Broad, solid and ancient. That is the impression of the building caught Mbojo Asi Museum located in the heart of Bima. The building was formerly a palace Bima Sultanate, now serves as a museum.
Asi Mbojo Museum not only witness the history of Bima, more than that he kept a long story red thread temali civilization from the Bima Bima sultanate until now.
Museum architecture Asi Mbojo Bima is a unique combination and the Netherlands. Sturdy and towering buildings that consist of two floors and covers an area of not less than five are.
Asi Mbojo means Palace of Bima. The palace was built in 1927 and officially became Bima Sultanate palace in 1929. Palace building flanked by two gates on the west side and east.
Asi Mbojo layout not much different from other courts in the country. Palace facing west and in front of him clearing or plaza named Serasuba.
That was where the king is said to appear in public in front of people at certain moments, such as when held important ceremonies or celebration of religious holidays. Serasuba also became the imperial forces training arena.
In the square there is a mosque, as a means of religious ritual.
Palace, the square and the mosque which is a philosophical conception of government, people and religion is a unified whole.
Along with the expiration of the sultanate in 1952, then ended Asi Mbojo role as the center of government, the center of arts and cultural development, broadcasting center of Islamic and customary courts center.
Asi museum store Mbojo relics of kings and sultans of Bima. At the second gate there is no longer a member of the imperial guard troops. Serasuba square function has been turned into a football pitch.
Entering the museum building Asi Mbojo, on the first floor on the right, directly akaian collection presented to the marriage customs among the nobility and the commoners pelaminannya following.
On the other hand, there are a number cupboard that stores a collection of agricultural tools, hunting equipment, transportation equipment, instruments used in the field of fisheries, cooking utensils, cutlery and so on.
Other collections include traditional clothes of Bima, dance clothes to art, a collection of books Sultan, firearms Portuguese and Dutch era and other collections.
On the left there is room to store a collection of weapons such as kris, trident and other war equipment. No less than 100 collections in the room. Collections at the venue all made of gold and silver.
After climbing the stairs in the middle of the room, on the second floor there are a number of rooms or bedrooms Sultan family. Among these rooms there is a room once used to stay I President, Sukarno, when visiting Bima.
President Sukarno visited the Sultanate of Bima in 1945 and 1951.
Sultanate of Bima is a kingdom located in Bima. Residents of this area was formerly Hindu (Shiva). According to old records Bima Palace, in the reign of kings who bear the title "Ta Ma Bata Ruma Wadu", married to the sister of the wife of Sultan Alauddin Makassar named Daeng Sikontu, daughter Karaeng Kassuarang.
He received the Islamic religion in the year 1050 AH or 1640 AD King or Sangaji Bima is dubbed the "Sultan" Sultan of Bima I (Sultan Abdul Kahir).
After the Sultan of Bima I died and was succeeded by his son named Sultan Abdul Khair Sultan Sirajuddin II, then changed the system of government based on "Hadat and Islamic Law".
Meanwhile, Sultan Ibrahim (Sultan of Bima to-XI) from his marriage gave birth to Sultan Salahuddin who then appointed the Sultan of Bima to-XII as the last Sultan of Bima.
Visiting the Museum Mbojo Asi is indeed an interesting agenda, but to reach them from Mataram, capital of West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB), took a long time.
Especially the dry season to make the air less friendly. Heat and air dried paint and agricultural areas in the region. The rain rarely falls.
Traveling overland from crossing Poto Tano in Sumbawa Regency down the hill until Dompu to Bima, which looks only bare hills with trees, while grass in dry paddocks.
There does not seem interesting sights along the way during the summer on the island of Sumbawa, unless the spread of beach with blue water that still leaves the impression shade.
Bima is one of the city on the island of Sumbawa, which is part of West Nusa Tenggara Province. To reach this city of Mataram can be done by landline or air lines.
If taken through the journey overland, from Mataram had to travel overland to the port of first crossing of Heaven in East Lombok District. Travel time between the City of East Lombok Mataram-range 1.5 -2 hours.
Travel still must continue to cross into the Poto Tano in Sumbawa Regency with the travel time between 1.5 - 2 hours. After arriving at the ferry port on the island of Sumbawa, the trip to Bima still has a distance of about 350 miles.
Although the road paved, but to travel as far as it needs high concentration, because the way in which the winding up and down along the hills and canyons on the steep side of the road.
However, if you want a shorter trip, from Selaparang Airport in Mataram, can directly fly to the majors Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport of Bima. It takes about 30 minutes. Airfare price-Bima Mataram affordable because all this is subsidized by local governments.
If implemented through the land route, a few miles before entering the town of Bima, exactly into the area Bolo District, along the left of the road began to look expanse of salt ponds. Hundreds if not thousands of acres of salt ponds terpetak-patch.
The farmers were harvesting sea salt after the water is channeled into the pond plots, began to produce white crystals of salt. Others put it into sacks. Price per bag (60 kilograms) of Rp60 thousand.
Some time after that began to appear panoramic Lawata Coast. Beach with about half a kilometer long was on holidays many people visited. Because of its location before entering the city, the beach Lawata dubbed by some as a welcome beach.
Although to reach the Museum Asi Mbojo take long, but once on the location of the ancient buildings will be paid off fatigue with a lot of historical stories of the legendary Bhima.
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