Monday, April 19, 2010

Tembang Cianjuran,West Java,Indonesia

Since now, Tembang Cianjuran often be an integral part of an art show at events for the community welcoming guests Sunda, such as weddings or circumcisions. Sekar voice strains (sinden) that melodious harp and flute accompaniment instruments create an atmosphere more graceful, polite, solemn and full of hospitality. Sehigga the guests who come will surely drifting on the existing atmosphere. If said Tembang Cianjuran is music that has a color Sundanese music was so enchanting, elegant, soft and smooth. It is indeed very closely related to the development of the embryo and Tembang Cianjuran. 

Art Song Cianjuran born from the copyright sense, and intention Bupati Cianjur IX, R. Aria Kusumaningrat Duke (1834-1861), or, more often known as "through Pancaniti". But in subsequent upgrades are the result of his creation, aided by the artist dalem Pancaniti districts, namely: Rd. Natawiredja, AEM and Maing Buleng. This is the third person who was granted permission to disseminate Dalem Pancaniti Cianjuran songs. At RAA Prawiradiredja II reign (1861-1910), art Tembang Cianjuran refined rules. With the added accompaniment of harp and flute sound, it gives birth to Tembang Cianjuran known until recently. 

Cianjuran song was originally a music filled the prestige of the nobles. Therefore, the presence of Tembang Cianjuran originally intended for officials or high-class society. And because it is also where her performance is always in-marquee marquee district. Usually used for formal occasions welcoming guests regents or official ceremonies of national holidays. However, in the growth and development along with the various changes that occur in society Tembang Cianjuran has become as familiar to the community. Cianjuran songs previously only be enjoyed by the nobility, developed into a music rooted in the populist tradition. Now, Song Cianjuran very easily found in the event of marriage feasts Cianjur community. 

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