Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dungkrek, Traditional art from Madiun,East Java,IndonesiA

Dungkrek is a result of the culture of the society generally and in particular Madison Mejayan rural communities to meet kebutuan relationship with the natural environment and its aesthetic and spiritual expression. As an art tradition dungkrek strongly associated with human spiritual values in meeting the need for dependence of God.
Forms dungkrek performances carried out with the wine around the village, hereinafter called the procession dungkrek. 

Performing these forms of pageantry as a means to expel 'pagebluk', as inplementasi of the characteristics of society are always dynamic in the social life of the culture, the disclosure of which are delivered in the form of dances and the voice sounds such as voice and krek building. 
The name "Dungkrek derived or taken from two sounds embedded in the device instrume dungkrek. Those instruments sound is" building "of the drum and" krek "from the voice matches, which is a typical musical instrument in which there is only music that makes one dungkrek.Korek tersebutlah one peculiarity dungkrek. Instruments is one of the main tools for starting ritual custody. Even in its development 'dungkrek' in akronimkan in an expression that has an extension of the word 'duanipun Kawulo enggalo karaharjan'. 
Dungkrek as a spiritual medium using various tools in the implementation of the ritual. Dungkrek tool consists of several forms, including; 
a). Instrument 
The composition of the instruments / music dungkrek consists of: 
1. Single drum 
2. Kempul one fruit (barrel 6) 
3. Kenong one fruit (a barrel) 
4. Gong intelligence one 
5. Drums (the rhythm) 
6. Matches empatbuah 
7. Four rafters 
b). Mask 
Consists of: 
1. Mask Gendruwon four (red, yellow, hijuau, and black) 
2. Female mask 2 fruit (beautiful and Perot) 
3. Parents mask one 
4. Stretchy one fruit masks 
5. Mask carrier (Dongkrek Takeran Magetan) 
c). Equipment 
1. Two pieces of wood Keris 
2. Sword / godo two pieces of wood 
3. A single wooden stick 
d). Dance Apparel (Costume) 
1. Giants use black pants with red stripes 
2. Female dancers use jarit striated and bersanggul. 
3. Parents of dancers dressed with blangkon Surjan Surakarta style. 
e). Isntrumen Games 
1. There are rhythmic melodies 
2. Buko (voorspel) begins with the sound of bamboo rafters 
3. Rhythm in principle remain 
4. There are no dynamics and variations 
f). Dance forms Dungkrek 
The principle of free movement dance just as they pleased from the perpetrators, the perpetrators in accordance with their respective roles movements is free movement combined with the sound of his rhythm. 
g). Ritual Dungkrek 
Dungkrek as a form of ritual procession, many noble values contained in the meaning of life. Dungkrek ritual activities include; 
1. Hung in the corners of houses; 
a). Coconut jebuk (kopyor) 
b). Layah / cobek who painted a frightening picture 
c). Fleeced animal bones 
d). Horseshoe former (despite myself). 
2. Lanang yarn wrapped yarn around the house. 
3. do not sleep before midnight. 
4. In the family sleep in a way mrajupat (longitudinal direction of the wind eye). 
5. Not answer the call the night before obviously, that greets. 
6. At night, multiply reading praise pujan (spell starting in the form of alternating praise slamet, stump, wrong, and praise singkir. 
7. Prohibit taking chicken eggs in coconut trees. 
8. Giving Aron Aron-ata on the forehead a small child's ear if any person dies. 
9. Conducting activities in dalem palangan with events; 
a). Incantation incantation-departure readings custody 
b). Structuring heritage Palangan Dalem 
c). Setup mask and gamelan dungkrek gendruwon 
d). Jamasan and salvation heritage Palangan (Kyai Bali, Kyai Fireworks Evening, Kyai Udan Arum) 
10. Instruments Kirap Gendruwon and corners throughout the village. 
11. Installation of several tumbal in certain places, such as intersection, fork in the road and places which have been determined. 
C. Express meaning in Dungkrek 
Dungkrek in it contains many values that are expressed through all the elements forming Dungkrek. These elements include, musical instrument, a character mask (kedokan), properte (weapons) and forms of ritual activity. 
1. Instruments 
Instruments in Dungkrek many containing the values expressed in it, which include; 
a). Bedhuk: Revealing that someone pemipin should have advantages compared with lead / subjects. In the Javanese philosophy of a leader must have supernatural powers, as a 'dhokdeng' 
b). Rate: Reveals that a leader must possess milia / let 'virtuous', to always protect his subjects. 
c). Kenong: Reveals that a leader must always be 'manekung' her closer to God by always' quiet heneng henung henang 'who always think clearly, calmly considering' dumunung'kepada God for victory and peace. 
d). Matches: Sweeping clean 'scraped' all obstacles 'sengkolo' contained in the community. 
e). Gong: Reveals that all things eventually. 
f). Kenthongan: Reveal Kenthongan in the community that serves as a communication tool, as a sound alarm or collecting society in solving problems. 
2. Mask People / kedokan Gendruwon 
People and Gendruwon dongkrek mask contains a lot of value expressed therein which include; 
a). Mask / kedokan Gendruwon: Reveal something evil that diwujudkn anger in the form of a scary waja colors: red, yellow, green, white and black. 
b). Mask / kedokan wedoan: revealing the faces of the seductive and beautiful face with eyes glancing Perot who do not care and indifference as a form of society that hiterogen. 
c). Mask / kedokan parents: 
3. Property 
a). Sticks / signature: Reveal a handle, that in life should have the right grip that is held in the Lord commands and prohibitions. 
b). Sword / Godo: 
4. Dance Dungkrek (stage debut), another expressed value as found in dungkrek dance performances, among others; 
a). Gait gendruwo who spread evil with greed anger and disturbing the public tranquility 
b). Wedokan Beksan beautiful and Perot kehiterogenan depicting life in the community. Women as beings who figure memililiki allure / teaser. 
c). Keanggkaramurkaan depicting Gendruwon War mastering public tranquility. 
d). Conquest gendruwon by Kyai gilt depicting the destruction of Ankara by the nobility. 
5. Arakan gendruwon that portray crime has been controlled by kindness. Disclosure of the value of life in the arts there dungkrek religious values and social dungkrek able to make art as art that has the noble values that need to be conserved adi and developed in accordance with the changing times without leaving the spiritual values and aesthetics.

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