Religious Tourism, Exotic, charming, and full religious nuance, which originally covered hill forest, balanced with religious buildings and a few miniature as attractiveness. Each of these miniature, describing some events and places considered sacred by some religions.
In masukdisambut door by the statue of the Buddha and a temple that is used for Buddhist worship. Saddhavadana monastery, which is designed like the temples of Borobudur Temple building located in Central Java. Buddha statue was made with the position while sitting cross-legged in meditation, with the right palms facing forward while the position of the left hand supporting an elbow from below.
other than the place of worship, such as church, mosque, monastery, temple, there is also play equipment and supporting facilities for travel.
Approximately 100 meters from the location and Saddhavadana Vihara Buddha statues, there Ecumenical Church and several miniature cross to the Protestant Christian worship. The church was built on the hills in front of (the valley) posted a charming natural scenery. Just beside the church, built a replica of a large crucifix placed in a line. Some of the replica of the cross, some of whom told the crucifixion trip (via dolorosa) against Jesus in order to liberate mankind from sin as the Bible tells us (Gospel).
At the same location, built a statue of Abraham when he was handed sacrifice to God. In addition to the statue of Abraham, there is also a statue of Moses. The statue depicts the journey of Moses preparing to receive the ten commandments of God as told in the Bible. The statue is intentionally built not far from the relief of the Cross, as one attempts to introduce tourists to these religions closely related the story of the journey is the bearer of religious doctrine.
Walking a few minutes from the location of the statue of Abraham and Moses, there is the Cave of the Virgin Mary is symbolized as a woman for the Christian holy catholic. Inside the cave there is statue of the Virgin Mary with a beautiful berparas standing position using a white robe with a light blue combined. Cave with a small size is built right on the hillsides to the valley manghadap door. While the composition of the building stone and cement using shaped exactly like a cave that is in the wild.
Once past the Cave of the Virgin Mary, there is a building houses of worship (Temple) Hindus. The temple was built following the design of these ancient buildings like temples located in Bali, especially the tower building.
On the inside the park, there is a miniature of the Kaaba as contained in the Grand Mosque, Mecca. Buildings around the Kaaba miniature trees decorated with colorful flowers. Kaaba miniature development as an effort to bring this sacred symbol for Muslims in the park. With the presence of this miniature, expected the visitors, especially Muslims can recognize their religious symbols while traveling. Not far from the Miniature Kaaba, stands a mosque dedicated to Muslim worship in the running.
Religious Tourism, not only full of buildings for religious worship. Garden of faith tourism is also decorated with some beautiful natural scenery and pine forests that line so shady. River that flows from the hills, adding to the attraction of this park. Composition of worship buildings combined with the stunning natural beauty, making Religious Tourism as one of the favorite tourist sites in Dairi District.
Religious Tourism is located in Bukit Sitinjo, Sub Sitinjo, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
Park area to go to the Dairi Faith Wisatan trip can be done by using public transportation (bus), private cars, or car rental. From Medan Polonia Airport to City Sidikalang (Dairi Capital), a distance of 152 km with a travel time of about three hours. From City Sidikalang, the journey continued to the location which is about 10 km to the journey time approximately 15 minutes.
In the park there is a building that used to post security. This heading is used by officers to oversee the park and to control the safety of visitors. At some point in the park, built several small cottages that can be used by tourists for a place to rest and shelter from the hot weather and rain.
This park is equipped with a dormitory accommodation, mess, and quarters. To support the religious activities that require a large capacity, such as marriage, the Mass together, and the party at this park built an auditorium that has a large hall which can be used for such activities.
To accommodate the consumption needs of the tourists, the park was built a restaurant and minimarket. Restaurant menus are provided for consumption and some snacks
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