Oura Goa Raja in the sacred area of Besakih, Karangasem diyakni Hindus, downstream through the Lawah Cave Temple in Klungkung regency and penetrating into the upper reaches of Mount Agung, the highest mountain in the island resort.
Pura which consists of six pieces "pelinggih" It is one of 18 in Besakih Temple complex, which functions as a central point of Hindu shrines to Hyang Widhi.
Pelinggih one place to worship "Ida Hair Bethara Sedana" believed can give welfare to mankind,
In the Hindu tradition in Bali, "Hair Batara Sedana" revered as the "Goddess of Prosperity" which bestows wealth, gold-silver (sarwa mule), jewels and money (funds) to humans.
Island of the Gods of Hindu society is `consistent` commemorate a special worship to the "hair Batara Sedana" Wage Wednesday, Wuku Klawu or better known as "Buda Cemeng Klawu" which falls every 210 days.
Piodalan or a warning this time led by two Buddhist priests Shiva-thousand people attended, including former Drs Bali Governor Dewa Made Beratha and Chinese residents.
Surge of people have appeared since the early days, including the people who came from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and the areas around Banyuwangi, East Java.
Ritual activity "Sri Sedana" commonly known as "Hair Sedana" according to Pande Made Mangku Jro Satra is a holiday or a temple ceremony for the money and who has bestowed a living God Almighty to the human race.
"Sri means rice, Sedana means money or in other words part of the living, the celebrations were conducted in each household and the temples in traditional village environment," said Mangku Literature, a leader of a religious ceremony at Besakih.
Pura Goa King is a meeting place (Pesamuhan) "Sang Hyang Dragon Three" of the three manifestations of God ie "The Dragon Anantaboga", "Sang Hyang Naga Basuki" and "Sang Hyang Takshaka Dragon" which each have their own place in the temple complex of Besakih .
In the palm "Kusuma Dewa" Batara expressed about the presence in the Great Buwana (jagatraya) ie Mahameru Mount (Mount Agung), Bali's highest mountain peak reaching for the sky, the base of the bottom layer of the earth through seven (Sapta Patala).
"Where is the location of the meeting that the gods created the better (ayu) and bad (ala) to keep the universe island of Bali. Therefore, if a good Besakih, Bali will be safe, peaceful, peaceful and prosperous.
Ancestor of Balinese in the past to understand the reality of the universe as the grace that must be grateful for giving kerahayuan, safety and welfare of mankind.
Until now the people of Bali will not cease to realize a sense of devotion and gratitude kehadapan praise the Almighty God through a religious ceremony in both the Pura Besakih and in the stomach of Mount Agung, the island resort community expectations are always met safety and peace.
Rsi Markandya in the year 111 Saka (189 AD) plant "Pancadhatu" in Besakih complex up to now provide valuable lessons and is very important for local communities.
Overall improvement of the temple Goa King had done in 2002 or the restoration of the third follows the eruption of Gunung Agung in 1917, which then erupted again in 1963.
Besakih historical terms expressed by the inscriptions and palm Purana explains, as the place of the Gods beristananya who glorified the people of Bali, and have significance for the religious life of Hindus.
The most important function of the other pretend that there is. The shrine has a role and special functions, such as the Temple "rwa Bhineda", "Sad Jade", "Padma Bhuana" and the center of all activities of religious ceremonies.
Attention to the Besakih temple started from the reign of King Sri Udayana Warmadewa (year 1007), until the reign of Kings Lord Krishna descended Kepakisan (years 1444 and 1454 AD).
Great attention of the king, continued the Dutch colonial times in Indonesia, a large enough interest, manifested by a restoration on a large scale for several complex of buildings damaged sacred natural disasters.
After Indonesian independence, the government made revisions to some of the physical buildings damaged, and held a series of religious ceremonies.
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