In Sub Selogiri, Wonogiri District, Central Java Province, there is a tradition in the form of water-pouring ceremony or jamasan Mangkunegaran heritage. In a ceremony Mangkunegaran jamasan heirloom which is bathed dijamas or two keris and a relic spear Raden Mas Said or Mangkunegara I placed in District Selogiri. Keris-keris is named Kyai Kyai Koriwelang and Jaladara, while the spear was named Kyai Totok. The story behind the existence of heritage objects are in Selogiri, started when Raden Mas Said tried to defend the area from the Dutch colonialists began to enter the area around Mount Wijil. In the battle to maintain that area, Raden Mas Said, who uses weapons and heirlooms are assisted by the people Selogiri forces managed to expel the Dutch. Having repulsed the Dutch troops, Raden Mas Said back to Mangkunegaran. Kris and spear inheritance were brought home helped too. It was not until 1935, when Mangkunegara VII authority, the kris and spear Mangkunegara heritage I must be submitted to the community and relatives residing in District Selogiri, as an expression of gratitude for services already provided by the community and his relatives in Selogiri. For the record, when a resistance in Mount Wijil, Raden Mas Said had a chance to marry a local girl named Rara Rubiah, one of the daughter of Kasan Kamani. After becoming the wife of Raden Mas Said, Rara Rubiah renamed Raden Patah Ayu Aji. Thus, the relatives here are the people who come from the descendants and relatives of Raden Patah Ayu Aji. After receiving the inheritance was third, Selogiri society and create an obelisk-shaped building measuring 7x7 meters and 6 meters high. At the top of the monument made such a pretty box to store the three treasures. And, to close it made such a slab made of batu1. In addition, once every one year they also held a ceremony for jamasan or bath heirloom-inheritance is considered sacred. The purpose jamasan solemnization Mangkunegaran heritage is to get the safety, protection and tranquility. For some people Selogiri, heritage objects are considered to have supernatural powers that will bring a blessing when treated in a way cleaned or washed. If not treated, they believe that "content" that is in the sacred objects that will fade or even disappear at all and only serves as a regular weapon. In addition, other functions of jamasan is that the weapons quickly heritage is fragile and not durable. Heirloom old enough if not treated properly, it will be the possibility of rust and eventually damage. Therefore, care needs to be done periodically if there is damage that can be identified early. Time, Place, Leaders and Parties in Telibat Ceremony As the ceremony in general, the ceremony also jamasan inheritance in stages. Stages to go through the ceremony is as follows: (1) phase retrieval of stored treasures at the top of the monument; (2) tirakatan stage; (3) stages of the procession; and (4) stages of bathing or jamasan heritage. For the record, previously heritage jamasan solemnization done once every year on the first Friday in the month of Suro. But today, when packaged for tourism interests, jamasan ceremony performed on the holiday with a view to attract tourists both foreign and domestic. Place of the ceremony depends jamasan heritage of the stages to go through. For the procession taking Mangkunegara heirloom weapon I carried in a monument located in the west of District office Selogiri. For the procession was held in the marquee tirakatan Selogiri District. Processional cortege or procession begins from the marquee Selogiri District, then to the district office and resumed Wonogiri to Kodim Wonogiri. Meanwhile, for the procession laundering or heirloom jamasan Mangkunegara I do in Gadjah Mungkur Basin. For the record, first place of execution carried out in the marquee jamasan Selogiri District. However, when the regents held by Soemarsono Wonogori, this ceremony is packed into an asset or the implementation of the tourism agenda moved to the Gadjah Mungkur Basin. The aim is to support government programs to increase tourism. Master of ceremonies also depends on the activity or stage in a ceremony conducted Mangkunegaran jamasan heritage. In the decision stage heirloom, who acted as master of ceremonies was one of the elder from relatives Mangkunegaran. Then, who acted as master of ceremonies during the procession, headed tirakatan and district and subdistrict Selogiri Kodim is. Meanwhile, who acted as master of ceremonies at jamasan Gadjah Mungkur Basin is one of the courtiers who had experienced Mangkunegaran in jamasan heritage ceremony. As the parties involved in organizing the ceremony are: (1) some Mangkunegara relatives who come straight from the Surakarta and who resides in Selogiri; (2) the district officials and district Selogiri Wonogiri; (3) several arts groups in Wonogiri region; and (4) other people who helped prepare the equipment and witnessed the ceremony the ceremony. Ceremony Equipment Tools and equipment to prepare the ceremony Mangkunegaran jamasan heritage is: (1) molten metal brother; (2) white porridge; (3) porridge baro-baro; (4) developing Setaman consisting of rose, ylang and kantil; (5) incense; (6) rice uduk; (7) ingkung chicken; (8) classified rice; (9) gecok pecel duck; (10) bananas; (11) white rice; (12) betel; (13) peanut brittle; (14 ) fried tempeh made small, and (15) haban / arsenic (materials to clean the heritage) Course of Ceremony The ceremony begins jamasan heritage at around 16.00 pm with a procession of making heirloom placed on top of a monument located in the west of District office Selogiri. The procession taking this heritage thing done by some people who still have blood relations with Mangkunegara. Before taking heirloom kris and spears, at the threshold of the entrance monument first held burning incense and offerings in the form of laying: gecok pecel ducks, white porridge, porridge brother, boro-boro porridge, bananas, white rice, call, peanut brittle, Tinto, and fried tempeh small form. Finished burning incense and put offerings, four or five relatives Mangkunegara started to climb the iron ladder specially prepared by the District government Selogiri, take these heirlooms at the top of the monument. As the procession taking this heritage is in progress, the people who are not relatives Selogiri Mangkunegaran only watch and wait from the bottom while praying for salvation to God. After the legacy of Mangkunegara I managed to down, they took him into the hall Selogiri District. Heirloom-inheritance is then placed in a special place located on the southeast marquee. After that, they Be nice moment with the subdistrict head and Muspika Selogiri District. Be nice finish, the relatives were home again Mangkunegara to Surakarta. At about 20.00 pm the relatives Mangkunegara went back to Selogiri to follow in the marquee event tirakatan Selogiri District. Besides the Mangkunegara relatives, who attended the event include tirakatan it is the village officials, community leaders, invited guests from several agencies in the District Wonogiri, and Selogiri citizens. Tirakatan event was opened with remarks from Head Selogiri containing the purpose and objective of holding the ceremony Mangkunegara jamasan heritage. Finish the speech of Mr. Head, the invited guests who had been appointed by the committee began to steady motion-tembang tembang macapat. Pelantunan tembang-tembang macapat lasted until the event tirakatan finished around 10:00 am. When finished tirakatan, some invited guests will return to their homes and some remain in the pavilion while preserving the heritage of weapons. The next day, approximately at 07.30 pm began the procession to the office of Regent Wonogiri led by the Head Selogiri. The event is the procession followed by the people who last night followed tirakatan plus citizens who come from Girimarto. During the trip to the Regent's office Wonogiri, the procession bearing the weapon's heritage Mangkunegara I was getting a warm welcome from residents whose homes were passed by the procession. We arrived at the pavilion Wonogiri District, a group derived from Selogiri invited by the local committee to get to the west of the Regent's office. While the group of Girimarto placed on the east side yard. After that, the group leader (Head) will report to the Regent. After the report, the handover ceremony was held treasures from relatives Mangkunegaran to Manggala Yuda for dikirabkan again to Kodim Wonogiri. When the group began the procession to the District Military Command, various arts such as: Jathilan, reog, drum band from one school participated in Wonogiri accompaniment. And, just as the District dikirabkan Selogiri, the procession headed to the Kodim also warmly welcomed by the residents of the place passed. For the record, in a procession to the District Military Command is not only a weapon's heritage Mangkunegara I have brought, but also some other weapons such as: Semar Tinandu (also owned Mangkunegara I treasure stored in Girimulyo), Kyai clouds, Kyai Slamet, Kyai Singkir, and Kyai Singo Barong (heirlooms are stored in Wonogiri municipalities) Having arrived at the ceremony Kodim all participants disperse immediately into some vehicle that will lift them to the Gadjah Mungkur Basin. Time required from the Gadjah Wonogiri Kodim Mungkur about 30 minutes. When I got them Basin Mungkur Gadjah then gathered to hear speeches from the committee to proceed with the handover ceremony back to the Mangkunegaran heritage. Furthermore, all the weapons that heritage will be submitted to a Mangkunegaran courtiers who are experienced in menyelenggarkaan ceremony jamasan, to immediately start or bathing ceremony jamasan heritage. Bathing heritage was held in a stage located on the west dam with a high-order bit positions can be seen by the participants of the ceremony. The courtiers and start watering them one by one heirloom carefully and thoroughly. First heirloom is the third heritage dijamasi Mangkunegara I belong in Selogiri, namely Kyai Koriwelang, and Kyai Kyai Totok Jaladara. After all the heritage property of Mangkunegara finished dijamasi, then-heritage and heritage of Wonogiri District. Meanwhile, the remaining water is then used jamasan to menjamasi heirloom-owned heritage of the community. And, by the end of this heritage penjamasan stage, ending the whole series in a ceremony Mangkunegaran jamasan heritage. The whole heritage will be returned back in its place. Cultural Values Ceremony jamasan Mangkunegaran heritage, if examined in depth, contains the values that in turn can be used as a reference in everyday life. These values include: companionship, accuracy, mutual cooperation, and religious. Values reflected in the gathering together most of the members of the community in a place, eating together and praying together for the salvation together well. This is a form of togetherness in living together in the environment (in the broad sense). Therefore, this ceremony also contains the value of togetherness. In this case, the community within a community that has a territory, customs and culture of the same. Accuracy value is reflected in the ritual process itself. As a process, the ceremony requires preparation, both before the ceremony, at the time of the procession, and after. Preparations, not only about ritual equipment, but also a place, time, leaders and participants. Everything had to be well prepared and thoroughly, so the ceremony could proceed smoothly. For that, it takes precision. Cooperativeness values reflected in the involvement of various parties in the administration of the ceremony. They help each other for the operation of the ceremony. In this case there is a help to prepare food and beverages, a master of ceremonies, and so forth.
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