Many ways are made to wait for the fasting break time. In Tulungagung Regency, the young kids use the time while nyethe ngabuburit, namely painting cigarette with coffee grounds. Accuracy and complexity of this painting in cigarettes to make them take me hours to produce cigarettes painting.
With their group gathered at a coffee shop to do an activity or paint nyethe cigarette with coffee grounds. Nyethe activity is not too complicated, one cup of coffee that was ordered from the coffee shop owner was taken to the pulp can be made to paint. If regular days immediately enjoyed coffee while fasting month but they were only one message for nyethe coffee together.
In order taken coffee grounds good for painting, should be ensured smooth coffee grounds left in the cup and set aside some time to jell without water. After the pulp thickened coffee is ready to be used as a painting, one by one cigarette started painted slowly and carefully so as not broken, a variety of motives was formed a beautiful painting. For the waiting time to break the fast, each afternoon they usually draw 10 to 20 cigarettes, due to paint a rod takes 5 to 10 menit.Tradisi nyethe had been attached for a long time for society Tulungagung. Many coffee shops make the emergence of creative young people to paint over the cigarette. Butterfly motifs and batik is their favorite in nyethe. To make this motive they have to use sharp objects to be easy to draw a picture.
So that coffee grounds can be used to paint, the seller must use a fine ground coffee and milk are sometimes given to the level of tackiness painting better. Apart from being ngabuburit activity, nyethe also become an arena for creativity of young people with Tulungagung cethe taste of cigarettes valued at more tasty and flavorful appeal.

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