cohesiveness, and solidarity that is the guidance in daily life. Men born in Padang Sidempuan July 7, 1941 has exceptional talent in the arts, especially dance. As a good personal, friendly, and energetic makes him easy to adapt to local culture and environment. Ceylon named this dance "Selampit Delapan" which refers to 8 straps that are used in the dance. Ceylon friend named O.K. Hendrik then suggested to replace the wick stove with a scarf so that played dance looked more appealing. The proposal was approved by the Ceylon, so that in any event staging Dance Eight braid, scarf used as a medium of dance until now. Dance association was first played by eight people using the wick stove as much as 8 rope tied to or hung in the attic. In Dance braid Eight contained a message about the meaning of an association, that association is based on good faith, mutual respect, and behaved wisely. Surely this view is inseparable from the philosophy of community life Jambi uphold the values of faith as a cornerstone in each interaction.Dance braid Eight lots shown on party activities, like party and promotion of indigenous culture. In Selampit Delapan Dance the audience can watch the graceful movements that are served by the dancers. The dance opened with a squat movement and play while you deliver to greet obeisance to the audience as respect. The dancers perform the movement regards as a tribute to the audience of his willingness witnessed the dance offerings from start to finish. The dance continued with the core movement, each dancer immediately takes the scarf that hung to further prepare for the core motion. They then formed a circle before making a rotary motion. Slowly one by one from the dancers spin to knit a scarf, this movement is done in turns with graceful movements, so the scarf coalesce into a beautiful winding. Interesting dance movements increases with the composition of colorful clothes and scarves are worn by dancers. The dancers, amounting to 8 people (4 pairs) appear with the composition of colorful clothes, like blue, yellow, red, and pink scarf with a matching color. Assorted colors are beautiful looks combined with typical Malay Jambi woven sarong made of gold-embroidered silk used as a belt.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
diponegoro Park,Semarang,Central Java,Indonesia
Semarang is one of the tropical cities in Indonesia. Really felt the heat of the sunduring the day. In this regard, the Semarang also has some green open space whose numbers are still quite balanced, with an area in Semarang and density. Some parks can be found in Semarang include Tabanas Park, Monument Park Young, SingosariPark, Park KB, Park Diponegoro and others.
Still there are many green open spaces both large and small scale. For DiponegoroPark itself, according to a survey conducted by the daily Suara Merdeka, is the park's most favored by the people of Semarang for now because of its aesthetics.Compared to other parks in Hyderabad.
Diponegoro Park does have the potential to be maximized. There already has some good elements such as plants and trees that are green and shady, a park bench,garden lights are quite bright. However, the constraints on the park is the access and affordability to that location.
The park is indeed laid down as a round about way from the direction of Sultan Agung,Elephant Mungkur, Elizabeth Hospital, and toward the center of town (Simpang Lima).With the busy traffic flow as it makes people who want to park Diponegoro becomelazy and afraid to cross.
If you want to enjoy the atmosphere cool and green in there, park your vehicle in HienTong stores or shops that exist across the Diponegoro Park. There is enough parking space so as not to be confused if you bring a vehicle to get there. In addition, many activities that can be done such as exercising, playing with the family.
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