Believe or not. However, this is reality. Apparently, eating dead beef has become a tradition for people in the region of South Central Timor (TTS), East Nusa Tenggara, which has lasted down through the generations. For those who would violate a "curse" and for those who follow will reap a blessing. Although it was an unspoken belief, traditions die eating beef as if it had become mandatory for owners of cattle when the cattle business do not want that effort forward will fail. In fact, for those who do not eat meat, is considered sinful, dead cows had considered providing sustenance for the family farmer. At first glance, this seems simple fact. But it really happened. Rational and irrational reasons for eating dead beef is not an issue important to citizens. After all, they repeatedly eat dead meat though no casualties have been poisoned, and some even to death. If you do not eat bad luck for its owner. Nevertheless, to eat the flesh of dead cows should see no sign of a cow in your body. "If there is a hole in the mouth dipantat or snakebite ln, meaning it should not be eaten," said Kase. However, the facts on the ground speak another. Traditions and beliefs of parents in mind dipatrikan TTS society can not be broken with a rational reason for the government. The government may say eating dead carcasses of beef could cause health problems, even death. However, for those who throw away beef was maintained for many years led to a deep down empatyh citizens. Remorse and guilt will resonate in the minds of citizens if they are not eating beef after the pains they take care of for years. Not only that, the trust if you do not eat the dead carcasses of beef will bring adverse effects to the memelihar cattle rancher. This belief is still so strong in the middle of society. Belief that its strength increased when parents show evidence of residents who had to break it. The strength of "trust" in the midst of the people is what makes the tradition of eating beef carcass still happening today. For the government as an institution that became a model community that has an obligation to break the trust and mensosialisasi right thing to the public. Trust is manifested in the form of the upstream tradition of food poisoning cases in TTS carcass meat. Two cases of food poisoning last meat carcass, the government managed to handle the downstream of food poisoning victims beef carcass can be saved.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tradisi Makan Bangkai Sapi
Pasar Semawis,Semarang,Central Java,Indonesia

Semawis market, also known as Waroeng Semawis, is the night market in Kota Semarang's Chinatown. This market was originally the idea of the association Coffee Semawis (Chinatown Community Semarang for Tourism). The market started with the holding Semawis Lunar Semawis market in 2004, following the Lunar New Year diresmikannya as a National Holiday in Indonesia. Open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights along the way Gang Warung, Chinatown - Semarang, Semawis market presents a wide range of dishes that you can choose a family from Semarang typical plenet bananas, rice, chicken, ice puter, pancakes, various kebabs, pulp nuts to the menu - the menu is interesting steamboat to taste. Longest hawker center in Semarang is open from 6 pm to midnight. The market is located on the street Semawis Gang Warung, to how to get there, there are several roads to choose from. Plampitan > Kranggan > parkir di jalan Beteng." From the road Gajahmada, can be entered through the streets of West Wotgandul> Plampitan> Kranggan> Beteng street parking. Gajah Mada from the road can also go directly to the street through the intersection Kranggan Depok. parkir di jalan Gang Pinggir." onmouseout. Another route is through the market or Jurnatan Johar, entered by way Pekojan> parked in the street Gang Pinggir. Every weekend night when Waroeng Semawis held, some streets in Chinatown closed one end, the road Besen Gang, Middle Lane, Gambiran, Gang Gang Rear and Top. The road - the road can be used for parking vehicles Semawis Market visitors.
Gedung Agung,Yogyakarta,Central Java,Indonesia

Yogyakarta's palace known as the Great House is located in the center of the city, precisely at the southern end of Jalan Ahmad Yani formerly known as Jalan Malioboro, the heart of the capital city of Yogyakarta Special Region. Regions palace located in Kelurahan Ngupasan, Gondomanan District, City of Yogyakarta, and an altitude of 120 m above sea level. This palace complex occupies an area of 43,585 m². The main building of this palace complex built in May 1824, hosted by Anthony Hendriks Smissaerat, Resident of Yogyakarta to 18 (1823-1825) which calls for "palace" is authoritative for the resident-Dutch residents, while the architect is A. Payen. Because of the Java War or the Java War (1825-1830) had delayed construction. Development is continued after the war ended which was completed in 1832. On June 10, 1867, the official residence of the Dutch resident collapsed in the earthquake. New building was erected and completed in 1869. The building is at the main building complex of the Presidential Palace of Yogyakarta which is now called the State House. On December 19, 1927, the administrative status of Yogyakarta as the residency area increased to a province where the Governor became the supreme ruler. Thus the main building became the residence of the Dutch governor in Yogyakarta to the entry of Japan. On January 6, 1946, "City of Gudeg" became the new capital of the Republic of Indonesia which is still young and the palace was transformed into the Presidential Palace, residence of President Sukarno and his family, while Vice President Mohammad Hatta lived in the building now occupied by 072/Pamungkas military region. Since the Presidential Palace of Yogyakarta to witness such an important event as the inauguration of General Sudirman TNI Commander in Chief on June 3, 1947 and as the top leadership of the Republic of Indonesia army on July 3, 1947. On December 19, 1948, Yogyakarta was attacked by a Dutch army under the leadership of General Spoor, President, Vice President and other nobles exiled to the outside of Java and returned to the Palace of Yogyakarta on July 6, 1949. Since December 28, 1949, by the migration of the President to Jakarta, this palace is no longer a place to live day-to-day President. Yogyakarta Palace or the Great House, as well as other presidential palace that is the office and official residence of President of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, as a place to accept or spend the state guests. Since August 17, 1991, the palace was used as a place to commemorate Seconds Proclamation of Independence for the Special Region of Yogyakarta and the implementation of the Twilight Parade each 17 that began 17 April 1988. Yogyakarta Palace consists of six main buildings of the Great House (main building), State House, Wisma Indraphrasta, Wisma Sawojajar, Mansion House Bumiretawu and Saptapratala. The main building was completed in 1869 to the present form had not changed. The main room is called the Garuda Room serves as the official room for greeting guests or visitors of the other great. In addition to the homestead, homestead since 20 September 1995 Sono Arts complex area of 5600 square meters, located in the south, which originally belonged to the Ministry of Information, to be part of this Presidential Palace. The entrance to the Great House with its stone sculpture In front of the main building, in the courtyard, there is a stone monument as high as 3.5 meters andesite called Dagoba, which comes from Cupuwulatu village, near the Prambanan Temple.
Museum Batik,Yogyakarta,Central Java,Indonesia

Museum Batik
Museum Batik of Yogyakarta is the first museum in Yogyakarta was founded on the initiative of Hadi Nugroho, owner of the museum. This private museum is located at Jalan Dr. Sutomo, Yogyakarta. The building is managed by husband and wife Goddess and Hadi Nugroho. On May 12, 1977, this new museum was inaugurated by P & K Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta province. This museum inhabits an area of 400 m2 and also used as residential owners. In 2000, the museum has received awards from MURI for the work 'Largest Embroidery', batik measuring 90 x 400 cm2. Later in the year 2001, the museum has received awards from the MURI back as the initiator of the establishment of the first Embroidery Museum in Indonesia. Today, the museum has more than 1,200 stores perbatikan collection of 500 pieces of batik cloth, batik cap 560, 124 canting (batik tool), and 35 pan and coloring materials, including nights. This museum collection contains various styles of batik of Yogyakarta, Solo, Pekalongan, and other traditional styles in the form of long cloth, sarongs, and so on. Most of the motive motive pesisiran, suburbs, bright moon, and the motive esuk-afternoon. Some famous collection include: Cain Long Java Soga (1950-1960), Soga Ergan Cain Long Duration (year not recorded), Sarong-Isen Isen Antique (1880-1890), Sarong-Isen Isen Antiques (kelengan) (1880 -- 1890) made by Dutch Lady EV. Zeuylen from Pekalongan, and Long Gloves Java Soga (1920-1930) made by Mrs. Kiem Lie Djing from Yogyakarta. All the collections of the museum's founding family obtained from the Museum Batik Yogyakarta. Eldest is a batik collections made in 1840. Meanwhile, hundreds of other collections are the work itself the owner of the museum include embroidered image of Indonesia's first president Sukarno, former President Soeharto, Megawati Sukarnoputri, and Hamengkubuwono IX. In addition there are also portraits of Imam Bonjol hero's face and Prince Diponegoro. There are also embroidered the face of Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa of India.
Museum Affandi,Yogyakarta,Central Java,Indonesia

Affandi Museum is located at Gajah Wong river, or at 167 Jalan Solo, Yogyakarta is a museum that holds the work of legendary painter Affandi. More than 300 paintings of fruit stored in this museum that consists of 3 galleries and a house formerly used as a residence of this painter. This house has a roof-shaped banana leaves, and consists of two floors with the upstairs private room Affandi as nuanced artistic.In addition to 300 works of Affandi's own paintings, the museum is also tersimpam more than 700 paintings of famous painters Indonesia, such as: Basuki Abdullah, Popo Iskandar, Hendra, Rusli, Fajar Sidik, and others.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Museum GBKP,North Sumatera,Indonesia
Background and history Thought GBKP museum establishment was born in planning the celebration of 100 years GBKP Jubelium, warning the entry of the gospel to the people of Karo dated 18 April 1890 until 18 April 1990. Since 1990 the museum's building is in the middle GBKP complex GBKP Jubelium Park. GBKP museum built to preserve historical materials and documents the introduction and development of Christianity in the middle of Karo. The museum was built GBKP retreat center location Jubelium Park tahunh GBKP 100. Laying the first stone took place on July 30, 1990 in conjunction with the opening-ceremony 100 years Jubelium Park GBKP. In the early completion of construction of the museum building (in 1990) is used as a means of supporting the activities GBKP retreat center. In 2003 the museum held the transfer of the management retreat center bureau chief GBKP to museums, libraries, and cultural Karo. On 31 March 2007 GBKP museum building is equipped with infrastructure facilities and cultural arrangement of Karo and materials GBKP historical documents. GBKP the opening and inauguration was held on August 11, 2007 by the Governor of North Sumatra Rudolf Pardede. Museum Location GBKP Jubelium Park Complex Jalan Jamin Ginting Km. 45 Sukamakmur Kelurahan Sukamakmur Sub Sibolangit Deli Serdang North Sumatra Tel. 0628.97269 Location Map Transportation From Polonia Airport to the museum 45 km From the Port of Belawan to the museum the sea 60 km Sandpaper bus from the terminal to the museum 45 km From Railway station to the museum 45 km Schedule visit Wednesday - Monday: At 10:00 to 16:00 pm Tuesday: Closed Ticket Price Sign Note: Not free of charge, provided the offering box and suggestions for those who want to contribute. Facilities Permanent exhibition space Temporary exhibition space (no) Auditorium (no) Space Library Laboratory Space / Conservation (none) Collection storage space (no) Space Repair / Preparation (none) Audiovisual Room (no) Toilet Space Administration
Museum tri Daya Eka Dharma,

Background and History The establishment of the museum was initiated by the Regional Commander, Brigadier General Widodo III 17/Agustus one TNI leadership in the region of West Sumatra and Riau. The museum was founded as a means of communication between generations and as the heir morale and heroic values. The idea is then followed by a Brigadier and then Soemantoro who officiate apda dated August 16, 1973. The museum is named for the Museum of Struggle Tridaya Eka Dharma, which means the three elements of strength only service. This name can be associated with the philosophy of Minang "Tigo Furnace Sajarangan". Bukittinggi chosen as the seat of this museum is due to Bukittinggi is a city that had become a struggle Provincial Capital of the State of RI Suamtera danIbukota to-3 after Jakarta and Yogyakarta at the time of the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). This building was formerly a cottage, the Governor of Sumatra. Before this building was inaugurated renovated for Tk government assistance. West Sumatra and the military command in August III/17. Location The museum occupies a building with an area of 3000 m2 and the land area of 387.5 m2, located at Jalan Panorama No. Wood faction of District 24, District Tottori Long, District Bukittinggi, West Sumatra Province adjacent to the panorama of natural attractions. Location Map Transportation To go to the museum can be taken by land, sea, and air with the distance: - From the bus station to the museum Bukittinggi 2 km - Minangkabau International Airport to the museum 80 km - Of Bay Harbor museum Bayur to 90 km. Collection Initially owned collection is still very limited, but over time continued to be completed. Right now the main collection consists of various tools / traditional weapons, modern weapons (guns, long guns, machine guns and mortars) spoils of war from the colonial Dutch and Japanese, as well as other equipment such as aircraft radio transmitter and receiver YBJ 6, plane AT-419 B 16 Hervard duty to quell gang PRRI 1958 in West Sumatra and many more collections are arranged in vitrin and outside vitrin. In addition there are also photographs of supporters of Indonesia's independence struggle photos. Aircraft transmitter YBJ-6 is one aircraft that can carry the transmitter PTT group Bukittinggi during the two-year independence war from 1948 to 1949. The aircraft is used by the transmitter Emergency Government to deal with other areas in Indonesia and overseas, especially to India because it was representative of Indonesia in New Delhi. Data collection is complete museum Guns: 103 pieces, explosives / ammunition 73 / B, 13 kinds of communications equipment, combat aircraft: 1 fruit, 100 fruit Photo fighters. Schedule visit Museum On Tuesday - Sunday from 08.00 - 16.00 Admission prices No charge (not using the ticket). Facilities Facilities owned by the museum a. Lobby space b. Showroom c. Room Information
Museum Kendil Kemilau Emas,Dumai,Indonesia
Kandil Kemilau Gold Museum is located at Carambola Island Sub Bangkinang, Kampar regency. The museum is a new official on May 22, 1988 was on the island Carambola Bangkinang Kuok. This museum is a house-shaped house of Five Traditional Koto Kampar, built around 1900 by the late Haji Hamid. This museum is now stored in various collections of antiquities that have historical value such as pottery goods, Carpentry Tools, Agricultural Tools, Equipment fishing, art equipment, aisle equipment, commercial equipment, party equipment, etc. . In addition to these tools are stored commercial boat oar made of very strong wood from the 18th century, and a compass made of bamboo made by the people of China because the numbers are written on the compass is written in script China. There are two hundred and fifty (250) kinds of museum collections antique gold Kemilau Kandil all of which are collections that have been inherited from generation to generation as a heritage item.
Pesanggrahan Putri Tujuh,Dumai,Indonesia
Princess Seven Guesthouse is located in the refinery area of operations at Pertamina UP II Dumai, a unique, usually tomb filled by one person, so if you see the tomb of Princess Seven of the tomb consists of seven Princess. According to legend the Dumai, Princess of seven people buried together because when the enemy is attacking, acting mother Princess Queen at the time the seventh daughter hiding in a hole open to the ground, unnoticed by the mother, daughter killed seven apparently buried by land, therefore it is the seventh daughter is buried in one grave.
Pompa Angguk Monument,Riau,Indonesia

Pompa Angguk Monument is located in Minas. Minas famous with the results of their ground that the oil world's best standards. Minas is the first oil drilling areas to areas of Riau, and the first oil pump is now no longer in operation because the oil has dried. Determination of the location of oil wells was conducted in March 1941 and began drilling wells on December 10, 1944 with a well depth of 800 m. Brand pump used is Lufkin. The pump is currently used as historical monuments in the province of Riau oil, stands grandly in the city of Minas, and kept nodding all the time.
Pemandian Langenharja,Sukoharjo,Central Java,Indonesia

Once satisfied with enjoying the beauty of Solo Baru, moved toward the east by paved road, tourists will arrive at the former rest house Paku Buwana X, a distance of approximately 3 kilometers from New Solo. Pesanggrahan Paku Buwana X, a distance of 3 kilometers from kuranglebih New Solo. Pakubuwono Pesanggrahan X seama now certainly not like hundreds of years ago. Now he is like a monimen keep secrets and mysteries about him and once told his neighbors wisatawa period lalnya, about people and everything. Former pesanggrahan Buwana X Paku until now still surrounded by high walls, there are many banyan trees standing memayunginya. Many tourists visit yangdatang with diverse needs, there came just want to see places of historical and famous in his time, and some even wanted treatment. Because in addition Pesanggrahan have a well that produces hot water because it contains only sulfur and manganese. This is a legacy wells Paku Buwana I was a witness to history tempo first. Langerharjaanamanya bathhouse, which is equipped with bathtub and shower and tub for a hot bath. According to the beliefs surrounding communities, with a hot water bath will remove some skin diseases.
Tawangmangu,Karanganyar,Central Java,Indonesia

Talking about the tourist attraction in the District Karanganyar, then that would appear first in the minds of tourists is an area located at the foot of Mount Lawu Tawangmangu charming, with cultural tourism and nature tourism are very different when compared with other regions in central java. Tawangmangu an altitude of 1000 meters above sea surface datas, berpanorama beautiful, with a cool climate and has been famous since the tempo doeloe family as an arena tour. Tawangmangu can be reached by public transportation from several departments such as the Solo, Sukoharjo, Klaten, and various other areas on the island of Java. From Solo To Tawangmangu only 42 Kilometers or Solo-Tawangmangu through Sarangan area with 13 kilometers distance. Specifically for public transport routes serving Tawangmangu, travel frequency approximately 40 times per day / bus. Forest Tourism Grojogan Sewu, forest locations Sign Grojogan Sewu tourism, tourists will disamput forest insect sound drumming. In sanapun tourists will menyaksikanbanyak kes monkeys hanging around waiting for tourists helping hand. dam is a very unique attractions and fun. Upon arrival the datas location, the first object encountered tourists are swimming pools for children-ana. Walk about 10 meters from the swimming pool, visitors will find a waterfall with a height Grojogan Sewu ± 80 meters. Grojogan Sewu see the beauty of a free fall from the top of the cliff with perikan water, and mist decorate. This situation will get busy again because the area covered with pine trees that grow lush and leafy. Forest tourism in some facilities are available including food stalls, hawkers, cabin monitoring and others.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Pantai Pasri Puncu dan Ketawang,Purworejo,Central Java,Indonesia

Twenty-two kilometers from the town of Purworejo or eleven miles from the city district to the south Kutoarjo, precisely in the District Hardjobinangun and Ketawang Grabag, we can enjoy the marine tourism and Sand Beach Ketawang Puncu. This area has its own fascination with the South Sea beach panorama of interesting and attractive. Travel to the region really charming. Kutoarjo town, along the way tourists can watch a variety of natural beauty and uniqueness of paddy field Purworejo on either side of the road and a series of Menjangan Geger Mountains amazing. The journey will seem shorter because all the way to tour the area planted with different types of shade trees such as Java and Mahogany acid. Coolness is like giving a new sense that no tourists have been felt through the gate of the coastal tourist area. At this gate tourists will total with two sandy road, where the road left into Puncu sand beach and Beach Road to right Ketawang with respective distances are still approximately 2 kilometers and 1.5 kilometers. The situation along the two roads are almost the same; on the left - the right way in the form of plantations neatly. Neither the beauty of the beach. South Coast with a beautiful beach break big wave of white foam. Puncu sand beach is a rare privilege available elsewhere. This place is the estuary of times Bamboo Shoots, Kedungmacasan and Kali Kali Pedegolan. Third times a berbapu merged into one mouth of what became known as jali river creates a charm that is pretty rare. This condition is even more beautiful when the rolling waves greet kepantai river water. A combination of colored river water turbid with sea water produces blue beautiful scenery. Another interesting bids can be enjoyed by tourists on the beach beside the Puncu Sand beach is a tourist beauty water with outboard boat at the mouth of the river Jali. On the beach sand and Puncu Ketawang, denganleluasa tourists can see how beautiful the sunset on the western horizon. To reach the tourist areas and beach sand Puncu Ketawang, tourists can use private cars, mini buses (Purnomo, Langgeng, etc.) or use a carriage that is always ready to serve every need. Conditions have paved the way, except for 1.5 to 2 miles before the object. Both these beaches can be also achieved through Purwodadi District, about 12 kilometers from the City of Purworejo. If this line is to be taken, then the tourists can stop first at the tourist attraction Jatimalang Indah Beach defeated yangt idak pull Puncu Sand Beach and Ketawang. Pantai Indah Jatimalang is in the District Purwodadi, Purworejo.
Telaga Menjer,Wonosobo,Central Java,Indonesia

In the field of tourism, natural factors are the basis of capital that can enable the flow of tourists to move from one place to another. Tourists encouraged to leave their places and a lot of money due to their desire to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of nature in addition to objects of other attractions. In this context, the Wonosobo regency has a lot of good natural potential which is still original and who have been touched and modified by human hands. Beautiful natural scenery is indeed a special attraction for tourists. Their arrival for the tour in a particular attractions, whether it be a tourist beaches, forests, temples or the types of other attractions, always interspersed with a desire to see up close the natural state of a region. One of the attractions that have natural conditions that are unique and attractive Menjer Lake. This tourism object is located 12 kilometers north of Wonosobo city and tourist area adjacent to the Dieng Plateau. To reach the pond location is not too difficult because it was in the middle of the road tour with Wonoso-Dieng has paved the road conditions. Telaga Menjer is tirta attractions of the largest lake in Wonosobo regency. Vast lake approximately 70 acres with 55 meters into the water. Here has been prepared ebrbagai other kinds of facilities ready yacht chartered for tourists around and mingle with the water pool while watching the beauty of the surrounding landscape. In this place there are also quite interesting park, campground and parking lot are very broad. Other activities you can do is fishing for tourists in the lake water are different kinds of fish in considerable amount. Pond water beside Menjer used for tourism activities is also used to drive two turbines of the Center for Water Power (hydropower), which generate electricity by 26 megawatts. The beauty of nature in the region is promising Menjer Lake to be enjoyed. The environment still looks beautiful, the topography is hilly and overgrown with pine forest, a place truly enchanting to release the fatigue and exhaustion
Mojowarno Church,Jombang,East Java,Indonesia
Church Mojowarno is the oldest church in the eastern Indonesia region, and once had been one of the central stream of Protestant Christianity in the Dutch period. Every once a year, this church held a ceremony Kebetan and Download-download, which will packed the local culture. The church is located in the village Mojowarno Mojowarno + / - 17km south-east of the town of Jombang, 6km north of town Ngoro or 8km south Mojoagung city, East Java. Kyai the initiative of Paul Tosari (Jariyo Kasan), the early leader Mojowarno church, this church building was built starting 24 February 1879 and laying the first stone by Christina Chaterina Kruyt, zendeling Mojowarno daughter, Jan. Kruyt, until then was inaugurated on March 8, 1881 which is said to cost of 25.000 Gulden, before he died on Sunday, May 12, 1881. It is interesting that the town of Jombang city known as santri but the majority of the population in some areas Mojowarno are Christian believers who were originally opened by the Christian followers of Ngoro around 1844-46, ie in the village Mojowangi, Mojodukuh, Mojoroto and Mojojejer, especially population around the church. There inkripsi Javanese (sengkalan literature) in front of the Arch reads: "Single Gunaning Panembah Trussing" translated = 3291 (read = 1923), a sign of independence Mojowarno congregation spearheaded by the Committee Pitoyo, one Christian church movement Java. There is also a Javanese inscription on the front porch on the first line, reads: "Duh GUSTI, ingkang Sinten puruggi subjects altered? Paduka pangandikanipun gesang kagungngan lasting." The second line, reads: "YOKANAN Chapter: 6:68" The third line, reads: "Margane slamet rahhe pamenthangan." Then, together with Java churches in East Java on Friday, December 11, 1931 at the church building Mojowarno Church, inaugurated the Supreme Council, which is holding the 29th Raad pasamuwan alit (governing body) in the whole of East Java. Dutch East Indies government officially called as the Oost Javaansche Kerk, which eventually became Java Christian Greja Wetan. MA first trial was held the next day after the declaration, held in this church building, Saturday, December 12, 1931. Representing C.W. present NZG Nortier (Chairman MA), C. van Engelen, S.A. Hoogestraten and J. van Wiegers. Vice Noeroso Java Christians, Sriadi, Pdt. Driyo Mestoko, Teacher Gospel (GI) Tartib Eprayim, Poertjojo Gadroen, Jaret Parang, Raden Poeger, Raden Wiriodarmo and friends. During the Japanese occupation in Indonesia (1942-1945), division arose GKJW in the body caused by the political process of Japanese colonial practices. In the year 1943 stood Pasamuwan Raad Christian (RPK) in East Java to meet that purpose. Dualism occurs, because both RPK and MA GKJW had the same number of followers in the Christian community in East Java. After Japan surrendered to the allies, through the Supreme Court in Church Mojowarno GKJW, 4-6 August 1946 on the reconciliation done to bring the two camps had the same lead the Christians of East Java. Reconciliation had marked a holy communion service on August 5, the next day is celebrated as the Development (or more precisely Awakening) GKJW. Church liturgy Mojowarno Church still uses the Java language "Krama" until now, as the medium of the Word of God and hymns of praise. Even in celebrating Christmas and the days of religious, church members usually wear traditional clothes. Mostly elderly woman wearing kebaya, while the majority of men wearing a skull cap.
Monumen Pesawat tempur,Jombang,east Java,Indonesia

Sendang Made,Jombang,Java,Indonesia
Sendang Made Made located in the Village, District Kudu. In this area there petilasan heritage of King Airlangga. Besides Made surrounding Sendang senang-senang are other smaller, Sendang Among Umbrellas, Sendang Padusan, Sendang Drajat, Sinden and Sendang Sendang OMBEN. Made Sendang believed to be the remnants of Majapahit kingdom.
Tretes Waterfalls,Jombang,Java,Indonesia

Tretes waterfall
Location Tretes waterfall is located in Forest Park (Tahura) Raden Soeryo in complex Anjasmoro Mountain (2277 m), where this area is a protected forest that still maintained the authenticity and natural beauty. Waterfalls High Tretes ± 150 meters and is situated at an altitude of ± 1700 feet above sea level he was.Geologically this area is the volcanic rock of the old quarter. In this area there is a river that flows from the waterfall connection, so the water needs in this area can be properly fulfilled.For Complex Object to Object Tretes Waterfall can be achieved through 2 (two) way, namely:First, through the Jombang District, a path through the hills and rivers. Long road from the parking lot to the location of ± 5 km.Second, through the region Kediri regency (district markets. Kandangan), a stone path that can be taken by 4-wheel vehicles like jeeps and the like. Long road from the parking lot to the location of ± 1 km.Facility or building supporting tourism activities waterfalls are only a few stalls at the end gravel road through the area of Kediri District. Other supporting facilities in general are still natural.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Pantan Teron,Gayo,Sumatera,Indonesia

Kenduri apam,Aceh,Indonesia
Apam feast held in the month of Rajab, especially on the 27th night of Rajab is celebrated as the occasion of Isra 'Mi'raj. At night, people gathered at the mosque meunasah or even to listen to a lecture on the history of Isra 'Mi'raj where the Prophet Muhammad made the journey from Masjid Haram to Masjid Aqsa by riding Buraq and his trip to Sidratul Muntaha to receive the five daily prayers orders directly from Allah SWT.It is said, according to the background story of the implementation of festivity apam initially addressed to a man who was not the Friday prayers to the mosque three times in a row, as the fine was ordered to make a cake for 100 pieces apam to transfer to the mosque and dikendurikan (eaten with - same) as a charity. With more often people bring cakes to the mosque apam would cause embarrassment known by the public that the person is often left Friday prayers.
Pantai Iboih,Aceh,Indonesia

Iboih beach is one of the natural tourist attraction most visited local and foreign tourists. Besides enjoying the beauty of the beautiful natural scenery, many other nature tourism activities that can be done there as tirta tours include surfing, boat, swimming, fishing, and diving to enjoy nature with the diversity of underwater coral reefs and fish the beautiful coral .Some facilities that can support tourism activities, among others: cottages around Iboih built by the community, shelters, public toilets, mosque, souvenir shops and hotels located in Gapang. From the beach Iboih tourists can visit the famous nuns island with natural beauty under the sea garden. In addition there Rubiah Island facilities built by the Tourism Office in Aceh province, among others: the diving center is equipped with facilities (motor boats, scuba gear), mosque, shelter, toilet, guard houses, watchtowers, trail, park and electrical installations.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monumen Tentara Pelajar

An old building in Banyumas, Central Java persistence of child witnesses in maintaining the independence of the nation. Where is the fierce battle with the Students 'Army which was won by Dutch troops Students' Army. The building is located in the Village Llurah, District Cilongok, Banyumas, Central Java, has a high historical value. In this place, around the year 1946, there was fierce fighting between army troops with the Dutch students during the day and night. Recorded dozens of Dutch troops killed, while in the military, a soldier hit in the leg. Nglulah Mountain Village at that time known as the Students' Army base that was attacked by the Dutch. Student Army under the leadership of Lt. Col. Pujadi, then design a strategy to trap the Netherlands. Once entering the Mountain Village Chief, the Dutch did not know a trap directly under siege. As a result, they can move slightly and many fell victim in the Netherlands. Bodies tens of Dutch troops was then collected locations around the building now named Pujadi Net Bandayudha Monument stands. Because the name of Lt. Col. Pujadi services, then added with a name that became Bandayudha Village Pujadi Lieutenant Bandayudha Net. In the rest of his life Colonel Pujadi Net Bandayudha Regent had been in Banyumas, Central Java. Location that used to be a place for solitude and meditation this Pujadi, is still guarded residents rarely Bandayudha.Tak Hamlet, this place becomes a reunion for former Military Students
Saparan Kalibuko

Traditional ceremony performed by the legendary background of Sunan Kalijaga related to this application is intended as a manifestation of the villagers to safety Kalirejo given. Place in Kalibuko hamlet, village Kalirejo, kec. Kokap.Konon according to the local village community elders, in this village there are places that are considered sacred because it supposedly once used as a place for discussion, the trustees in determining the kings of Java. The mayor requested instructions to the All-Knowing how fast a few days.
Jamasan Pusaka

In Sub Selogiri, Wonogiri District, Central Java Province, there is a tradition in the form of water-pouring ceremony or jamasan Mangkunegaran heritage. In a ceremony Mangkunegaran jamasan heirloom which is bathed dijamas or two keris and a relic spear Raden Mas Said or Mangkunegara I placed in District Selogiri. Keris-keris is named Kyai Kyai Koriwelang and Jaladara, while the spear was named Kyai Totok. The story behind the existence of heritage objects are in Selogiri, started when Raden Mas Said tried to defend the area from the Dutch colonialists began to enter the area around Mount Wijil. In the battle to maintain that area, Raden Mas Said, who uses weapons and heirlooms are assisted by the people Selogiri forces managed to expel the Dutch. Having repulsed the Dutch troops, Raden Mas Said back to Mangkunegaran. Kris and spear inheritance were brought home helped too. It was not until 1935, when Mangkunegara VII authority, the kris and spear Mangkunegara heritage I must be submitted to the community and relatives residing in District Selogiri, as an expression of gratitude for services already provided by the community and his relatives in Selogiri. For the record, when a resistance in Mount Wijil, Raden Mas Said had a chance to marry a local girl named Rara Rubiah, one of the daughter of Kasan Kamani. After becoming the wife of Raden Mas Said, Rara Rubiah renamed Raden Patah Ayu Aji. Thus, the relatives here are the people who come from the descendants and relatives of Raden Patah Ayu Aji. After receiving the inheritance was third, Selogiri society and create an obelisk-shaped building measuring 7x7 meters and 6 meters high. At the top of the monument made such a pretty box to store the three treasures. And, to close it made such a slab made of batu1. In addition, once every one year they also held a ceremony for jamasan or bath heirloom-inheritance is considered sacred. The purpose jamasan solemnization Mangkunegaran heritage is to get the safety, protection and tranquility. For some people Selogiri, heritage objects are considered to have supernatural powers that will bring a blessing when treated in a way cleaned or washed. If not treated, they believe that "content" that is in the sacred objects that will fade or even disappear at all and only serves as a regular weapon. In addition, other functions of jamasan is that the weapons quickly heritage is fragile and not durable. Heirloom old enough if not treated properly, it will be the possibility of rust and eventually damage. Therefore, care needs to be done periodically if there is damage that can be identified early. Time, Place, Leaders and Parties in Telibat Ceremony As the ceremony in general, the ceremony also jamasan inheritance in stages. Stages to go through the ceremony is as follows: (1) phase retrieval of stored treasures at the top of the monument; (2) tirakatan stage; (3) stages of the procession; and (4) stages of bathing or jamasan heritage. For the record, previously heritage jamasan solemnization done once every year on the first Friday in the month of Suro. But today, when packaged for tourism interests, jamasan ceremony performed on the holiday with a view to attract tourists both foreign and domestic. Place of the ceremony depends jamasan heritage of the stages to go through. For the procession taking Mangkunegara heirloom weapon I carried in a monument located in the west of District office Selogiri. For the procession was held in the marquee tirakatan Selogiri District. Processional cortege or procession begins from the marquee Selogiri District, then to the district office and resumed Wonogiri to Kodim Wonogiri. Meanwhile, for the procession laundering or heirloom jamasan Mangkunegara I do in Gadjah Mungkur Basin. For the record, first place of execution carried out in the marquee jamasan Selogiri District. However, when the regents held by Soemarsono Wonogori, this ceremony is packed into an asset or the implementation of the tourism agenda moved to the Gadjah Mungkur Basin. The aim is to support government programs to increase tourism. Master of ceremonies also depends on the activity or stage in a ceremony conducted Mangkunegaran jamasan heritage. In the decision stage heirloom, who acted as master of ceremonies was one of the elder from relatives Mangkunegaran. Then, who acted as master of ceremonies during the procession, headed tirakatan and district and subdistrict Selogiri Kodim is. Meanwhile, who acted as master of ceremonies at jamasan Gadjah Mungkur Basin is one of the courtiers who had experienced Mangkunegaran in jamasan heritage ceremony. As the parties involved in organizing the ceremony are: (1) some Mangkunegara relatives who come straight from the Surakarta and who resides in Selogiri; (2) the district officials and district Selogiri Wonogiri; (3) several arts groups in Wonogiri region; and (4) other people who helped prepare the equipment and witnessed the ceremony the ceremony. Ceremony Equipment Tools and equipment to prepare the ceremony Mangkunegaran jamasan heritage is: (1) molten metal brother; (2) white porridge; (3) porridge baro-baro; (4) developing Setaman consisting of rose, ylang and kantil; (5) incense; (6) rice uduk; (7) ingkung chicken; (8) classified rice; (9) gecok pecel duck; (10) bananas; (11) white rice; (12) betel; (13) peanut brittle; (14 ) fried tempeh made small, and (15) haban / arsenic (materials to clean the heritage) Course of Ceremony The ceremony begins jamasan heritage at around 16.00 pm with a procession of making heirloom placed on top of a monument located in the west of District office Selogiri. The procession taking this heritage thing done by some people who still have blood relations with Mangkunegara. Before taking heirloom kris and spears, at the threshold of the entrance monument first held burning incense and offerings in the form of laying: gecok pecel ducks, white porridge, porridge brother, boro-boro porridge, bananas, white rice, call, peanut brittle, Tinto, and fried tempeh small form. Finished burning incense and put offerings, four or five relatives Mangkunegara started to climb the iron ladder specially prepared by the District government Selogiri, take these heirlooms at the top of the monument. As the procession taking this heritage is in progress, the people who are not relatives Selogiri Mangkunegaran only watch and wait from the bottom while praying for salvation to God. After the legacy of Mangkunegara I managed to down, they took him into the hall Selogiri District. Heirloom-inheritance is then placed in a special place located on the southeast marquee. After that, they Be nice moment with the subdistrict head and Muspika Selogiri District. Be nice finish, the relatives were home again Mangkunegara to Surakarta. At about 20.00 pm the relatives Mangkunegara went back to Selogiri to follow in the marquee event tirakatan Selogiri District. Besides the Mangkunegara relatives, who attended the event include tirakatan it is the village officials, community leaders, invited guests from several agencies in the District Wonogiri, and Selogiri citizens. Tirakatan event was opened with remarks from Head Selogiri containing the purpose and objective of holding the ceremony Mangkunegara jamasan heritage. Finish the speech of Mr. Head, the invited guests who had been appointed by the committee began to steady motion-tembang tembang macapat. Pelantunan tembang-tembang macapat lasted until the event tirakatan finished around 10:00 am. When finished tirakatan, some invited guests will return to their homes and some remain in the pavilion while preserving the heritage of weapons. The next day, approximately at 07.30 pm began the procession to the office of Regent Wonogiri led by the Head Selogiri. The event is the procession followed by the people who last night followed tirakatan plus citizens who come from Girimarto. During the trip to the Regent's office Wonogiri, the procession bearing the weapon's heritage Mangkunegara I was getting a warm welcome from residents whose homes were passed by the procession. We arrived at the pavilion Wonogiri District, a group derived from Selogiri invited by the local committee to get to the west of the Regent's office. While the group of Girimarto placed on the east side yard. After that, the group leader (Head) will report to the Regent. After the report, the handover ceremony was held treasures from relatives Mangkunegaran to Manggala Yuda for dikirabkan again to Kodim Wonogiri. When the group began the procession to the District Military Command, various arts such as: Jathilan, reog, drum band from one school participated in Wonogiri accompaniment. And, just as the District dikirabkan Selogiri, the procession headed to the Kodim also warmly welcomed by the residents of the place passed. For the record, in a procession to the District Military Command is not only a weapon's heritage Mangkunegara I have brought, but also some other weapons such as: Semar Tinandu (also owned Mangkunegara I treasure stored in Girimulyo), Kyai clouds, Kyai Slamet, Kyai Singkir, and Kyai Singo Barong (heirlooms are stored in Wonogiri municipalities) Having arrived at the ceremony Kodim all participants disperse immediately into some vehicle that will lift them to the Gadjah Mungkur Basin. Time required from the Gadjah Wonogiri Kodim Mungkur about 30 minutes. When I got them Basin Mungkur Gadjah then gathered to hear speeches from the committee to proceed with the handover ceremony back to the Mangkunegaran heritage. Furthermore, all the weapons that heritage will be submitted to a Mangkunegaran courtiers who are experienced in menyelenggarkaan ceremony jamasan, to immediately start or bathing ceremony jamasan heritage. Bathing heritage was held in a stage located on the west dam with a high-order bit positions can be seen by the participants of the ceremony. The courtiers and start watering them one by one heirloom carefully and thoroughly. First heirloom is the third heritage dijamasi Mangkunegara I belong in Selogiri, namely Kyai Koriwelang, and Kyai Kyai Totok Jaladara. After all the heritage property of Mangkunegara finished dijamasi, then-heritage and heritage of Wonogiri District. Meanwhile, the remaining water is then used jamasan to menjamasi heirloom-owned heritage of the community. And, by the end of this heritage penjamasan stage, ending the whole series in a ceremony Mangkunegaran jamasan heritage. The whole heritage will be returned back in its place. Cultural Values Ceremony jamasan Mangkunegaran heritage, if examined in depth, contains the values that in turn can be used as a reference in everyday life. These values include: companionship, accuracy, mutual cooperation, and religious. Values reflected in the gathering together most of the members of the community in a place, eating together and praying together for the salvation together well. This is a form of togetherness in living together in the environment (in the broad sense). Therefore, this ceremony also contains the value of togetherness. In this case, the community within a community that has a territory, customs and culture of the same. Accuracy value is reflected in the ritual process itself. As a process, the ceremony requires preparation, both before the ceremony, at the time of the procession, and after. Preparations, not only about ritual equipment, but also a place, time, leaders and participants. Everything had to be well prepared and thoroughly, so the ceremony could proceed smoothly. For that, it takes precision. Cooperativeness values reflected in the involvement of various parties in the administration of the ceremony. They help each other for the operation of the ceremony. In this case there is a help to prepare food and beverages, a master of ceremonies, and so forth.
Ruwatan di Gunung Lanang

Great Ruwatan Behavior Tumapaking on every night of the Holy 1 Suro. Gunung Lanang is a place for spiritual and cultural activities Java. This place is a Gumuk sand between the beach and sand pategalan located in the hamlet of Bayeman, Sindutan, Temon, Kulon Progo, approximately 45 km to the west from the city center. Mount Lanang Astana also called Orange or Badraloka Mandira which means the residence or the Universe Kang Amurwa reddish yellow glow, while Mandira Badaraloka means building made of brick or light emitting greatness (Badra) Amurwa Kang Universe.Before performing the rituals and spiritual, must be sacred as the first inner and outer. Sacred done Tirto Kencono well water, then made preparations in Sasana Jiwo interior with a prayer or hymn singing with the aim to pambuko during rituals and is always in the power of his will. The next stage in Sasana Sasana Sukma Indra (navel / center Mount Lanang) with a resigned and focused on the greatness of soul of the Almighty to the top of meditation on the nature of silence. Selajutnya, kembli to Sasana Jiwo to perform prayers or to chant the words panutup gratitude has been allowed to do a spiritual event in the venue.
Tari Incling,Yogyakarta,Indonesia

Incling a traditional folk dance that has taken the theme of the story from the Panji stories. This incling arts performed in groups with the number 15 or 17 dancers orang.Pertunjukan are usually held in the open with a duration of 3 to 4 hours. Although the dancers are male, but there is a role women played by men called "cepet wadon". Also, who is also attractive and desirable audience is the role of pins, Bêjer, and kethek or monkeys. Several groups that existed between Incling others in Jatimulyo village, subdistrict Girimulyo, Sindutan village, subdistrict Temon, and Tanjungharjo village, district Nanggulan..
Monday, November 23, 2009
Waterfall "TUMIMPERAS" PINARAS,Tomohon,North Sulawesi,Indonesia

Tumimperas waterfall village is located in South Tomohon Pinaras District. From the city center to the location Tomohon waterfall is 7 km. With the level 70 m and can be easily reached by kendaaran. And when you get out of the car, can immediately hear the sound of water falling and mark the location of the waterfalls are so close. Surrounded by beautiful natural scenery and natural.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Ogoh Ogoh,Bali,Indonesia

Ogoh-ogoh are statues built for the Ngrupuk parade, which takes place on the eve of Nyepi day in Bali, Indonesia. Ogoh-ogoh normally have form of mythological beings, mostly demons. As with many creative endeavours based on Balinese Hinduism, the creation of Ogoh-ogoh represents spiritual aims inspired by Hindu philosophy.
The main purpose of the making of Ogoh-ogoh is the purification of the natural environment of any spiritual pollutants emitted from the activities of living beings (especially humans). The forms of Ogoh-ogoh represent the Bhuta-Kala (Bhuta: eternal energy, Kala: eternal time), according to Hindu teachings. The imperceptible potentials of nature cannot be thoroughly explored by anyone. Philosophically, civilized men are required to manage the natural resources without any attempts to damage the environment itself.
Aside from being the symbol of Bhuta-Kala, Ogoh-ogoh is considered a symbol of modes of nature that form the malicious characters of living beings. Ogoh-ogoh is usually made by the group of artists found in villages around Bali. After being paraded on a convoy around the town, finally it is burnt to ashes in a cemetery as a symbol of self-purification.
An Ogoh-ogoh is normally standing on a pad built of timber planks and bamboos. This pad is purposed to sustain the Ogoh-ogoh itself during its being lifted and carried around the village or the town's square. There are normally eight or more men carrying the Ogoh-ogoh on their shoulders. This procession is accompanied by music orchestra performed by the youth. The use of flares is also a main part of the parade.
During the procession, the Ogoh-ogoh is rotated counter clockwise three times. This act is done on every t-junction and roadcross of the village. Rotating the effigies during cremational parade and the eve of Nyepi represents the contact of the bodies with the spirits. It is aimed to bewilder the evil spirits so that they go away and cease harming human beings.
The main purpose of the making of Ogoh-ogoh is the purification of the natural environment of any spiritual pollutants emitted from the activities of living beings (especially humans). The forms of Ogoh-ogoh represent the Bhuta-Kala (Bhuta: eternal energy, Kala: eternal time), according to Hindu teachings. The imperceptible potentials of nature cannot be thoroughly explored by anyone. Philosophically, civilized men are required to manage the natural resources without any attempts to damage the environment itself.
Aside from being the symbol of Bhuta-Kala, Ogoh-ogoh is considered a symbol of modes of nature that form the malicious characters of living beings. Ogoh-ogoh is usually made by the group of artists found in villages around Bali. After being paraded on a convoy around the town, finally it is burnt to ashes in a cemetery as a symbol of self-purification.
An Ogoh-ogoh is normally standing on a pad built of timber planks and bamboos. This pad is purposed to sustain the Ogoh-ogoh itself during its being lifted and carried around the village or the town's square. There are normally eight or more men carrying the Ogoh-ogoh on their shoulders. This procession is accompanied by music orchestra performed by the youth. The use of flares is also a main part of the parade.
During the procession, the Ogoh-ogoh is rotated counter clockwise three times. This act is done on every t-junction and roadcross of the village. Rotating the effigies during cremational parade and the eve of Nyepi represents the contact of the bodies with the spirits. It is aimed to bewilder the evil spirits so that they go away and cease harming human beings.
Ritual ceremony pengerupukan is a process to neutralize the bhuta time or bad weather. Ogoh-ogoh parade was festive at the Kuta tourist area. Ogoh-ogoh in various forms large mengeliling paraded streets in Kuta.
Ogoh-ogoh also able to maintain unity among the people of Bali, so they can build the Balinese people who succeed in organisation
Pulau Beras Basah,Bontang,Kalimantan,Indonesia

Beras Basah is the name of an island in the city of Bontang. Islands with white sand beaches this is an attractive place for recreation while enjoying the beautiful panorama of Makassar strait sea, tourists can swim and breathe the cool sea air. Pulau Beras Basah can be achieved by using a Speed Boat or motor boat from the Port of Tanjung Sea, Bontang.
Tugu Peringatan Jepang,Balikpapan,Kalimantan,Indonesia
Located in Kelurahan Lamaru ± 26 km from the city center. This monument is surrounded by forests and beautiful plantations. The monument is made of stone with writing Kanki. Established as a mark of respect to the Japanese Army who died in World War II. Japanese tourists regularly visit this place at certain times to do homage to the religious rituals.
Bukit Bangkirai,Kutai,Kartanegara,Kalimantan,Indonesia

Bukit Bangkirai is natural tourism area managed by PT. Inhutani I Unit I Balikpapan. This tourist resort is located in Samboja district, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan. Bangkirai hill can be done through the journey overland for 1.5 hours from Kota Balikpapan. This tour offers the charm of a tropical rain forest that is still natural, dilengkatp with tourist facilities and infrastructure such as restaurants, Lamin for meetings, swimming pool, and jungle cottage or cabin. In this area there are canopy bridge (bridge canopy) 64 m along the hanging tree connect Bangkirai 5 at an altitude of 30 m. The bridge feature is the first in Indonesia, both in Asia and the eighth in the world. Its construction was made in the United States. As a natural tourism area, a variety of facilities and infrastructure have been prepared for tourists who come like a restaurant with a menu that is varied enough, Lamin for meetings that can accommodate 100 people, as well as lodging a cottage with air conditioning and cabin jugle, the cottages are not equipped with facilities electricity so that the tourists who stay there can feel the atmosphere of a real forest. Bangkirai Hill area of 1500 hectares wide reach of this is that forest conservation has an important role to develop a natural monument of wet tropical forests that can be used as a means of environmental education and forestry. This tour of forest area aims to develop the tourism potential of natural and scientific research and improve people's love for the environment and forests. On March 14, 1998, 510 hectares of this area was established as tourist areas by Djamalludin Suryohadikusumo, Minister of Forestry of Indonesia at the Sixth Development Cabinet as an effort to develop tourism potential of natural and scientific as well as to increase the love of the environment, especially in the flora and fauna. Natural tourism area is named for Mount Bangkirai Bangkirai dominant tree species growing in this protected forest areas. Bangkirai tree mascot was later used as the main attractions that have this worldwide. In this area there are many Bangkirai trees older than 150 years with a height reaching 40 to 50 m, with a diameter of 2.3 m. Buttress root circumference growth (root sign) is big and strong to make this tree has a value of its own beauty. Bangkirai hill is located about 150 km from the city of Samarinda and Tenggarong or only about 58 km from the city of Balikpapan and 20 km from the capital Samboja District. To achieve this natural tourist, tourists can adopt by road with four-wheel drive or two wheel. Geographically, the area including Mount Bangkirai lowland (lowland primary) "Dipterocarp forest" of stability, so that this area be turned into an invasion of birds from the area of Park Forest Area Bukit Soeharto (approximately 30 km) and the surrounding areas affected by forest fires. From the observations that have been made, there are 113 bird species that live in the area this Bangkirai Hill. The types of fauna present in the area is Mount Bangkirai-gibbons gibbons (Hylobates muelleri), monkey (Macaca nemestrina), Javan Red (Presbytus rubicunda), Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis), Warthog (Susvittatus), Flying Squirrel (Squiler ) and Sambar (Corvus unicolor) that have been breeding. Bangkirai Hill area is also rich in natural orchid that grows naturally on trees that are still living and the dead. There are at least 45 species of orchids that can be found in this region, including the Black Orchid (Coelegyne pandurata) is very famous and became one of East Kalimantan's mascot. Besides the cultivation of natural orchids, also made the development of such hybrid orchid Orchid Kala, Apple Blossom and Orchid Vanda Orchid. In addition to orchid garden, nature tourism is also equipped with an orchard area of 4 hectares. To preserve the integrity and sustainability of bangkirai trees in this area, the manager of the Mount Bangkirai Tree Adoption Program offers to its sponsors or donors to become "foster parents" for bangkirai trees desired.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Istana Mangkunegaran

Vihara Budha Gaya Watugong

Gaya Buddhist monastery complex that has Watugong artistic value by 39 meters high, is the highest pagoda in Indonesia. This monastery was built in 2005, located in front Makodam Diponegoro Semarang. In the building has seven levels, there is a statue of Goddess of Mercy from the second to the sixth level. There is a statue of Guan Yin 20 installed in these pagodas. Installation of Goddess of Mercy is adjusted to the direction of the wind, which aims to goddess who always spread the love to keep the city of Semarang from all directions. Buildings that are complementary in space Karuna Metta Vihara Gunung Kalong Srikukusrejo Avalokitesvara and the art of architecture has a very high this is one of the proud citizens of the city of Semarang and Central Java in general, because the current visitor Buddha Gaya temple not only Buddhist, but also people other religions to serve as one of religious tourism destination.
Coast Tirto Samudro

Sightseeing these mountains there are several petilasan from wayang stories like, Hyang Pandan, Argojambangan, Jonggring Saloko, and others. Also at this location there is also a natural water in the cool mountains and clean. If you want a cool, what's wrong with Rahtawu to complete enough facilities, start hotels, restaurants to other facilities.
Telaga Merdada,Indonesia

This lake is the largest lake in the area Dieng Plateau Tour approximately 25 ha with a depth of 2 to 10 meters.Background slopes of green hills, and mushroom beds typical Dieng add beautiful scenery of this lake. Provided for tourists to rent canoes around the lake and pond fishing facilities are also clear and beautiful natural coolness of the flowers around the pond makes btah tourists linger in this lake.
Upacara Turun Tanah di Aceh,Indonesia

Stamp Museum,TMII,Indonesia

Museum Fauna of Indonesia "Komodo",TMII,Indonesia

Museum Fauna of Indonesia "Komodo" and Reptile Park displays the charm in the form of endangered species preservation and reptile life. Architecture of the building takes the form of komodo dragons, animals that only live on the island of Komodo, Nusa Tenggara Timur, stands on an area of 10,120 m² with an area of 1500 m². Theme of the exhibition is the diversity of wildlife in Indonesia, from west to east, and from the coast to the mountains, arranged in two floors. Collection floor I form a variety of mammals and reptiles animals complete with their natural environment. The types are almost extinct displayed, including tigers, elephants and bears. In the vitrin-vitrin presented a variety of butterflies that are found all over Indonesia; type snails, clams, crabs, and shrimp; and beruas animals, including millipedes, spiders, and when jengking. Second floor collection of a variety of bird diopset and arranged according to their habitats, including a life at sea, beaches, swamps, rice paddies, fields, plantations, primary forest, forests, and mountains in the area of origin Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua. Reptile Park that presents a collection of live reptiles built around the museum building on April 20, 2001. Visitors can recognize each one's unique wildlife is starting from komodo, lizard, lizards, snakes with legs, pythons, king cobra, turtle, turtle neck snakes, crocodiles turtles, frogs, crocodiles, iguanas and other reptiles animals. Children who have more curiosity and always wanted to hold to free hold and mingle with the pythons in the Park Tap.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Museum Jamu Jago,Central Java,Indonesia

Klenteng welehan Jepara,Cental Java,Indonesia

Welahan temple named "Hian Thian Siang Tee" located 24 km towards south of Jepara city center, in the Village District Welahan JESNA Welahan, a village that holds relics of China and became one of history tourism assets in Jepara, where stands the grand 2 fruit temples built a character named China's treatment of Tan Siang Hoe along with his brother named Tan Siang Djie. Tourism Object to get to this history is supported by a variety of infrastructure including paved roads may use motorcycles or four-wheel or other public transportation, because the location is adjacent to Object Welahan market
Goa Ronggeng,Cilacap,East Java,Indonesia

Ronggeng Cave is located on limestone hills of the western tip of the island of Nusakambangan Pelawangan area, to get to this cave can use the ship / boat Compreng from Lomanis Pier / Wharf Wijayapura Sleko or with the distance of about 2 hours or regular Majingklak dengn through Compreng boat about 30 minutes followed denganjalan feet about 10 minutes to the cave mouth, the distance from the shore about 400 m by climbing the hill. Goa Ronggeng supposedly discovered by the Dutch Colonial in the 1830s while pursuing the rest of the Netherlands - the rest of Prince Diponegoro army soldier, he stopped because the sea is very big pelawangan area. Ronggeng cave supposedly called according to ancient legend is folklore that pasundan Ronggeng or dancer who make a living by asking - ask. At the moment there are people who want to cross menanggapnya and brought gethek of bamboo boat but the waves are too big for the passenger drowned in the Strait Indralaya and lost a stone ronggeng. Unfortunately ronggengnya stone has been destroyed by wild rock miners, so that at night - some nights the sound of gamelan often reads ronggeng dancers were accompanied around the hill, the cave is called Ronggeng cave. The beauty of the cave which offered about 60 m in length and width of 10 s / d 20 mdan still supposedly transparent aperture to the sea, where there Stalakmit stalactites and beautiful enough, and there are similar Stalakmit statue of a dancer's daughter and stalactites form of scarves decorated in the cave, there is a place to sleep besides that, there is also room on the first said to have climbed the ladder to the top. But unfortunately the beautiful cave in it filled with mud which has become so necessary excavated soil. Inside the cave there are a few streaks of human hand with the name of someone - the Dutch in the 1840's and is said to the soldiers also occupied the kingdom of Mataram to keep out the entry of ships and boats into the waters Segara Anakan. Not far from there Ronggeng Goa supposedly the source of water is also used as a place to shower and Dutch soldiers in the north up the hill 100 m there is Goa Goa Blue Tiger or aisle supposedly still inhabited by the Black Tigers beast.
Pantai Joko Tingkir,Pemalang,Indonesia

A row of thatched bamboo hut on the seashore Nyamplungsari Village, District Petarukan, Pemalang, now a recreational vehicle Pemalang and surrounding communities. The atmosphere around the shade because shade of pine trees and hundreds of hibiscus that grows steadily in the row between the bamboo hut. If you see visitors, mostly young subjects. They have a date or just chatting with peers. Why? Perhaps because of their nature is always interested in new things. Location now changed its name to Coastal Joko Tingkir was presenting a new thing, especially in a world tour in Pemalang. Located in the Village District Loning Petarukan (+ 12 kms northeast of Pemalang). Object Object Object Object is an unspoiled beach. Presented in this beach beautiful blue sea panorama, gulls and traditional boats. Dusk many young people are watching the sunset panorama.
Museum Adityawarman,West Sumatra,Indonesia

Museum which was inaugurated in 1977 is located at Jalan Diponegoro No.. 10, Padang, West Sumatra. The extent of 2.5 hectares. In the museum yard there are rows of shade trees and ornamental plants living pharmacy. Architectural form of Minangkabau traditional house, Gajah Maharam. Still on the front page of the museum there are two rice barns. On the left side of the museum a special introduction to the Minangkabau kinship. There was the royal throne, complete with accessories all of which are yellow. In addition there are some luggage typical wedding seserahan West Sumatra, and a set of function space gadang house at the wedding. According to Dra. Usria D. Chief Adityawarman Museum collections of the museum's collection which amounted to 6000 obtained from the entire territory of Indonesia. The collection is divided into 10 groups, ie groups Geologika / Geografika among other gems, granite, andesite, and mapping tools. Biologika group (the human skeleton, animals, and plants), Etnografika (which describes the culture of ethnic identity), Arkeologika (objects of prehistoric culture to culture in the west), Historika (historical objects relating to the organization, character and states), Numismatika / Heraldika (currency or medium of exchange / service marks of rank, stamp, stamp), Filolo-logic (ancient manuscripts), Keramologika (glassware), Fine Arts (artistic experiences through art objects 2 and 3 dimensions) , and Teknalogika (objects depicting traditional and modern technology). Museums are not just collecting historical objects from West Sumatra, but also of the tribes in the archipelago.
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