Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wisata Alam Lhoong,Aceh.Indonesia

Nature tourism Lhoong, Aceh Besar
Natural landmarks, Waterfall Lhoong, Aceh Besar, seen coming to life again, after nearly 30 years left visitors for security reasons due to armed conflict plagued Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD).
Foreign citizens (foreigners), both men and women who were conducting a humanitarian mission in Aceh, every day off to enjoy the beauty of nature tourism with friends with a local guide accompanied.
Before birth, the Helsinki MoU, waterfall attractions Lhoong tree-lined large timber and forested never again visited the community, mainly for fear his safety. He said, recently, the flow of people to visit the natural attractions on every day off is always crowded, including family tours and school children who make the region as a place of separation.
Earlier, Acting Regent of Aceh Besar, H. A. Madjid AR, justifying the current visit to the tourist sites in the region growing hemp, not just the natural waterfall tours, but also a maritime tourism community options. Maritime tourism in Aceh Besar, which has come back to life includes the location of Lhoknga, Ujung Batee and Lampuuk, but pembenahannya not done because of limited budgets, so the natural look not neatly after the tsunami.

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