Ritual Rewanda held every year on 3 syawal by citizens of District Kampung Kacang Kandri Copenhagen GunungPati District. This event begins the carnival of the courtyard of the mosque of Al. Mabrur Kreo to Goa. Arak - Carnival procession consisting of Manggoloydo, Pembwa Banner, Bannerman Bearer - Banner 4 colors (red, white, yellow, black), manggar flower, teak bearers, the students, offering cone bearers, pager ayu, pagers good and the dancers gado-gado Semarang. Until the Goa page Kreo held cone delivery offerings undertaken by the caretaker to rewanda both the living and the dead (ancestors / spirits), and the students rose to the top for tahlil and pray with the Lord memhon kepda YME to its employees, masyrakat Talon nuts, and visitors are blessed with safety, longevity and good fortune are good.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Ritual Rewanda from Semarang,Central Java,Indonesia
Pagoda Avalokitesvara ,Semarang,Central Java,Indonesia
This beautiful building consists of seven levels. Each level has 4 statues of Guan Yin Goddess facing fourth penjuru.Pembangunanya motivated by the need to Buddhist places of worship which is more feasible and convenient. Previously in this place there is only a small monastery which had stood since 1957. Later in the year 2005 Avalokitesvara Pagoda was built pembangunanya plan takes only 8 months but because waiting for the goods and sculptures from China backed a resolution this 10th bulan.Pagoda has many features as the starting tiles, accessories, steps from the stone reliefs (9 dragons ), swimming dragon, dragon lamps, dragon fountains to phoenix statue and candles, all taken from China. Located in Independence Pioneers road open to the public every day.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Bendungan Batu Tegi,Lampung,Indonesia
Stone Tegi dam area is located near the city center Talang Padang district, with most of the population is ethnic SEMENDO (South Sumatra) who had settled in this area since the first. In addition to its main function as hydropower and irrigation / irrigation, this dam was also able to function as objects of tourism, because it has a charm of stunning scenery. If lucky, the various types of freshwater fish can be bought, among others BAUNG, cork, catfish, and so on, which is a catchment population of around a boat motor that often rely on Floating dock, two to four times a day. Enthusiasts also can also rent a boat for just around the lake or fishing.
Batu Tapak Si Pahit Lidah,Lampung,Indonesia
Batu Tapak Si Pahit Lidah is located in the village Sukabanjar, Sukau district, and is about 37 km from Liwa to the Sukau. It is said that Batu Tapak Si Pahit Lidah was a place where two mistic fight. They were Si Pahit Lidah and Si Mata Empat and both of them were killeed. This location is surrounded by beautiful green hills. The majority of the population is indigenous people around Lake Ranau who was descended from the Kingdom Pagarruyung and Seranjang
Pantai Ujungnegoro,Pekalongan,Java,Indonesia
Ujung Negoro beach is located about 14 Km from the city center rod. This beach can be said one of the most beautiful beaches on the coast Pantura because it has a varied contour of the land. On one side of the beach, has a height of 14 meters above sea level. very rarely found along the North Coast of Java. In addition, there are several beach side of a prominent collection of stone surface that adds beauty Ujung Negoro beach panorama. Pantai Ujung Negoro still very natural and quite clean, some public facilities have been built there, including the parking area, seating and shelter at the seaside. For visitors who want to enjoy the journey to the sea, can ride the boat or fishing here.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Pantai Jakat,Bengkulu,Indonesia
Jakat beach is a lot of tourist interest to young and old tourists, because of the high spot of the hill. Is a beach with a slope from 0 to 1.5 meters at low tide and up. To achieve a liaison ladders, Jakat Coast we can enjoy the natural scenery is stunning while the sun sank towards the natural ambiance is quite romantic. Located in the center of town and can be reached by various types of transportation. This beach is usually always crowded communities visited every Sunday afternoon.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Pantai Bandengan,Jepara,Central Java,Indonesia
History Bandengan Beach
According to the story from generation to generation, the name Beach Bandengan first given by the son of Sunan Muria Amir Hasan will now travel to develop the science of religion Karimun Jawa. When he reached the beach, they found that many Milkfish area called the Village Bandengan. Beach in the village was eventually called Bandengan beach.
On this beach is also a favorite place to start a National Hero of women's emancipation RA Kartini who is the daughter of the regent of Jepara at the time. R.A. Kartini frequent trips to the beach with the Dutch nobility in those days.
White Sand Beach lush
You can enjoy the panorama of clear beaches and white sand. In addition, you can also enjoy the pandanus trees shrubs or trees along the coast of Jepara Bandengan Beach or also known as Ocean Beach Tirta. Bandengan beach has a gently sloping coastal structures and the water clear and clean. Therefore, this beach is perfect for a beach resort such as swimming, playing beach volleyball, boating, or just biking on the beach.
In addition, the condition of the north coast of Java are relatively calm making it relatively safe beach to enjoy the game on the edge of the sea or swimming. Even when you dip into the clear sea water, you can see the little fish are running at the bottom of the sea water.
According to the story from generation to generation, the name Beach Bandengan first given by the son of Sunan Muria Amir Hasan will now travel to develop the science of religion Karimun Jawa. When he reached the beach, they found that many Milkfish area called the Village Bandengan. Beach in the village was eventually called Bandengan beach.
On this beach is also a favorite place to start a National Hero of women's emancipation RA Kartini who is the daughter of the regent of Jepara at the time. R.A. Kartini frequent trips to the beach with the Dutch nobility in those days.
White Sand Beach lush
You can enjoy the panorama of clear beaches and white sand. In addition, you can also enjoy the pandanus trees shrubs or trees along the coast of Jepara Bandengan Beach or also known as Ocean Beach Tirta. Bandengan beach has a gently sloping coastal structures and the water clear and clean. Therefore, this beach is perfect for a beach resort such as swimming, playing beach volleyball, boating, or just biking on the beach.
In addition, the condition of the north coast of Java are relatively calm making it relatively safe beach to enjoy the game on the edge of the sea or swimming. Even when you dip into the clear sea water, you can see the little fish are running at the bottom of the sea water.
Bandengan beach often visited because of the unique natural atmosphere. You can find the atmosphere of white sand beach wide. Then you too can enjoy the beauty of the clear sea water. And that interest is a lush expanse of trees and green around the beach. Of course this makes the atmosphere at the Beach Bandengan so cool and comfortable. The beauty of the beach here can rival the beauty of the beaches in Bali.
You can also visit the island in the middle of the sea from the beach Bandengan. The island that you can visit from here that Long Island. On this island you can see the beautiful natural wealth of flora and fauna of interest. You can visit this island with a relatively low cost. You also can wander along the beach to rent a boat or ship that is ready take you around the beach while enjoying the natural beauty of Bandengan Beach.
Sunset on the Beach Bandengan Jepara
After enjoying a variety of fun games at the Beach Bandengan until late afternoon, it's time you enjoyed a stunning performance at this beach. This is an amazing show of nature, namely the process or sunset sunset. You can admire the beauty of the sun on the way stops in the evening. The reflected light is dimming the sun visible in the sea water with the calm waves in this Bandengan Coast. Moments like this are often perpetuated by the photographer who happened to stop by the Beach Bandengan Jepara.
You can also enjoy panoramic sunset or sunset while enjoying food is served in restaurants in Beach Bandengan lips. One of the famous restaurant in this beach is Sunset Beach Restaurant, founded by Italian citizens who have a local wife. The restaurant is often visited by foreign tourists. You can enjoy a pizza that is typical Italian food, seafood and Indonesian cuisine while enjoying the beautiful panorama sunset and hear the waves on the seashore. If you eat at one restaurant on the beach Bandengan, then you can go for free to Bandengan Beach attractions.
If you're tired and want to rest, at the beach are also offered Bandengan villa or accommodation can be rented. After resting for the night, in the morning you can enjoy the sunrise panorama serving in Bandengan Beach.
Beach Sightseeing Bandengan not difficult to visit. JESNA has been providing good roads and easy transportation to attractions Bandengan Beach. So, if you're in Central Java, it would not hurt you come to Jepara. As he saw the beauty of typical Jepara carving, you can also stop by the flagship attractions that JESNA Bandengan Beach or also known as Ocean Beach Tirta.
Sukawati Art Market,Bali,Indonesia
Sukawati market is a market that is very popular in Bali. Because of this market sells casual clothing at very crooked.
Sukawati market provides such clothes typical batik bali, bali than typical batik is also available a variety of clothes and shorts prices that will fit on the beach used. And also there are some patterned shirt Bali. All items here can be negotiable, and as tipsnya could cost one-third of the first price offered by the seller
And to launch an offer, should come into this market when the morning around 8-10 because the seller had just finished their prayers and their menggap if sales are successful in the morning would bring kelarisan for the next hour.
In addition to cheap clothes, in this market is also famous for its art objects like paintings of various paintings. Also there are various models bags.
And before heading Sukawati market, should visit the Silver Celuk Kerajina Center. In this Celuk silverware we can buy different kinds of handicrafts made of silver. And other advantages, here we can also see directly how the craftsmen make these silver
Wisata Alam Lhoong,Aceh.Indonesia
Nature tourism Lhoong, Aceh Besar
Natural landmarks, Waterfall Lhoong, Aceh Besar, seen coming to life again, after nearly 30 years left visitors for security reasons due to armed conflict plagued Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD).
Foreign citizens (foreigners), both men and women who were conducting a humanitarian mission in Aceh, every day off to enjoy the beauty of nature tourism with friends with a local guide accompanied.
Before birth, the Helsinki MoU, waterfall attractions Lhoong tree-lined large timber and forested never again visited the community, mainly for fear his safety. He said, recently, the flow of people to visit the natural attractions on every day off is always crowded, including family tours and school children who make the region as a place of separation.
Earlier, Acting Regent of Aceh Besar, H. A. Madjid AR, justifying the current visit to the tourist sites in the region growing hemp, not just the natural waterfall tours, but also a maritime tourism community options. Maritime tourism in Aceh Besar, which has come back to life includes the location of Lhoknga, Ujung Batee and Lampuuk, but pembenahannya not done because of limited budgets, so the natural look not neatly after the tsunami.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Makam Rato Ebu,Madura,East Java,Indonesia
Rato's tomb is located within the complex Ebu Paserean "Aer Mata", located 25 km north of Jakarta, precisely in the village district Buduran AROSBAYA Bangkalan District. Ebu Rato tomb is the tomb of a noble woman named Syarifah Ambami. According to historical documents, states that are descendants Ambami Syarifah Giri Gresik to 5. He dipersunting by Prince Tjakraningrat I which is also adopted by Sultan Agung of Mataram. It is said that since the War of Mataram in 1624, Madura controlled by Sultan Agung. Then he wanted to Prince Madura Tjakraningrat I ordered a whole. The king was carried out with full responsibility.
Although Madura became territory, but instead Tjakraningrat Prince rarely stay in Sampang. Moreover, the king of Mataram, Sultan Agung, still need energy to lead the kingdom in the land of Prince Tjakraningrat Java so I often stay in the kingdom of Java. Naturally, if the Queen Syarifah more lives in the Kingdom Sampang alone without a beloved husband. But the Queen Syarifah is a female figure who devout and obedient to all her husband's orders. So to fill empty time, Queen Syarifah more popularly known as the Queen Mother spent more time to meditate on a hill in the village of District Buduran AROSBAYA.
In the legendary history of Madura Tripe told, that during the retreat, the Queen Mother Syarifah always ask Allah SWT. to descendants of men who could later become the top pemerinytahan in Madura. He hoped that the leadership of the Government held until seven generations. Curiously in the legend was also told that one day in retreat, the Queen Mother met with the Prophet Syarifah U.S. Khidlir. In a meeting that's just a moment, it seemed like all requests will be granted the Queen Mother.
Feeling his retreat was enough, then the Queen Mother Syarifah returned to the Palace Sampang. Not after a while, her husband of Paneran Tjakraningrat I come from serving in the Kingdom Mataram.sebagai loyal wife, Queen Syarifah course welcome him gladly. He even told him what had happened during the meditation site, including a tip that the petition in order derivatives led government later granted in Madura also told the runtun.
Hearing narrative Syarifah Queen, Prince Tjakraningrat I was angry, he was very disappointed with his statement. Instead Prince Tjakraningrat I asked angrily, "Why are you just begging for seven generations, our descendants should ever have to govern in Madura!", Retorted the Prince to the Queen Tjakraningrat I Syarifah. Women Itupun just bowed his head.
After the death of her husband's duty to Mataram, the Queen returned to the village Syarifah Buduran to be imprisoned. In the Queen Mother's retreat begged her husband's desire to make all of his descendants can become leaders in the Government of the Queen Mother Madura.all day pleading to Allah SWT. to hope he could be granted, she begged, still crying. This was done to death in the hermitage, in a state of crying. Hermitage place the Queen Mother's funeral. That is why, the tomb is known as the Tomb of Queen Mother or Aer Mata. Eye Aer Dikompleks Pasarean also been buried kings of Madura, was the ancient buildings with high-value arsitetkur shades that attract the attention of foreign and domestic tourists. No less interesting than the architectural splendor of Borobudur temple in Java or another.
It is said that according to historical legend mentioned, that the construction of the building was standing in the nineteenth century to the 15th or the 16th in order, without any means of cement paste. Start from the headstone, grave framework, all beautifully carved stone-like white marble taken from locations around the tomb. One of the grave caretaker, said that the pilgrims who came from year to year there is an increase. Strangely, although many pilgrims who came forth, but it remains pasarean complex was clean and seemed well maintained.
Outstanding beauty and high artistic value lies in three "Dome" main tomb measuring 40 x 20, the tomb of Queen Mother Syarifah Ambami, Tjakraningrat Panembahan Tjakraningrat II and III. So is "Dome" at the tomb of Panembahan Tjakraningrat V, VI and VII mentioned Tjakradiningrat title I. So when the scarcity of natural and artistic beauty and architectural value in the eyes Aer Pasarean government concern, then in 1975 the compound eyes Pasarean Aer included in the contest and exhibition of heritage architecture art Asian Antiquities was represented Indonesia. The result got the highest score.
Since then Pasarean Aer Mata Bangkalan district known not only domestic tourists, but foreign tourists to arrive, but tourists, as well as the science disciplines such as archeology, anthropology and history, they come from within and abroad, making eye Aer Pasarean complex as scientific research . Be interesting to research material, because the art style of architecture and sculpture in Aer Mata has characteristic blend of Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic.
Aer Pasarean eyes in 1970 was then in danger of collapse. Among the three main Dome as a buffer fragile, some "peak" (decorative fence) a lot of falling around the complex, because it is not maintained. So in 1978, MOEC Kasi Bangkalan then occupied by Mrs.. Siyanto days to report on the condition of historic sites in Bangkalan the central government. Apparently the report was a major concern that restoration was carried out in 1979 and 1987 and was inaugurated by Education Minister Prof. Dr. Fuad Hasan.
There are five cupola is restored, among others:
Cone I
There are 20 tombs including the tomb of Queen Mother Syarifah Ambami.
Dome II
There are 46 tombs, including the tomb of Prince Tjakraningrat II and IV.
Dome III
There are 24 tombs including the tomb of Panembahan Tjakra Adingrat I, PPA Tjakraningrat (Wali Negoro), and RA. Moh. Tjakraningrat Roslan who died on December 23, 1976.
Dome IV
There are 11 graves makamdiantaranya Tumenggung Mloyo
Cone V
There are 10 tombs and the tombs of two of them are Colonel Suryo Mas Ayu Adiningrat and Aminah.
The Place of exile and banishment of Sam Ratulangi,Papua,Indonesia
When we crossed Serui downtown, then we will have a monument to the history of Sam Ratulangi exile when the pre independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
Dr. Saul Samuel Yacob Gerungan Ratulangi or Sam Ratulangi, birth date 5 November 1890, is a son from Manado, the first doctorate in mathematics, also a politician Minahasa. He is known as multidimensional fighter with a strong philosophy "The timou tumou tou tou" the man can be called human beings if it is able to humanize humans.
Many thoughts that give large contributions to the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, several thoughts stated in his book on the Pacific Indonesia (1937), and Dr. Sam Ratulangi published weekly political magazine Nationale Commentaren from 1938 until 1942.
Even during his exile in the Dutch captured and disposed of with friends also family in 1946-1949, he and his friends founded a school for local residents, and by society Serui referred to as "Gentlemen Merdeka". We have made the house Yapen Waropen State Museum, located in downtown Serui.
Sentani Lake,Papua,Indonesia
Looking at Lake Sentani from the Mount Cyclops, Jayapura
If you have a chance to go to the capital Jayapura Papua is one of the cities that deserve your visit. Jayapura is the capital city of the Central Government from various social, political, and cultural development. Jayapura city is geographically located in the northern part of Papua province, precisely at 1 ° 28'26 "- 36 ° 58'82" S and 137 ° 24'10 "- 141 ° 0'10" BT. The topography is unique, where the center of the circular follows the coastline and the city streets that go up and down combing lerang hill-slopes. Can imagine the beauty of this city.
When you visit the city of Jayapura then you should not forget to visit the beautiful lake there, the lake of Sentani. Lake Sentani is a natural lake with islands are hilly in the middle of the lake. Size is 3.63 hectare lake with a height of 75 m above sea level. At this location there is a beautiful natural landscape with a few places equipped fishing huts shaped stage. You can find fish that are still fresh in this lake.
But there are also other tourist places of particular interest to your visit, which is a hill there is an important historical relic, the General Mc Arthur's castle. Hill known as the Cyclops hill is located 15 minutes from the airport. So sloping hill and shady because there are lots of big green trees very beautiful. From this hill you can get a view of magnificent Lake Sentani.
Buah Pinang from Papua,Indoenesia
Probably not much familiar with betel nut. You'll often hear about the fruit, but you may not know clearly what he looked like and how to enjoy it. Well, just information for you, for the people of Papua, betel nut was not an alien thing. And they not only know like that, but they even have their own way to enjoy it.
For the people of Papua, eating betel nuts is a common thing. Ranging from small children to old people know about this fruit. For them, this is a common food eaten while they are working on their activities. About how to enjoy it, people of Papua have its own way, ie by eating it with a mixture of betel and lime powder.
Betel and lime powder, which is to be eaten with a mixture of betel nut
As we can see in the pictures, they really enjoyed the time eating the nut from the areca peel their teeth to see the fruit, dip it into powdered betel lime, and then eat them together. Want to know how it feels? So, areca nut taste is quite unique, which is a mix of spicy and bitter taste.
It is said that according to the Papuans, with nut consumption 2-3 times a day, can cause teeth and gums become stronger, and they believe that the nut is more powerful than any kind of any toothpaste. Evidently, someone there elderly continue to have the teeth and gums strong.
As for price, for once consuming betel nuts, betel and complete with chalk powder, more or less cost around Rp. 2000, -. See, how they really enjoyed the time consuming betel nuts ... if you're curious and want to try it? So, please you order it directly from Papua.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tagor Waterfalls,Fak Fak,Papua,Indonesia
Mambuni-buni is the name of a village that is located far from the city Fakfak, namely in the District Coke Fak-fak, Papua. As for the link between these villages with other villages and the capital is the transportation by land. Geographical location that is owned hilly / mountainous roads built to make any visible tortuous, sometimes down, some even climbing on the cliff side. There are roads that have been well on the asphalt some are already broken or split the asphalt resulting from road construction are only crudely.
Transportation used from Fak-fak to Mambunibuni is a taxi or microbus (TS125) and takes about 4 hours drive. Starting from the terminal and will run Tambaruni and through several other villages. Last kampung before entering into the village area is a village mambuni buni Pik-Pik. From the village in Pikpik exactly Bawangrohi, will lay the most amazing scenery of the landscape below. Villages appear in the coastal dunes, to view the open sea. Often there are ships passing offshore can be viewed from that place, when the night lights visible vessel.
From bawangrohi road not yet on the asphalt mambunibuni well still be the alias of gravel expanse. Jalam declined to make the heart a bit of anxiety etc.. Approximately 6 km distance between the village and Pikpik-buni Mambuni. Because the road was down so no case had reached the shore Mambunibuni village.
The residential population is not well organized so do not be mistaken that the village is the beach. Ward position precisely located approximately 1.5 km from the coast. Mambunibuni beach there is a traditional market that still use barter system and open only on Saturday morning. Then an elementary school building Christian Education Foundation recently built and several houses teachers.
JOURNEY TO Tagor Waterfall
Are still many people who do not know about the existence of these Tagor waterfall. About a year there 1990_an foreign tourists who often come and ask local residents to drive them into the waterfall. But in the year 2000 until now very rare there is not even at all.
There are several roads that can be used to go to the waterfall, among others, through the edge of time, or via the former timber company. The road marks the company has now become the bushes making it difficult to use four-wheeled vehicles. The distance to the waterfall road Tagor if the company is approximately 27 km. If the path times the distance more quickly about 6 hours drive. For those not accustomed to walking on the stone will feel tired and feel lazy way in which place relaxing seat. The road through the outskirts of times sometimes have to jump because the big rocks in these times. Sometimes have to wet-wet crossing times. From the edge this time precisely we will get to the waterfall Tagor.
According to the story in the village community Mambunibuni, used to determine the height of the waterfall; ancestors or our ancestors wrapped yam (Keladi) with the leaves. At first packet for an adult hand. Kept wrapped in leaves in the margins and keep wrapped up for a bundle wrapped in a pillow. Then bundle it up under the waterfall and let the drift and fall followed terjunan water. After the bundle was dropped following the terjunan water; they check these bundles under water terjunan; whether the bundle is still intact or has been blown to bits. Because the height and rotation terjunan water and the resulting bundle of shattered then drawn a conclusion that the waterfall is very high and dangerous.
Transportation used from Fak-fak to Mambunibuni is a taxi or microbus (TS125) and takes about 4 hours drive. Starting from the terminal and will run Tambaruni and through several other villages. Last kampung before entering into the village area is a village mambuni buni Pik-Pik. From the village in Pikpik exactly Bawangrohi, will lay the most amazing scenery of the landscape below. Villages appear in the coastal dunes, to view the open sea. Often there are ships passing offshore can be viewed from that place, when the night lights visible vessel.
From bawangrohi road not yet on the asphalt mambunibuni well still be the alias of gravel expanse. Jalam declined to make the heart a bit of anxiety etc.. Approximately 6 km distance between the village and Pikpik-buni Mambuni. Because the road was down so no case had reached the shore Mambunibuni village.
The residential population is not well organized so do not be mistaken that the village is the beach. Ward position precisely located approximately 1.5 km from the coast. Mambunibuni beach there is a traditional market that still use barter system and open only on Saturday morning. Then an elementary school building Christian Education Foundation recently built and several houses teachers.
JOURNEY TO Tagor Waterfall
Are still many people who do not know about the existence of these Tagor waterfall. About a year there 1990_an foreign tourists who often come and ask local residents to drive them into the waterfall. But in the year 2000 until now very rare there is not even at all.
There are several roads that can be used to go to the waterfall, among others, through the edge of time, or via the former timber company. The road marks the company has now become the bushes making it difficult to use four-wheeled vehicles. The distance to the waterfall road Tagor if the company is approximately 27 km. If the path times the distance more quickly about 6 hours drive. For those not accustomed to walking on the stone will feel tired and feel lazy way in which place relaxing seat. The road through the outskirts of times sometimes have to jump because the big rocks in these times. Sometimes have to wet-wet crossing times. From the edge this time precisely we will get to the waterfall Tagor.
According to the story in the village community Mambunibuni, used to determine the height of the waterfall; ancestors or our ancestors wrapped yam (Keladi) with the leaves. At first packet for an adult hand. Kept wrapped in leaves in the margins and keep wrapped up for a bundle wrapped in a pillow. Then bundle it up under the waterfall and let the drift and fall followed terjunan water. After the bundle was dropped following the terjunan water; they check these bundles under water terjunan; whether the bundle is still intact or has been blown to bits. Because the height and rotation terjunan water and the resulting bundle of shattered then drawn a conclusion that the waterfall is very high and dangerous.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Taman Wisata Punti Kayu,Palembang,South Sumatera,Indonesia
Rows of pine trees greet visitors to the Park location in Jalan Kayu Punti Colonel Barlian, Palembang, South Sumatra. Punti Kayu is now no longer the only family tourist sites in the city of Palembang.
However, theme parks with an area of about 12 hectares can be used as a place to simply refresh body and soul on a weekend or holiday. In the park is managed by the Forestry Service of South Sumatra province, the kids can ride elephants, bathing in the pool, saw a mini zoo, a museum of fauna, or just sit around in the pine trees.
Punti Kayu extent of the area did provide many choices for visitors. It is available in two suspension bridges impassable visitors to the site will be selected.
Like most other visitors, also visited this location with recreation purposes. For himself and family, as well as other visitors, Punti Kayu is a nice area to be turned into recreation.
Punti Kayu long-established fact. According to a counter clerk entered, Punti Kayu been around since about 30 years ago. The number of visitors to the region's natural attractions are not too many when compared to the population of Palembang City is now 1.6 million people.
Not many visitors who come to this Punti Kayu probably due to limited recreational facilities in the city forest.
Visitors who come with families usually bring food. They can enjoy lunch with a mat spread under the cool trees. Meanwhile, for visitors who do not bring food, available number of stalls in this tourist complex.
To enter, each visitor tickets subject plus USD 2000 and USD 3,000 for a car and Rp 2,000 for motorcycles. Visitors can also go by boat to pay the ticket USD 3000 per person in a dirty lake in the region. Children visitors can also enjoy the swimming pool by buying a ticket in USD 2,000 per person.
Visitors also can see the kinds of fish giant 17-year-old with a length of 2.3 meters and weighing 80 kg. This fish is placed in a pond. With the money reached USD 3000 per person for tickets, other than seeing a giant fish, visitors can also see the museum contains fauna animals that have been dried.
In other sections, with back pocket contents reached a value of Rp 3,000 per person, guests are also treated to the animals rare. Among other things, estuarine crocodile, orangutans, leopards, deer, chicken kate, and python. For those who want to test the mental, also provided riding horse. Simply pay USD 5000 to around one-way Punti wood.
However, theme parks with an area of about 12 hectares can be used as a place to simply refresh body and soul on a weekend or holiday. In the park is managed by the Forestry Service of South Sumatra province, the kids can ride elephants, bathing in the pool, saw a mini zoo, a museum of fauna, or just sit around in the pine trees.
Punti Kayu extent of the area did provide many choices for visitors. It is available in two suspension bridges impassable visitors to the site will be selected.
Like most other visitors, also visited this location with recreation purposes. For himself and family, as well as other visitors, Punti Kayu is a nice area to be turned into recreation.
Punti Kayu long-established fact. According to a counter clerk entered, Punti Kayu been around since about 30 years ago. The number of visitors to the region's natural attractions are not too many when compared to the population of Palembang City is now 1.6 million people.
Not many visitors who come to this Punti Kayu probably due to limited recreational facilities in the city forest.
Visitors who come with families usually bring food. They can enjoy lunch with a mat spread under the cool trees. Meanwhile, for visitors who do not bring food, available number of stalls in this tourist complex.
To enter, each visitor tickets subject plus USD 2000 and USD 3,000 for a car and Rp 2,000 for motorcycles. Visitors can also go by boat to pay the ticket USD 3000 per person in a dirty lake in the region. Children visitors can also enjoy the swimming pool by buying a ticket in USD 2,000 per person.
Visitors also can see the kinds of fish giant 17-year-old with a length of 2.3 meters and weighing 80 kg. This fish is placed in a pond. With the money reached USD 3000 per person for tickets, other than seeing a giant fish, visitors can also see the museum contains fauna animals that have been dried.
In other sections, with back pocket contents reached a value of Rp 3,000 per person, guests are also treated to the animals rare. Among other things, estuarine crocodile, orangutans, leopards, deer, chicken kate, and python. For those who want to test the mental, also provided riding horse. Simply pay USD 5000 to around one-way Punti wood.
Cagar Alam Nusa Barong,Jember,East Java,Indonesia
Nusa Barong Nature Reserve is one of nature reserves with the main function as an area preserving plant and animal diversity and ecosystem (Law No. 5 in 1990, the Natural Resources Conservation biodiversity and ecosystem). Where the nature reserve can be activities for the purposes of research and development of science, education and other activities that support the development of education and knowledge.
At first the island of Nusa Barong is only known to a place that has a wealth of marine (sea grass and several species of fish export quality), and defined as the area of nature reserve on the basis of the decree the Dutch East Indies General Gebernur No. 46 Gazette. No. 736 dated October 9, 1920, has an area of 6100 ha. designated as a nature reserve because it has a botanical and geological potential. The island is located in Puger Subdistrict, Jember Regency. The potential diversity of flora and fauna of this natural terapat dicagar is suatau treasures with conservation value high enough besides aesthetic value.
At first the island of Nusa Barong is only known to a place that has a wealth of marine (sea grass and several species of fish export quality), and defined as the area of nature reserve on the basis of the decree the Dutch East Indies General Gebernur No. 46 Gazette. No. 736 dated October 9, 1920, has an area of 6100 ha. designated as a nature reserve because it has a botanical and geological potential. The island is located in Puger Subdistrict, Jember Regency. The potential diversity of flora and fauna of this natural terapat dicagar is suatau treasures with conservation value high enough besides aesthetic value.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Masjid Nur Sulaiman,Banyumas,Central Java,Indonesia
Banyumas Sulaiman Nur Mosque, built in 1755 during the reign of Duke Banyumas Yoedanegara II and diarsiteki by Mr. Nur Gumelem I Daiman Demat Penghulu Mosque as well as the first. As the concept of the layout of the building during the reign of the kingdom in Java, the position of the mosque is always on the west side of the square as a symbol of goodness, lies adjacent to the prison as a symbol of evil in the east of the square.
In the administration of this mosque is in the Village area Sudagaran, Banyumas district approximately 25 km from the city Purwokerto.Karena no definitive written source, according to spokesman Maintain narrative Heritage Objects Nur Mosque Djoni father Sulaiman M. Faried, Nur Sulaiman's name comes from the name of Nur Daiman.
Sulaiman Nur mosque is built above an area of 4950 m2 of land,
The main room: 22 x 15.5 m, building height: 14.5 m, Room foyer: 11 x 22 m, mihrab Space: 4 x 2.2 m, height 5.9 m. Pulpit: 2.2 x 1.2m duwure 1.67 m. Maksura: 2.3 x 2.3 m
Masjid Nur Sulaiman has special characteristics and uniqueness, among others;
· Squares Plan
·'s Porch
· High Batur
· Main door to the east
· Pulpit shaped stretcher
· There Maksura (where a special prayer ruler)
· Mihrab (the priest) is equipped with 2 stacking tajug crown shaped like a mace.
· 4 main pillars (pillars of)
· 12 pillars supporting (pengarak Saka)
In the administration of this mosque is in the Village area Sudagaran, Banyumas district approximately 25 km from the city Purwokerto.Karena no definitive written source, according to spokesman Maintain narrative Heritage Objects Nur Mosque Djoni father Sulaiman M. Faried, Nur Sulaiman's name comes from the name of Nur Daiman.
Sulaiman Nur mosque is built above an area of 4950 m2 of land,
The main room: 22 x 15.5 m, building height: 14.5 m, Room foyer: 11 x 22 m, mihrab Space: 4 x 2.2 m, height 5.9 m. Pulpit: 2.2 x 1.2m duwure 1.67 m. Maksura: 2.3 x 2.3 m
Masjid Nur Sulaiman has special characteristics and uniqueness, among others;
· Squares Plan
·'s Porch
· High Batur
· Main door to the east
· Pulpit shaped stretcher
· There Maksura (where a special prayer ruler)
· Mihrab (the priest) is equipped with 2 stacking tajug crown shaped like a mace.
· 4 main pillars (pillars of)
· 12 pillars supporting (pengarak Saka)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Taman kera,Banyumas,Java,Indonesia
We can find many monkeys around Saka Tunggal Mosque. They live freely in the wilderness, and began to make contact with humans as the increasingly large number of tourists who entered the village of Cikakak. The monkeys began to dare to hang out when the number of tourists one by one gave them a variety of foods, from bananas to boiled peanuts.
However, the monkeys form their own social life separate from the township residents. They often experience food shortage especially in the dry season, and reached the abundance of food when the fruit season arrives. If there are tourists, they will come down from the mountain to see if there is food for their charity. They were in the Masjid Saka Tunggal at 09.00 - 12.00 WIB.
As long as they are not disturbed, apes are able to interact in close proximity to the tourists. It is highly recommended to store luggage that first bright. Such objects can cause the monkey's desire to possess it, and take it by force.
Incidents between apes and tourists had never happened. But according to the account of the protective caretaker mosque, a citizen who never bothered a monkey, ape attacked by hundreds of others. So it is advisable to make contact with the desire to share the love, and not just to create disturbances.
Researchers from several universities in Indonesia and Japan had captured 13 monkeys. They were given a stamp after taking blood. But the caretaker sad because it turned out, 13 monkeys were no longer acceptable in the middle of the community. They have lost their extended family. Since then, the Masjid Saka Tunggal protectors do not permit a single monkey was taken out of the neighborhood mosque, or take blood samples for research purposes.
Now, the protector of Saka Tunggal Mosque, Cikakak Village residents and hundreds of Java monkeys live in harmony. And tourists, enjoy the fascination of harmony between humans and nature are increasingly rare in many parts of the earth.
However, the monkeys form their own social life separate from the township residents. They often experience food shortage especially in the dry season, and reached the abundance of food when the fruit season arrives. If there are tourists, they will come down from the mountain to see if there is food for their charity. They were in the Masjid Saka Tunggal at 09.00 - 12.00 WIB.
As long as they are not disturbed, apes are able to interact in close proximity to the tourists. It is highly recommended to store luggage that first bright. Such objects can cause the monkey's desire to possess it, and take it by force.
Incidents between apes and tourists had never happened. But according to the account of the protective caretaker mosque, a citizen who never bothered a monkey, ape attacked by hundreds of others. So it is advisable to make contact with the desire to share the love, and not just to create disturbances.
Researchers from several universities in Indonesia and Japan had captured 13 monkeys. They were given a stamp after taking blood. But the caretaker sad because it turned out, 13 monkeys were no longer acceptable in the middle of the community. They have lost their extended family. Since then, the Masjid Saka Tunggal protectors do not permit a single monkey was taken out of the neighborhood mosque, or take blood samples for research purposes.
Now, the protector of Saka Tunggal Mosque, Cikakak Village residents and hundreds of Java monkeys live in harmony. And tourists, enjoy the fascination of harmony between humans and nature are increasingly rare in many parts of the earth.
Masjid Saka Tunggal,Banyumas,Java,Indonesia
Outs and full of silence. Nothing can make sure, since when Saka Tunggal Mosque stood in the village of Cikakak, District Wangon, Banyumas. However, the mosque that out of fairness arsistektur mosque in Java, it is expected to be built between the years 1522 - 1871 AD.
Mosques not only continue to survive as a center of Islamic civilization and worship in Banyumas today. Even now hundreds of Java monkeys rely on the continuity of generations, which according to legend mosque built by Kiai Mustolih. Male offspring enforcement in Banyumas Islamic tradition has now become the caretaker caring for and protecting the sustainability of the mosque. In the first decade of the third millennium, the guards and the caretaker is derived from Kiai Mustolih seventh.
As the name implies, the mosque up to only rely on one pillar (Saka). Pole has a decorative carved with motifs inspired by the plants. The presence of motifs which he was given the touch of a single color to create pillars stood out and placing it as the main element of the mosque arsistektur.
Saka Tunggal is a symbolic translation of the holy Al-Quran verse that reads,''There is no God but Allah''. Uniqueness asserted beams monotheistic beliefs of Islam.
Building the mosque continued to defend the use of natural materials, such as when first built. Addition of concrete elements are intended to protect the original structure. Boundary walls adorned spaces using woven bamboo with the original motif. Drum to tell the time prayer arrived, rafters to invite people, lighting a lantern for the night, and the pulpit where the sermon, all are original. Air and light flowing out into the natural environment thanks to the mosque in ventilation system and lighting calculations that are native heritage Java arsistektur technique.
Grave Mustolih Kiai was 100 yards behind the mosque. Residents held a prayer before the grave as a form of respect. Every month of Rajab in the Arab calendar, the exact date on the calendar 26 Rojab Java, performed the ceremony Rojab Jaro. This ceremony is a series of bamboo fence replacement in the neighborhood mosque and tomb Mustolih Kiai. Volunteer villagers harvesting bamboo from their garden, clean the river, and making a new fence. They will hold a prayer and thanksgiving feast when all the bamboo fence has been completed updated.
Mosques not only continue to survive as a center of Islamic civilization and worship in Banyumas today. Even now hundreds of Java monkeys rely on the continuity of generations, which according to legend mosque built by Kiai Mustolih. Male offspring enforcement in Banyumas Islamic tradition has now become the caretaker caring for and protecting the sustainability of the mosque. In the first decade of the third millennium, the guards and the caretaker is derived from Kiai Mustolih seventh.
As the name implies, the mosque up to only rely on one pillar (Saka). Pole has a decorative carved with motifs inspired by the plants. The presence of motifs which he was given the touch of a single color to create pillars stood out and placing it as the main element of the mosque arsistektur.
Saka Tunggal is a symbolic translation of the holy Al-Quran verse that reads,''There is no God but Allah''. Uniqueness asserted beams monotheistic beliefs of Islam.
Building the mosque continued to defend the use of natural materials, such as when first built. Addition of concrete elements are intended to protect the original structure. Boundary walls adorned spaces using woven bamboo with the original motif. Drum to tell the time prayer arrived, rafters to invite people, lighting a lantern for the night, and the pulpit where the sermon, all are original. Air and light flowing out into the natural environment thanks to the mosque in ventilation system and lighting calculations that are native heritage Java arsistektur technique.
Grave Mustolih Kiai was 100 yards behind the mosque. Residents held a prayer before the grave as a form of respect. Every month of Rajab in the Arab calendar, the exact date on the calendar 26 Rojab Java, performed the ceremony Rojab Jaro. This ceremony is a series of bamboo fence replacement in the neighborhood mosque and tomb Mustolih Kiai. Volunteer villagers harvesting bamboo from their garden, clean the river, and making a new fence. They will hold a prayer and thanksgiving feast when all the bamboo fence has been completed updated.
Curug Cipendok,Banyumas,Java,Indonesia
BANYUMAS have a more thrilling than the feudal atmosphere of the City of Verona in Rome, Italy. The city where Romeo and Juliet's making love, losing a place where beautiful Ranusentika Raden establish romance with Dewi Mas Inten.
On the other hand, can charm the area presented in the subdistrict was actually difficult Cilongok described with words. Symphony music presented by pounding waterfalls, gurgling rivers, birdsong, the rustle of wind in the bushy forest, and the occasional wild monkeys chatter, making the words were no longer adequate.
When you're lucky, visitors can see the "appearance" one of the rare animals in the world of monkeys busty gray. While in the sky over the woods, the occasional eagle Java gracefully across the air. If enough guts, the area around Lake Pucung still reluctant shy tigers showed up.
Kera busty gray and tiger can be 'lured' out of hiding their handlers through the service. Through a number of traditional procession, handlers could invite the king monkey forest and flock to get out of bushy jungle.
Site Asmara
Until now, local people believe the legend of love story wrapped in two lovebirds, and the Goddess Ranusentika Raden Mas Inten. The story of their romance, leaving some physical evidence that now remains.
Cipendok Curug name stems from the legend that is still related to the history of Java War. This war is a war of five years (1825-1830) of Prince Diponegoro against the Dutch East Indies colonial government. Dutch won the war that made the entire region is under control Banyumas colonial rule.
Raden Ranusentika is wedana (leader) Adjibarang area, near Banyumas. Dutch labor assigned him to lead belandara open forest on slopes around GunungSlamet to be plantation.
Eight months leading forest clearing, there is always strange. At the time of completion trees cut down, grow back the next day as before. As if it were never cut at all. This incident happened over and over again, making confused and dizzy Ranusentika Raden. He later pleaded to meditate God's guidance. Unfortunately, he was not getting his instructions.
Raden Ranusentika went fishing in the fish near the waterfall. At that moment, he felt like kailnya pulled by big ikanyang, to the extent that the curved pole handles. As drawn, kailnya about a ring warangkakeris (pendok) shining golden yellow.
When brought near, suddenly Ranusentika Raden can see a lot of spirits in the forest has been felled. They are all over this mess Ranusentika Raden job.
As suggested by the Santa Breden, a worker's head, waterfall where Raden Ranusentika find pendok kris, called Curug Cipendok. Derived from the word meaning curug waterfalls and pendok or ring of a keris blade found keris.Pendok Raden Ranusentika
In addition to finding pendok, Raden Ranusentika also found an intangible ghost fairy, named Dewi Mas Inten. Because not human, he earned the nickname Princess Sudhem. This nickname comes from the word 'milk adhem' means cold breasts because as spirits, he did not have hot blood like a human.
Both are making love, and together they finished the job of forest clearing. Dewi Mas Inten Ajibarang trafficked to the Duchy, became garwa padmi (concubine) of Raden Ranusentika.
Raden Ranusentika heritage site named "remote key" and Dewi Mas Inten called "watu padlock". Dewi Mas Inten the local community is believed to be phantom monkey, when it helped the ritual Chronicle wedana Ajibarang former base, Raden Ranusentika. Both were separated when Ranusentika, the success of forest clearing, was appointed Regent Purbalingga by the Dutch East Indies colonial government.
Until now, if there are people who can reach this site, the public believes the relationship can be lasting romance
On the other hand, can charm the area presented in the subdistrict was actually difficult Cilongok described with words. Symphony music presented by pounding waterfalls, gurgling rivers, birdsong, the rustle of wind in the bushy forest, and the occasional wild monkeys chatter, making the words were no longer adequate.
When you're lucky, visitors can see the "appearance" one of the rare animals in the world of monkeys busty gray. While in the sky over the woods, the occasional eagle Java gracefully across the air. If enough guts, the area around Lake Pucung still reluctant shy tigers showed up.
Kera busty gray and tiger can be 'lured' out of hiding their handlers through the service. Through a number of traditional procession, handlers could invite the king monkey forest and flock to get out of bushy jungle.
Site Asmara
Until now, local people believe the legend of love story wrapped in two lovebirds, and the Goddess Ranusentika Raden Mas Inten. The story of their romance, leaving some physical evidence that now remains.
Cipendok Curug name stems from the legend that is still related to the history of Java War. This war is a war of five years (1825-1830) of Prince Diponegoro against the Dutch East Indies colonial government. Dutch won the war that made the entire region is under control Banyumas colonial rule.
Raden Ranusentika is wedana (leader) Adjibarang area, near Banyumas. Dutch labor assigned him to lead belandara open forest on slopes around GunungSlamet to be plantation.
Eight months leading forest clearing, there is always strange. At the time of completion trees cut down, grow back the next day as before. As if it were never cut at all. This incident happened over and over again, making confused and dizzy Ranusentika Raden. He later pleaded to meditate God's guidance. Unfortunately, he was not getting his instructions.
Raden Ranusentika went fishing in the fish near the waterfall. At that moment, he felt like kailnya pulled by big ikanyang, to the extent that the curved pole handles. As drawn, kailnya about a ring warangkakeris (pendok) shining golden yellow.
When brought near, suddenly Ranusentika Raden can see a lot of spirits in the forest has been felled. They are all over this mess Ranusentika Raden job.
As suggested by the Santa Breden, a worker's head, waterfall where Raden Ranusentika find pendok kris, called Curug Cipendok. Derived from the word meaning curug waterfalls and pendok or ring of a keris blade found keris.Pendok Raden Ranusentika
In addition to finding pendok, Raden Ranusentika also found an intangible ghost fairy, named Dewi Mas Inten. Because not human, he earned the nickname Princess Sudhem. This nickname comes from the word 'milk adhem' means cold breasts because as spirits, he did not have hot blood like a human.
Both are making love, and together they finished the job of forest clearing. Dewi Mas Inten Ajibarang trafficked to the Duchy, became garwa padmi (concubine) of Raden Ranusentika.
Raden Ranusentika heritage site named "remote key" and Dewi Mas Inten called "watu padlock". Dewi Mas Inten the local community is believed to be phantom monkey, when it helped the ritual Chronicle wedana Ajibarang former base, Raden Ranusentika. Both were separated when Ranusentika, the success of forest clearing, was appointed Regent Purbalingga by the Dutch East Indies colonial government.
Until now, if there are people who can reach this site, the public believes the relationship can be lasting romance
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Pura Batu Bolong,Lombok,NTB,Indonesia

Pura Batu Bolong Lombok - NTB
Religion of Peace emit space
IN a corner bend in the road down to Senggigi, Lombok, Stone Temple where holes are. A temple that stood on the rock holes (holes) and remain strong, brave and noble in this Senggigi beach, keep a strong religious aura with beautiful beaches. Foaming waves always seemed friendly embrace peaceful temples and beach area.
Beginning to enter the temple area of his fall piodalan on this Purnamaning Kasa, or Hindus who want to pamedek Tangkil (doing prayers) can go through the temple Bentar textured sand. On either side of the main gate is a small door (betelan) barred as a side entrance or a side door.
To the left of the area (near the highway), there is a hill on which stand Pura Pucaksari Melanting with several complementary pelinggih and buildings, such as Palinggih Pasimpangan Gunung Agung, Gunung Rinjani Pasimpangan, Mas Ayu Pasimpangan Melanting and Bale Pawedan. All around, in addition to beautiful beaches nan, also a variety of trees growing in the area near the temple. Like a banyan tree (at Jaba Side), bujut, celagi (tamarind), hibiscus (the beach), pule, and others.
Entering the temple area, people will be down the stairs first, before passing several pelinggih who stood around the path to the top of the Pura Batu Bolong. The first, on the left side of the road, there are two pelinggih (in one penyengker). Which is closer to the entrance, standing (facing south), palinggih Good Balian. On the left side of the pelinggih it (facing west) there pelinggih Pengayengan Mas Ratu Gde Mecaling.
On the left side, lined up and Pewaregan Bale Bale Pakemit. Past, on the right path and there Pawedan Bale Bale Pengodal. Following behind Pelinggih Pangelukatan (palinggih his base in contact with sea water). Opposite Palinggih Pelawangan right there.
After passing the sacred buildings here, one can watch more closely a large pile of rocks, towering vertical holes. Like yawning, tongue and the sound waves and splashing through the visible dilubang rock. Thus, a beautiful natural atmosphere combined with the spread of religious aura casting a shade of admiration. And the solemn beauty permeates everybody's mind.
On the stone with a hole / holes is available undag-undag. Ascend to the upper or the top of the rock. A place where there are Padmasana, Mas Ayu pelinggih Lingsir Batara Batu Bolong, Batara Good Lingsir palinggih Batu Bolong. Also pelinggih Wawu Batara Sakti and Rauh (on the ridge-most tip protrudes into the sea) pesimpangan Petirthan. Several types of statues in this temple complex include a statue of Vali, Sugriva, Rama, Lakshmana, and the dragon statue.
According to some sources, Dang Hyang Dwijendra trip to the island of Lombok is a continuation of his journey from Java and Bali. He often moved around the place. At the start of the Daha, and then to Pasuruan, Blambangan, continue to the area west of the island of Bali, Jembrana (about the year Caka 1411).
Also, in addition to surrounding the southern coast of the island of Bali, he went to the area of spiritual peralanan North Bali. Like Pura Pura Pulaki to Ponjok Stone, before continuing his journey to the island of Lombok. In last place was named Dang Hyang Dwijendra could help some people bendega or fishing boat that sank near Ponjok Stone. The origin of Lombok bendega he supposedly saved helped deliver Dang Hyang Dwijendra to Lombok.
Made Mangku Mr. Sada, one of the stakeholders who live and ready to serve the people of the temple's Tangkil, revealed. He said, the existence of the temple is a historical and spiritual values as part of the sacred journey Dwijendra Dang Hyang, after along the beaches in Bali. He said, before he - which may appear as Sakti Wawu Peranda Ida Rauh - Belong to the Stone, first entered the area and Pura Tanjung granule Kapusan - West Lombok. Later, after arriving in Batu Bolong, he continued to travel and Suranadi Lingsar.
Pura Batu Bolong facing the Lombok Strait and Mount Agung in Bali has a spiritual atmosphere which can provide peace and tranquility for the ngaturang service pemedek to this temple.
The most prominent Ikhwal his role in the implementation of the concept of temple building in Bali and Lombok is about the need to build a pelingggih in the form of Padmasana. As sthana Ida Hyang Widhi Wasa (God Almighty Creator). It says different allocation with other shrines, which generally serves as a place of worship sacred spirit ancestors and the gods.
Customization Purity
Architectural Pura Batu Bolong, Lombok is practically comes from human needs (Hindus) will worship space that could accommodate all the spiritual-religious activities. Thus, the role of human creations in this place and natural conditions around Senggigi beach will always color and helps increase the vibrations of the sanctity of the temple itself.
This temple is also believed by the local Hindu community can radiate the spirit or the spiritual vibrations of peace, quiet and solemn. "Experiencing" the temple architecture and the masses will lead more people to understand the "distance", "time" and "spirit". Activities "experience" is meant when it is in this temple where people are in direct contact with reality. One can feel the space, the surface of the mass and natural objects, and beach "spirit" with all senses of place owned.
However, Pura Batu Bolong is located in Lombok has a tradition of meaning related to the cultural life of the Hindu community in Lombok is "inherited" by the culture of Bali. In addition, historically have geographic proximity, the local Hindu community are still a strong tradition of attaching meaning in it. In principle, no resemblance to the meaning of the existing traditions of Bali. This can be seen from the types of pelinggih temple built on it.
By staying grounded in the village-kala-patra and ecological aspects, there must be a part of the experience adjustment or transformation. Form the gate that is not too big and tall, material using obtained from the natural environment or local, which developed pepalihan shape and placement of the existing types of sculpture, we could say to show it.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Taman Wisata Iman Dairi

Religious Tourism, Exotic, charming, and full religious nuance, which originally covered hill forest, balanced with religious buildings and a few miniature as attractiveness. Each of these miniature, describing some events and places considered sacred by some religions.
In masukdisambut door by the statue of the Buddha and a temple that is used for Buddhist worship. Saddhavadana monastery, which is designed like the temples of Borobudur Temple building located in Central Java. Buddha statue was made with the position while sitting cross-legged in meditation, with the right palms facing forward while the position of the left hand supporting an elbow from below.
other than the place of worship, such as church, mosque, monastery, temple, there is also play equipment and supporting facilities for travel.
Approximately 100 meters from the location and Saddhavadana Vihara Buddha statues, there Ecumenical Church and several miniature cross to the Protestant Christian worship. The church was built on the hills in front of (the valley) posted a charming natural scenery. Just beside the church, built a replica of a large crucifix placed in a line. Some of the replica of the cross, some of whom told the crucifixion trip (via dolorosa) against Jesus in order to liberate mankind from sin as the Bible tells us (Gospel).
At the same location, built a statue of Abraham when he was handed sacrifice to God. In addition to the statue of Abraham, there is also a statue of Moses. The statue depicts the journey of Moses preparing to receive the ten commandments of God as told in the Bible. The statue is intentionally built not far from the relief of the Cross, as one attempts to introduce tourists to these religions closely related the story of the journey is the bearer of religious doctrine.
Walking a few minutes from the location of the statue of Abraham and Moses, there is the Cave of the Virgin Mary is symbolized as a woman for the Christian holy catholic. Inside the cave there is statue of the Virgin Mary with a beautiful berparas standing position using a white robe with a light blue combined. Cave with a small size is built right on the hillsides to the valley manghadap door. While the composition of the building stone and cement using shaped exactly like a cave that is in the wild.
Once past the Cave of the Virgin Mary, there is a building houses of worship (Temple) Hindus. The temple was built following the design of these ancient buildings like temples located in Bali, especially the tower building.
On the inside the park, there is a miniature of the Kaaba as contained in the Grand Mosque, Mecca. Buildings around the Kaaba miniature trees decorated with colorful flowers. Kaaba miniature development as an effort to bring this sacred symbol for Muslims in the park. With the presence of this miniature, expected the visitors, especially Muslims can recognize their religious symbols while traveling. Not far from the Miniature Kaaba, stands a mosque dedicated to Muslim worship in the running.
Religious Tourism, not only full of buildings for religious worship. Garden of faith tourism is also decorated with some beautiful natural scenery and pine forests that line so shady. River that flows from the hills, adding to the attraction of this park. Composition of worship buildings combined with the stunning natural beauty, making Religious Tourism as one of the favorite tourist sites in Dairi District.
Religious Tourism is located in Bukit Sitinjo, Sub Sitinjo, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
Park area to go to the Dairi Faith Wisatan trip can be done by using public transportation (bus), private cars, or car rental. From Medan Polonia Airport to City Sidikalang (Dairi Capital), a distance of 152 km with a travel time of about three hours. From City Sidikalang, the journey continued to the location which is about 10 km to the journey time approximately 15 minutes.
In the park there is a building that used to post security. This heading is used by officers to oversee the park and to control the safety of visitors. At some point in the park, built several small cottages that can be used by tourists for a place to rest and shelter from the hot weather and rain.
This park is equipped with a dormitory accommodation, mess, and quarters. To support the religious activities that require a large capacity, such as marriage, the Mass together, and the party at this park built an auditorium that has a large hall which can be used for such activities.
To accommodate the consumption needs of the tourists, the park was built a restaurant and minimarket. Restaurant menus are provided for consumption and some snacks
Cagar Alam Gunung Mutis
Gunung Mutis Nature Reserve is famous for its mountains of marble stone by local people called Faut Kanaf or stone name. This tourist area is about 140 km from the northeast of the city of Kupang and an area of approximately 12,000 hectares. This nature reserve areas inhabited by one of the oldest tribes in the Tribal Dhawan NTT.
Kawasan Wisata Gunung Mutis has vegetation types that are representative of a homogeneous upland forests. This area is also dominated by various types of ampupu (Eucalyptus urophylla) and sandalwood (Santalum album). Besides these two types of plants, there's a variety of other types such as ferns, grasses, etc..
Fauna of this region is equally rich. In this area, visitors can see the Timor deer (Cervus timorensis), possum, timor monitor lizard (Varanus timorensis), Timor pythons (Python timorensis), pigeon Timor (Treon psittacea), parrot Timor (Apromictus jonguilaceus), Timor Imperial-pigeon (Ducula cineracea) , etc..
Another interesting thing to watch is how the native tribes of this region using branches and twigs of trees to build houses for the forest bees producing honey. For local communities, forest bees to help them sustain the economic life of the livestock and agriculture.
Kawasan Wisata Gunung Mutis Nature Reserve is located in the subdistrict of North Mollo, South Central Timor.
To reach the area of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve can be done through three channels, ie from the south, east and north. From the south and east through South Central Timor, where upon arrival at Kapan (City of North Molo District) path to the location of Gunung Mutis Nature Reserve is divided into two directions namely, the south toward the Village Fatumnasi (49 Km from Soe, TTS District City) , and the east through the Village Bonleu (30 Km from SoE, City District TTS). While from the north through the North Central Timor.
Regions Mount Mutis Nature Reserve is located in the northwestern part of Timor Island, The administration of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve located in two districts of South Central Timor and Timor Tengah Utara.
Overall topographic conditions Mutis Forest group is heavy with hilly to mountainous relief and the state side until the steep slopes. While the field conditions the area of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve and surrounding undulating to mountainous, most of the area has a slope of 60% to top. The highest peak is Mount Mutis with altitude 2427 meters above sea level.
Geological formations in Mutis Forest Group - Timau (Timor Island) part composed of the series and Sonebait fraction of Kekneno series. Sekis crystal, Middle Rocks Wet, Wet Stone, Stone Meogen and Paleogene sediments.
Soil types found in Timau Mutis region consists of a complex land with mountains of complex shapes and types of soil in the form of mountains mediterium fold.
Gunung Mutis and surrounding areas are the wettest areas on the island of Timor, it rained almost every month with the highest frequency of rainfall occurs during November to July, temperatures range between 14'C - 29'C, and the condition can be dropped to extremely 9'C. High-speed winds occurred in November until March.
Rain conditions almost every month throughout the year, allowing the area of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve is a major water source for three Watershed (DAS) of the island of Timor is Noelmina and Noel Benain in the south and Noel Fail in the north. River flow drainage pattern dendritis (Mina and Noel Noel Benain) as a result of the complexity of the surface in the south and parallel patterns (Noel Fail) due to a relatively uniform slope in the north.
There are six villages directly bordering the Nature Reserve of Mount Mutis Tutem Village, Bonleu, Pineapple, Nuapin, Nunbena and Fatumnasi.
Regions Mount Mutis Nature Reserve and surrounding areas including the rain forest type that is relatively homogenous and dominated by species ampupu (Eucalyptus Urophylla). Another type of prominent after ampupu is Podocarpus sp, Mig and casuarinas junghuniana Celtis wightii Planch canopies that form the second layer beneath the canopy ampupu.
Forest vertically Mount Mutis Nature Reserve can be seen composed of three layers of tree canopies. The top layer as high as 35 to 45 meters, the second layer between 15 - 25 meters and a third layer of shrubs on a small tree with a height of 2 to 5 meters.
Each layer is dominated by certain types, the top layer of trees generally ampupu (Eucalyptus Urophylla), the second layer by Tune tree (Podocarpus sp) and Celtis Wiqhtii Planch, is the third layer is the Belta type Natwon (Daphiniphyllum Glancescens BI) is spread evenly at the bottom.
In general it can be said that the forest is relatively homogeneous observation location and grow naturally. This can be seen from the small number of tree species recorded in the plot area of 1 ha samples. Apart from the number of very small type, tegakannya also dominated by one type of tree. From the sample plots recorded 15 species of trees, with dominant species Eucalyptus urophylla which has important value
Although this forest homogeneous, not like a tropical rain forest, tree density was realtif. Limited number of location observations, but due to large sample of relatively small plot also allegedly caused by environmental conditions rather extreme. These circumstances limit the number of species able to adapt to the local area. Environmental conditions expected as the border is the condition of the surface topography, wind pressure, temperature, weather conditions, zoning, livestock activities, logging and agricultural practices moving.
No different from a state tree, Belta location is also less number of species and dominated by one particular type. Belta plot of sample size of 10m x 10m were recorded only 9 species. The most dominant types are Daphniphyllum Glaucescens.
Ampupu trees have shallow roots, although this plant can reach diameter of more than 2 meters and 45 meters high, the result easily uprooted trees when blown by strong winds.
At the bottom of the tree stands are slightly open and ampupu many types of grass grown. In the area of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve seemed not meadow overgrown by shrubs and even trees datau other herbs. These grasslands are primarily cattle pasture surrounding area residents
Kawasan Wisata Gunung Mutis has vegetation types that are representative of a homogeneous upland forests. This area is also dominated by various types of ampupu (Eucalyptus urophylla) and sandalwood (Santalum album). Besides these two types of plants, there's a variety of other types such as ferns, grasses, etc..
Fauna of this region is equally rich. In this area, visitors can see the Timor deer (Cervus timorensis), possum, timor monitor lizard (Varanus timorensis), Timor pythons (Python timorensis), pigeon Timor (Treon psittacea), parrot Timor (Apromictus jonguilaceus), Timor Imperial-pigeon (Ducula cineracea) , etc..
Another interesting thing to watch is how the native tribes of this region using branches and twigs of trees to build houses for the forest bees producing honey. For local communities, forest bees to help them sustain the economic life of the livestock and agriculture.
Kawasan Wisata Gunung Mutis Nature Reserve is located in the subdistrict of North Mollo, South Central Timor.
To reach the area of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve can be done through three channels, ie from the south, east and north. From the south and east through South Central Timor, where upon arrival at Kapan (City of North Molo District) path to the location of Gunung Mutis Nature Reserve is divided into two directions namely, the south toward the Village Fatumnasi (49 Km from Soe, TTS District City) , and the east through the Village Bonleu (30 Km from SoE, City District TTS). While from the north through the North Central Timor.
Regions Mount Mutis Nature Reserve is located in the northwestern part of Timor Island, The administration of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve located in two districts of South Central Timor and Timor Tengah Utara.
Overall topographic conditions Mutis Forest group is heavy with hilly to mountainous relief and the state side until the steep slopes. While the field conditions the area of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve and surrounding undulating to mountainous, most of the area has a slope of 60% to top. The highest peak is Mount Mutis with altitude 2427 meters above sea level.
Geological formations in Mutis Forest Group - Timau (Timor Island) part composed of the series and Sonebait fraction of Kekneno series. Sekis crystal, Middle Rocks Wet, Wet Stone, Stone Meogen and Paleogene sediments.
Soil types found in Timau Mutis region consists of a complex land with mountains of complex shapes and types of soil in the form of mountains mediterium fold.
Gunung Mutis and surrounding areas are the wettest areas on the island of Timor, it rained almost every month with the highest frequency of rainfall occurs during November to July, temperatures range between 14'C - 29'C, and the condition can be dropped to extremely 9'C. High-speed winds occurred in November until March.
Rain conditions almost every month throughout the year, allowing the area of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve is a major water source for three Watershed (DAS) of the island of Timor is Noelmina and Noel Benain in the south and Noel Fail in the north. River flow drainage pattern dendritis (Mina and Noel Noel Benain) as a result of the complexity of the surface in the south and parallel patterns (Noel Fail) due to a relatively uniform slope in the north.
There are six villages directly bordering the Nature Reserve of Mount Mutis Tutem Village, Bonleu, Pineapple, Nuapin, Nunbena and Fatumnasi.
Regions Mount Mutis Nature Reserve and surrounding areas including the rain forest type that is relatively homogenous and dominated by species ampupu (Eucalyptus Urophylla). Another type of prominent after ampupu is Podocarpus sp, Mig and casuarinas junghuniana Celtis wightii Planch canopies that form the second layer beneath the canopy ampupu.
Forest vertically Mount Mutis Nature Reserve can be seen composed of three layers of tree canopies. The top layer as high as 35 to 45 meters, the second layer between 15 - 25 meters and a third layer of shrubs on a small tree with a height of 2 to 5 meters.
Each layer is dominated by certain types, the top layer of trees generally ampupu (Eucalyptus Urophylla), the second layer by Tune tree (Podocarpus sp) and Celtis Wiqhtii Planch, is the third layer is the Belta type Natwon (Daphiniphyllum Glancescens BI) is spread evenly at the bottom.
In general it can be said that the forest is relatively homogeneous observation location and grow naturally. This can be seen from the small number of tree species recorded in the plot area of 1 ha samples. Apart from the number of very small type, tegakannya also dominated by one type of tree. From the sample plots recorded 15 species of trees, with dominant species Eucalyptus urophylla which has important value
Although this forest homogeneous, not like a tropical rain forest, tree density was realtif. Limited number of location observations, but due to large sample of relatively small plot also allegedly caused by environmental conditions rather extreme. These circumstances limit the number of species able to adapt to the local area. Environmental conditions expected as the border is the condition of the surface topography, wind pressure, temperature, weather conditions, zoning, livestock activities, logging and agricultural practices moving.
No different from a state tree, Belta location is also less number of species and dominated by one particular type. Belta plot of sample size of 10m x 10m were recorded only 9 species. The most dominant types are Daphniphyllum Glaucescens.
Ampupu trees have shallow roots, although this plant can reach diameter of more than 2 meters and 45 meters high, the result easily uprooted trees when blown by strong winds.
At the bottom of the tree stands are slightly open and ampupu many types of grass grown. In the area of Mount Mutis Nature Reserve seemed not meadow overgrown by shrubs and even trees datau other herbs. These grasslands are primarily cattle pasture surrounding area residents
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Pura Goa Raja,Besakih,Bali,Indonesia

Oura Goa Raja in the sacred area of Besakih, Karangasem diyakni Hindus, downstream through the Lawah Cave Temple in Klungkung regency and penetrating into the upper reaches of Mount Agung, the highest mountain in the island resort.
Pura which consists of six pieces "pelinggih" It is one of 18 in Besakih Temple complex, which functions as a central point of Hindu shrines to Hyang Widhi.
Pelinggih one place to worship "Ida Hair Bethara Sedana" believed can give welfare to mankind,
In the Hindu tradition in Bali, "Hair Batara Sedana" revered as the "Goddess of Prosperity" which bestows wealth, gold-silver (sarwa mule), jewels and money (funds) to humans.
Island of the Gods of Hindu society is `consistent` commemorate a special worship to the "hair Batara Sedana" Wage Wednesday, Wuku Klawu or better known as "Buda Cemeng Klawu" which falls every 210 days.
Piodalan or a warning this time led by two Buddhist priests Shiva-thousand people attended, including former Drs Bali Governor Dewa Made Beratha and Chinese residents.
Surge of people have appeared since the early days, including the people who came from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and the areas around Banyuwangi, East Java.
Ritual activity "Sri Sedana" commonly known as "Hair Sedana" according to Pande Made Mangku Jro Satra is a holiday or a temple ceremony for the money and who has bestowed a living God Almighty to the human race.
"Sri means rice, Sedana means money or in other words part of the living, the celebrations were conducted in each household and the temples in traditional village environment," said Mangku Literature, a leader of a religious ceremony at Besakih.
Pura Goa King is a meeting place (Pesamuhan) "Sang Hyang Dragon Three" of the three manifestations of God ie "The Dragon Anantaboga", "Sang Hyang Naga Basuki" and "Sang Hyang Takshaka Dragon" which each have their own place in the temple complex of Besakih .
In the palm "Kusuma Dewa" Batara expressed about the presence in the Great Buwana (jagatraya) ie Mahameru Mount (Mount Agung), Bali's highest mountain peak reaching for the sky, the base of the bottom layer of the earth through seven (Sapta Patala).
"Where is the location of the meeting that the gods created the better (ayu) and bad (ala) to keep the universe island of Bali. Therefore, if a good Besakih, Bali will be safe, peaceful, peaceful and prosperous.
Ancestor of Balinese in the past to understand the reality of the universe as the grace that must be grateful for giving kerahayuan, safety and welfare of mankind.
Until now the people of Bali will not cease to realize a sense of devotion and gratitude kehadapan praise the Almighty God through a religious ceremony in both the Pura Besakih and in the stomach of Mount Agung, the island resort community expectations are always met safety and peace.
Rsi Markandya in the year 111 Saka (189 AD) plant "Pancadhatu" in Besakih complex up to now provide valuable lessons and is very important for local communities.
Overall improvement of the temple Goa King had done in 2002 or the restoration of the third follows the eruption of Gunung Agung in 1917, which then erupted again in 1963.
Besakih historical terms expressed by the inscriptions and palm Purana explains, as the place of the Gods beristananya who glorified the people of Bali, and have significance for the religious life of Hindus.
The most important function of the other pretend that there is. The shrine has a role and special functions, such as the Temple "rwa Bhineda", "Sad Jade", "Padma Bhuana" and the center of all activities of religious ceremonies.
Attention to the Besakih temple started from the reign of King Sri Udayana Warmadewa (year 1007), until the reign of Kings Lord Krishna descended Kepakisan (years 1444 and 1454 AD).
Great attention of the king, continued the Dutch colonial times in Indonesia, a large enough interest, manifested by a restoration on a large scale for several complex of buildings damaged sacred natural disasters.
After Indonesian independence, the government made revisions to some of the physical buildings damaged, and held a series of religious ceremonies.
Igolodo,Witihama,Adonara Island,NTT,Indonesia
Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Frans Lebu Raya with some traditional leaders and community leaders and more than 100 residents in the District Witihama, flocking to Kolilanang to look closely Igolodo springs in the village.
Governor with Witihama community not only see these springs, but did well with the traditional ritual customs pemangkut in Kolilanang village, believed to be the owner of the fountain.
A pig was slaughtered and its blood sprinkled on the fountain as a symbol of tradition that springs with a flow of about 10 liters / second, it will be channeled to the region to meet the needs Witihama clean water to communities in five villages in that district.
Lebu Raya governor dropped the first stone in the fountain as a symbol of the container will be built for water reservoir and then channeled into the pipeline Witihama the extent of about 10 km from the source that Igolodo eye.
Witihama which is also a hometown of Governor of NTT, Frans Lebu Raya, enjoy virtually no clean water after a pipe network from Waidoko springs not far from Igolodo, as drilled by rogue elements in the region are not responsible Lamabunga Village, District Klubagolit.
Flow of water 10 liters / sec is quite large. Important area around the water source shall be maintained so as not to dry.
Governor Lebu Raya also hoped that the village heads in the district need immediate Witihama greening around Igolodo springs that will be a source of community life in the region Witihama.
Governor with Witihama community not only see these springs, but did well with the traditional ritual customs pemangkut in Kolilanang village, believed to be the owner of the fountain.
A pig was slaughtered and its blood sprinkled on the fountain as a symbol of tradition that springs with a flow of about 10 liters / second, it will be channeled to the region to meet the needs Witihama clean water to communities in five villages in that district.
Lebu Raya governor dropped the first stone in the fountain as a symbol of the container will be built for water reservoir and then channeled into the pipeline Witihama the extent of about 10 km from the source that Igolodo eye.
Witihama which is also a hometown of Governor of NTT, Frans Lebu Raya, enjoy virtually no clean water after a pipe network from Waidoko springs not far from Igolodo, as drilled by rogue elements in the region are not responsible Lamabunga Village, District Klubagolit.
Flow of water 10 liters / sec is quite large. Important area around the water source shall be maintained so as not to dry.
Governor Lebu Raya also hoped that the village heads in the district need immediate Witihama greening around Igolodo springs that will be a source of community life in the region Witihama.
Museum Asi Mbojo,NTB,Indonesia

Broad, solid and ancient. That is the impression of the building caught Mbojo Asi Museum located in the heart of Bima. The building was formerly a palace Bima Sultanate, now serves as a museum.
Asi Mbojo Museum not only witness the history of Bima, more than that he kept a long story red thread temali civilization from the Bima Bima sultanate until now.
Museum architecture Asi Mbojo Bima is a unique combination and the Netherlands. Sturdy and towering buildings that consist of two floors and covers an area of not less than five are.
Asi Mbojo means Palace of Bima. The palace was built in 1927 and officially became Bima Sultanate palace in 1929. Palace building flanked by two gates on the west side and east.
Asi Mbojo layout not much different from other courts in the country. Palace facing west and in front of him clearing or plaza named Serasuba.
That was where the king is said to appear in public in front of people at certain moments, such as when held important ceremonies or celebration of religious holidays. Serasuba also became the imperial forces training arena.
In the square there is a mosque, as a means of religious ritual.
Palace, the square and the mosque which is a philosophical conception of government, people and religion is a unified whole.
Along with the expiration of the sultanate in 1952, then ended Asi Mbojo role as the center of government, the center of arts and cultural development, broadcasting center of Islamic and customary courts center.
Asi museum store Mbojo relics of kings and sultans of Bima. At the second gate there is no longer a member of the imperial guard troops. Serasuba square function has been turned into a football pitch.
Entering the museum building Asi Mbojo, on the first floor on the right, directly akaian collection presented to the marriage customs among the nobility and the commoners pelaminannya following.
On the other hand, there are a number cupboard that stores a collection of agricultural tools, hunting equipment, transportation equipment, instruments used in the field of fisheries, cooking utensils, cutlery and so on.
Other collections include traditional clothes of Bima, dance clothes to art, a collection of books Sultan, firearms Portuguese and Dutch era and other collections.
On the left there is room to store a collection of weapons such as kris, trident and other war equipment. No less than 100 collections in the room. Collections at the venue all made of gold and silver.
After climbing the stairs in the middle of the room, on the second floor there are a number of rooms or bedrooms Sultan family. Among these rooms there is a room once used to stay I President, Sukarno, when visiting Bima.
President Sukarno visited the Sultanate of Bima in 1945 and 1951.
Sultanate of Bima is a kingdom located in Bima. Residents of this area was formerly Hindu (Shiva). According to old records Bima Palace, in the reign of kings who bear the title "Ta Ma Bata Ruma Wadu", married to the sister of the wife of Sultan Alauddin Makassar named Daeng Sikontu, daughter Karaeng Kassuarang.
He received the Islamic religion in the year 1050 AH or 1640 AD King or Sangaji Bima is dubbed the "Sultan" Sultan of Bima I (Sultan Abdul Kahir).
After the Sultan of Bima I died and was succeeded by his son named Sultan Abdul Khair Sultan Sirajuddin II, then changed the system of government based on "Hadat and Islamic Law".
Meanwhile, Sultan Ibrahim (Sultan of Bima to-XI) from his marriage gave birth to Sultan Salahuddin who then appointed the Sultan of Bima to-XII as the last Sultan of Bima.
Visiting the Museum Mbojo Asi is indeed an interesting agenda, but to reach them from Mataram, capital of West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB), took a long time.
Especially the dry season to make the air less friendly. Heat and air dried paint and agricultural areas in the region. The rain rarely falls.
Traveling overland from crossing Poto Tano in Sumbawa Regency down the hill until Dompu to Bima, which looks only bare hills with trees, while grass in dry paddocks.
There does not seem interesting sights along the way during the summer on the island of Sumbawa, unless the spread of beach with blue water that still leaves the impression shade.
Bima is one of the city on the island of Sumbawa, which is part of West Nusa Tenggara Province. To reach this city of Mataram can be done by landline or air lines.
If taken through the journey overland, from Mataram had to travel overland to the port of first crossing of Heaven in East Lombok District. Travel time between the City of East Lombok Mataram-range 1.5 -2 hours.
Travel still must continue to cross into the Poto Tano in Sumbawa Regency with the travel time between 1.5 - 2 hours. After arriving at the ferry port on the island of Sumbawa, the trip to Bima still has a distance of about 350 miles.
Although the road paved, but to travel as far as it needs high concentration, because the way in which the winding up and down along the hills and canyons on the steep side of the road.
However, if you want a shorter trip, from Selaparang Airport in Mataram, can directly fly to the majors Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport of Bima. It takes about 30 minutes. Airfare price-Bima Mataram affordable because all this is subsidized by local governments.
If implemented through the land route, a few miles before entering the town of Bima, exactly into the area Bolo District, along the left of the road began to look expanse of salt ponds. Hundreds if not thousands of acres of salt ponds terpetak-patch.
The farmers were harvesting sea salt after the water is channeled into the pond plots, began to produce white crystals of salt. Others put it into sacks. Price per bag (60 kilograms) of Rp60 thousand.
Some time after that began to appear panoramic Lawata Coast. Beach with about half a kilometer long was on holidays many people visited. Because of its location before entering the city, the beach Lawata dubbed by some as a welcome beach.
Although to reach the Museum Asi Mbojo take long, but once on the location of the ancient buildings will be paid off fatigue with a lot of historical stories of the legendary Bhima.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Pantai Kolbano,Kupang,NTT,Indonesia

For most tourists visiting the coastal area filled with white sand or black sand is a common thing that we can see, but what about the coastal expanse filled with colorful stones that are beautiful and unique, it could be a new scene for you. This you can see and feel the only beach along the coast Kolbano.
Kolbano Coast Village is located in Kolbano, Kolbano District, South Central Timor (TTS), East Nusa Tenggara Province. Kolbano Village area of 17 km2. Kolbano beach famous for its stone color and local residents have used since 1971.
Stone colors in this Kolbano Beach coast, has a wide variety of shapes and colors. There are red, green, yellow, black, patterned stone even exists. There is also a stone that has three colors (red, black and cream).
Kolbano beach beauty can be enjoyed by both tourists coming from the area around East Nusa Tenggara and various other areas. If you live in Jakarta, then you can use a Mandala Airlines plane, Sriwijaya Airlines, Batavia Airlines or Merpati Airlines with the aim of Kupang taken for ± 6 hours.
Arriving in the city of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, there are 2 (two) options that you can do: You can spend 1 (one) night in Kupang, or you can directly go on to the beach Kolbano (depending on time available). If you want to continue the journey to the Coast Kolbano, then you can use the travel services department or the city bus with Kolbano pay for Rp.60.000, -. But it is recommended that you go on Pk. 06.00 WITA, because the bus leaving from the bus terminal Kupang is only one-way trip and the trip to the beach from Kupang Kolbano taken for ± 6 hours.
If you've arrived at the beach kolbano, you can search for home hospice residents with rental system, or you can stay in the government Mess TTS is already available.
So ...... how ???..... Ready to experience a new adventure for the experience ...???, see stone colors along the coast Kolbano is a rare phenomenon in any part of the world. Enjoy the wonderful journey that you will never forget in your life.
Kota Bayung,Jambi,Sumatera,Indonesia

City Bayung, is a small town located in Jambi Province. Jambi is a province of Indonesia located on the east coast in the middle of the island of Sumatra. Jambi is also the name of a town in the province, which is the provincial capital city.
From the capital of Jambi, to get to the small town, takes time 4 - 5 hours. To get there, we must take LongBoard, a kind of boat. Cost per boat is 50,000 org.
This boat has only 7 passenger, 2 front, 2 in the middle and 2 in the rear, and the rear driver. The atmosphere all the way to Bayung very beautiful, because we will never see him in big cities like Jakarta.
Buaya Park,Medan,North Sumatra,Indonesia

You want to visit a unique tourist attractions in the city of Medan? Try to visit the Crocodile Park is located in Medan acid Beetle village, district Medan Selayang, Medan, North Sumatra. Crocodile Park is owned by Lo Than Mok, who has more than 2600 crocodiles tail that started maintenance since 1959.
The area approximately 2 acres. If we want to enter Crocodile Park area, so any visitor entry fee of Rp. 5000, -.
In the garden, we can see the crocodile in captivity, ranging from new born to 50-year-old. Crocodiles are accommodated in small ponds to large pools adapted to the age of each crocodile.
Usually visitors to see crocodiles on TV, but when it comes directly to the Crocodile Park, it will see clearly the real form of a crocodile. There are feelings of fear when he saw the size of a very large crocodile and canine teeth are sharp. Any visitors are reminded to not put his hand on the edge of the pool, avoiding terkaman crocodile in the pond.
Visitors can give these crocodiles eat, be a chicken, which can be bought in this area for Rp. 30.000, -. Immediately after a chicken thrown into the crocodile pond, then the quick count, the crocodiles will eat it up soon.
In Crocodile Park is provided also for the visitors, the tents to relax and enjoy the air around teduhnya Crocodile Park and merchandise beverages and small food can be bought to relieve thirst and hunger around the park after this.
It turned out to take care of some maintenance crocodile trainer who specialized care for those crocodiles and even train them to do attractions. Visitors will be served a wonderful attractions including the many attractions that we want.
Curious to know the existence of direct crocodile, do not miss when the city was in Medan, North Sumatra to stop by and take pictures as a personal documentation. It would be fun and broaden our tourism.
Santan Waterfall,Bengkulu,Sumatra,Indonesia
Santan waterfalls are natural attractions located in the village of Upper Ridge, Lebong district, Bengkulu Province suitable for nature lover tourists.
Sightseeing is very good, because in addition there are also waterfalls surrounding tropical forest.
Water that falls from the clear waterfall, flowing directly into the creek adds that beautiful tourist sites.
Tropical forest around the waterfall, is also a habitat for rare Rafflesia flower arnoldi, which is an icon of tourism promotion to the international world of Bengkulu.
If it was lucky, tourists visiting the site can see the Rafflesia arnoldi rarely found in other regions. Different Rafflesia Bungai carcass.
Rafflesia arnoldi, special interest and a pride of Bengkulu province, often found blooming in the area of Taba Penanjung Nature Reserve North Bengkulu, located 44 Km from the city of Bengkulu.
In general, flowers that bloom about 70 cm in diameter was only 10 meters from the highway pnggir-Kepahiang Bengkulu City.
The main habitat of the giant flower in the area of Taba Penanjung Nature Reserve. In the forest site was almost three months, the flowers bloom.
In addition to large size, unique Rafflesia arnoldi than surrounding red flowers and decorated with white spots, the number of petals only five. Usually, Rafflesia which blooms can last up to 20 days.
Arnoldi Rafflesia was first discovered by the British Governor Jendaral, Thomas Stanford Raffles besama personal physician, arnoldi in 1818 in South Bengkulu.
In Bengkulu province currently there are 80 identified tourist attraction and has a uniqueness. From that number as many as 14 of them are beach, eight tirta (water), 22 historic sites and 36 natural panorama.
Sightseeing is very good, because in addition there are also waterfalls surrounding tropical forest.
Water that falls from the clear waterfall, flowing directly into the creek adds that beautiful tourist sites.
Tropical forest around the waterfall, is also a habitat for rare Rafflesia flower arnoldi, which is an icon of tourism promotion to the international world of Bengkulu.
If it was lucky, tourists visiting the site can see the Rafflesia arnoldi rarely found in other regions. Different Rafflesia Bungai carcass.
Rafflesia arnoldi, special interest and a pride of Bengkulu province, often found blooming in the area of Taba Penanjung Nature Reserve North Bengkulu, located 44 Km from the city of Bengkulu.
In general, flowers that bloom about 70 cm in diameter was only 10 meters from the highway pnggir-Kepahiang Bengkulu City.
The main habitat of the giant flower in the area of Taba Penanjung Nature Reserve. In the forest site was almost three months, the flowers bloom.
In addition to large size, unique Rafflesia arnoldi than surrounding red flowers and decorated with white spots, the number of petals only five. Usually, Rafflesia which blooms can last up to 20 days.
Arnoldi Rafflesia was first discovered by the British Governor Jendaral, Thomas Stanford Raffles besama personal physician, arnoldi in 1818 in South Bengkulu.
In Bengkulu province currently there are 80 identified tourist attraction and has a uniqueness. From that number as many as 14 of them are beach, eight tirta (water), 22 historic sites and 36 natural panorama.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Jelajah Wisata Rimba Huta Si Kapir
Rain in December was not unfriendly indirect wet soil Huta Si kapir Woods, because trees seemed to be a natural umbrella.
Gloomy weather in December also did not discourage the tourists to tourist areas in the village of Pawan, Sub Rambah, Rokan Hulu regency, Riau, was, towards the end of the year.
The resort is approximately nine miles from Sand City Pangarayan, capital of Rokan Hulu.
Tariffs in there Rp3.000 for adults and children Rp2.000 for visitors. When visitors want the company of a guide, then the cost incurred Rp50.000 only for one trip.
Meaning of "Huta Woods" comes from the Mandailing which means the house and the woods. While "The kapir" taken from the title of a king named bloody Tapanuli Porkas and according to legend founded the kingdom in the area called Sand Pangarayan, now capital of Rokan Hulu.
At this resort guests can stroll or sit idly enjoying the natural scenery of the log cabin.
With the topography is hilly with a slope of 45-60 degrees, the top of the building in the City of Sand Pangarayan be obvious from the region. The atmosphere is cool and fresh air in the region will make visitors feel welcome.
As a result, Woods Huta The kapir still has a collection of plants that make the place qualifies as a garden of tropical forest highway. A hundred years old trees look towering stand upright, there was even a tree whose roots reached adult size pahan.
Walking among the trees in the region will feel the peaceful atmosphere. Large rocks and steep cliffs covered with green moss create a relaxed eye fatigue and eliminate the rest of the work routine.
Woods has a variety of tree species with high economic value and the plant medicines such as thin trees, Kulim, rattan, betel tiger, turmeric jungle, pegs the earth, gambier, aloe and eucalyptus. In addition, deep in the jungle can also find a variety of animals such as rhinoceros, bear, white eagle, and long-tailed monkeys.
Tourism area also has many caves scattered in several places whose existence seemed to complement the exotic jungle environment.
In the region there are 41 caves, with the distance between a cave and other caves ranges from 25 meters to 150 meters.
But until now only 11 caves that have been given a name, ie God's eyes Caves, Rainbow Cave, Cave Lepong, Underground Prison Cave, Batu Caves Dependent, Bulan Batu Caves, Cave Spinner, Tupai Lorong Cave, Cave Lorong hamsters, rabbits Cave, and Cave Lorong Tembus.
Navigate each cave not easy for visitors sometimes have to go through the hiking trail, and climb the steps on the slippery rocks crack and mossy.
Cave of the first encountered upon entering the Cave of the jungle is the God's eyes, which are named as having two cave-like pair of eyes. In the cave there is the flow of water flowing through the rocks.
Another cave is a cave near Lepong where there is a lot of bats. In addition, there are also cave whose walls reflect rainbow colors when exposed to various sun. But, the color on the walls of the cave began to fade due to termites.
Another attraction that is not less interesting than the resort is the legend of The Woods kapir Huta.
Name the place closely related with the legend of King Porkas who lead the people with very unwise, unjust, dishonest, and can not keep their promises.
It is said that the kingdom was wallowing in gold treasure. Territory is rich in gold shaped grains of sand and therefore given the name Sand Pangarayan, from Mandailing language which means golden sand pan.
"But the king was unjust by ordering people to wash the gold and paid tribute to him. All the people who do not comply will be jailed or hanged,"
Commoners who could not stand the pain finally asked God to ask for help to escape the cruelty of the king and his followers.
Soon after, the storm and heavy rain resulting in major flooding. Flood eventually drown Porkas royal king, and he and his followers fled to the jungle.
It is said, a large stone in the Woods Huta kapir The ship is believed is leftover king who had drowned.
Despotic king's legend is also believed to related to the existence of ethnic Mandailing who became one of the majority in Rokan Hulu. That way, people feel obliged Tempatan natural preserve area as a tribute to their ancestors.
"There is the customary law applicable to the destroyer of the jungle. We also should not be indiscriminate felling of trees, before the tree was really old and partially peeling bark.
In the Dutch colonial period, the kings of the previous Rokan made cave in the Woods kapir Huta as a hiding place. If traced back to "luhak" cave, it will be found in a pool containing tiny shrimp are believed to have made the baths and the daughter of the king's family.
Gloomy weather in December also did not discourage the tourists to tourist areas in the village of Pawan, Sub Rambah, Rokan Hulu regency, Riau, was, towards the end of the year.
The resort is approximately nine miles from Sand City Pangarayan, capital of Rokan Hulu.
Tariffs in there Rp3.000 for adults and children Rp2.000 for visitors. When visitors want the company of a guide, then the cost incurred Rp50.000 only for one trip.
Meaning of "Huta Woods" comes from the Mandailing which means the house and the woods. While "The kapir" taken from the title of a king named bloody Tapanuli Porkas and according to legend founded the kingdom in the area called Sand Pangarayan, now capital of Rokan Hulu.
At this resort guests can stroll or sit idly enjoying the natural scenery of the log cabin.
With the topography is hilly with a slope of 45-60 degrees, the top of the building in the City of Sand Pangarayan be obvious from the region. The atmosphere is cool and fresh air in the region will make visitors feel welcome.
As a result, Woods Huta The kapir still has a collection of plants that make the place qualifies as a garden of tropical forest highway. A hundred years old trees look towering stand upright, there was even a tree whose roots reached adult size pahan.
Walking among the trees in the region will feel the peaceful atmosphere. Large rocks and steep cliffs covered with green moss create a relaxed eye fatigue and eliminate the rest of the work routine.
Woods has a variety of tree species with high economic value and the plant medicines such as thin trees, Kulim, rattan, betel tiger, turmeric jungle, pegs the earth, gambier, aloe and eucalyptus. In addition, deep in the jungle can also find a variety of animals such as rhinoceros, bear, white eagle, and long-tailed monkeys.
Tourism area also has many caves scattered in several places whose existence seemed to complement the exotic jungle environment.
In the region there are 41 caves, with the distance between a cave and other caves ranges from 25 meters to 150 meters.
But until now only 11 caves that have been given a name, ie God's eyes Caves, Rainbow Cave, Cave Lepong, Underground Prison Cave, Batu Caves Dependent, Bulan Batu Caves, Cave Spinner, Tupai Lorong Cave, Cave Lorong hamsters, rabbits Cave, and Cave Lorong Tembus.
Navigate each cave not easy for visitors sometimes have to go through the hiking trail, and climb the steps on the slippery rocks crack and mossy.
Cave of the first encountered upon entering the Cave of the jungle is the God's eyes, which are named as having two cave-like pair of eyes. In the cave there is the flow of water flowing through the rocks.
Another cave is a cave near Lepong where there is a lot of bats. In addition, there are also cave whose walls reflect rainbow colors when exposed to various sun. But, the color on the walls of the cave began to fade due to termites.
Another attraction that is not less interesting than the resort is the legend of The Woods kapir Huta.
Name the place closely related with the legend of King Porkas who lead the people with very unwise, unjust, dishonest, and can not keep their promises.
It is said that the kingdom was wallowing in gold treasure. Territory is rich in gold shaped grains of sand and therefore given the name Sand Pangarayan, from Mandailing language which means golden sand pan.
"But the king was unjust by ordering people to wash the gold and paid tribute to him. All the people who do not comply will be jailed or hanged,"
Commoners who could not stand the pain finally asked God to ask for help to escape the cruelty of the king and his followers.
Soon after, the storm and heavy rain resulting in major flooding. Flood eventually drown Porkas royal king, and he and his followers fled to the jungle.
It is said, a large stone in the Woods Huta kapir The ship is believed is leftover king who had drowned.
Despotic king's legend is also believed to related to the existence of ethnic Mandailing who became one of the majority in Rokan Hulu. That way, people feel obliged Tempatan natural preserve area as a tribute to their ancestors.
"There is the customary law applicable to the destroyer of the jungle. We also should not be indiscriminate felling of trees, before the tree was really old and partially peeling bark.
In the Dutch colonial period, the kings of the previous Rokan made cave in the Woods kapir Huta as a hiding place. If traced back to "luhak" cave, it will be found in a pool containing tiny shrimp are believed to have made the baths and the daughter of the king's family.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Malalayang Beach,North Sulawesi,Indonesia

Manado City has the potential are very rich maritime, besides yangg suddh region famous Bunaken, there is one place that is also very interesting, namely Malalayang Beach. Location-in and also cheaper to reach to make this beach destination to the residents of Manado and the surrounding yg want to spend the weekend.
Currently Malalayang Beach not only known by the people of Manado and Indonesia, but was increasingly recognized throughout the world, because the performance world record-breaking dive. In August, the exact date of August 16, 2009, in commemoration of Independence Day Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia to 64, as many as 2465 divers managed to break the world record for diving, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the record breaking that broke the previous record of 979 divers in Malewa .
Malalayang Beach certainly has a beautiful, when they arrive at this beach you will enjoy the scenery and the island of Bunaken Island Manado Tua, so feel tired and exhausted as treated by the beauty of the landscape.
Tranquility also felt as he watched the waves calm and friendly. So that by sitting with relatives and friends, then generate an atmosphere of warmth of togetherness. Even the waves are calm as we take to swim to enjoy the cool sea coast. You can use swimming aids such as air-filled tires or beynen known. In addition to tire buoy rental facility, there are also bicycle water (duck-bebekan), which is always crowded used by visitors.
Photo: Local News / Joko
Satisfied after a swim, you can enjoy the warm fried bananas, plus sauce dabu2 yg characterizes citizens there must reply to your vacation memorable added. Snacks snacks served the local community, it's cheap and varied, Rp500, Rp1.000, Rp2.500, to 10,000.
Another uniqueness of the Coast Malalayang is, if we find the usual beach conditions have gemilau white sand, with undulating waves, the coast is filled with black rocks and hard, which is also exciting to be approached and viewed.
Coast Malalayang in Malalayang of District Two, District Malalayanag, location taken approximately 5 minutes from the terminal Malalayang. If you ask the people there, certainly the public would know the location of this Malalayang Beach, because it is known by the people in Manado. The distance from the city of Manado to this beach about 10 km.
Talise Beach,Palu,Central Sulawesi,Indonesia

Palu is better known as Palu Bay flanked by the mainland city of Palu and Donggala a tourist attraction with a variety of tourist beaches, forest parks holidays, traditional house, and others. One of them is Talise beach attractions from Kaili language which means the fruit 'ketapan', so called because this beach was once a lot of overgrown by trees ketapan.
Talise beach is a maritime tourism object with a beautiful panoramic expanse of the bay and mountains so fascinating. In addition, this beach is perfect for sports activities, such as: swimming, wind surfing (wind surfing), water sky, diving, fishing, and so forth.
Talise beach as a place for a trip is the cheapest option and is easy for citizens generally Palu. Why? because besides not cost, its location very easy to reach the middle of town and access roads already teraspal (now about the way Raden Saleh, King Moili and Cut Mutia).
Exists close to the city center makes this beach is often visited by migrants and society itself Palu. Visit during the day rather less suitable, because the weather is generally hot in Palu and the wind was blowing hard during the day by 12 hours. Beautiful scenery in Talise beach as the sun rises late. The beach is nice to visit during the late afternoon and sunset during the evening while enjoying snacks and beverages in the form of fried bananas, bananas eppe, corn, tea / coffee, sarabba. Disore and evenings are also used as a family recreation and the youth.
Talise beach is also a source of livelihood for traditional fishermen who live around the coast to catch with the fishing equipment benur called 'pasero'. Fishing boats are moored in the bay add to the beauty of the beach.
Talise beach as a place for a trip is the cheapest option and is easy for citizens generally Palu. Why? because besides not cost, its location very easy to reach the middle of town and access roads already teraspal (now about the way Raden Saleh, King Moili and Cut Mutia).
Talise beach access to a very easy, because it is located in Palu Center. From the airport to the location of Palu, visitors can use four-wheeled vehicles and two-wheeler with a distance of about 4 kilometers.
So do not miss the opportunity to visit this Talise beach during a visit to Palu ....
Nyaru Menteng,Kalimantan,Indonesia

One of the biological riches that continue to be protected archipelago is an orangutan, where its presence is an indicator of the extent to which the preservation of tropical rain forest ecosystem in the country pursued. Orangutans is highly dependent on forest resources, with a density of 1 to 5 fish per square kilometer is also available habitat for at least 5 types of hornbill birds, 50 species of fruit trees and 15 liana species, and various other animal species.
Be aware that Indonesia has 3 of the 7 binding ozone rainforest in the world, so that even the world's ecosystems depends on the success of forest conservation in Borneo. Thus BOS Foundation - The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, which has stood since 1991, and has branches in 12 countries to manage the conservation of primates in the world's largest professional to struggle preserving biodiversity, forest rehabilitation, inventory, agroforestry, social welfare and education and care health orangutans.
When we visited the Nyaru Menteng, the Road Little Riwut km. 28, Palangkaraya, with the distance less than 1 hour overland journey from the city of Palangkaraya, then we can look at this largest primates. Nyaru Menteng is an orangutan reintroduction project in Central Kalimantan, one of the programs other than conservation BOS Mawas, Wanariset Samboja, Samboja Lestari and Samboja Lodge. Orangutans itself has two species, the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) and Borneo orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) in which for Borneo orangutans is 90% lived in Indonesian Borneo, and the rest is in Borneo territories of Sabah and Sarawak. There are more than 100 orangutans that need to be rescued from Kalimantan villages each year, with a population of 57,000 orangutans are estimated to spread in various regions.
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