Saturday, July 31, 2010

Merti Desa,Sesajen untuk Mbah Merbabu,Java,Indonesia

Every month Sapar, residents Selo, Boyolali, Central Java, held in Spring Village Merti ritual sacred. Ritual at the foot of Mount Merbabu or better known as Mbah Merbabu offerings for this, as an expression of gratitude for the source of spring water that continues to flow, so the harvest abundant.
Tradition held by citizens Grintingan Hamlet, Village Lencoh, Selo, Boyolali, was held precisely at noon.
Hundreds of residents mengkirab various offerings around the village, before being taken to the Spring Mbah Merbabu.
In this carnival, arts village residents wore costumes, such as a mountain horse, tenen, and the arts plate Kawencar Mt. Carnival of Hamlet Grintingan down, and residents continue to play music until the spring bamboo.
Mbah Merbabu sacred spring was believed by the residents, is located just above the township. This spring is the only source of water that keeps the locals.
Village elders and then put the various offerings, and led the prayer. Uniquely, the main offerings in this ritual is different village dances.
Before the ritual ends, the village elders tamarind trees planted around the spring. These tree seedlings will replace the old tamarind tree. According to residents, the previous seed of this tree had prayed for a full week.

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