Kerinci Seblat National Park,Sumatra,Indonesia
Kerinci Seblat National Park is located in 4 regions of the province of West Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu and South Sumatra. Much of this national park is a series of South Bukit Barisan mountain range in central part of Sumatra Island. National Park is geographically located at Kerinci Seblat 100 ° 31'18 "- 102 ° 44 'east latitude and 17'13" - 326'14 "south latitude. Size Kerinci Seblat National Park (the boundary) defined area of 1,368,000 ha with detail: • covering 353,780 ha (25.86%) is located in West Sumatra Province; • covering 422,190 ha (30.86%) is located in Jambi Province; • covering 310,910 ha (22.73%) is located in the province of Bengkulu and • covering 281,120 ha (20.55%) is located in South Sumatra Province. Area Kerinci Seblat National Park in 9 district, 43 districts and 134 villages. In the history of its formation, this national park is a union of regions Inderapura Nature Reserve and Bukit Tapan, Rawasa Wildlife Lakitan shoulder-Mount Wood moisture and Gedang Seblat, protected forest and limited production forests surrounding the functioning hydro-orologis that are vital to surrounding area. Forest is a group of Watershed (DAS), namely Batang Hari river basin, watershed and river basin Musi western coastal areas, watersheds are especially vital role to meet the water needs for life and the lives of millions of people who lived in the area. Given the importance of the role of the forest, then on October 4, 1982, coinciding with the World National Parks Congress in Bali, the combined area was declared a National Park Kerinci Seblat Kerinci Seblat National Park is representative of ecosystem types of lowland rain forest sam pies sub alpine ecosystems as well as some unique ecosystems (peat swamp, freshwater marshes and lakes). Forest Kerinci Seblat National Park has 4000 species of plants are dominated by the family Dipterocarpaceae, with rare flora and endemic species of pine Kerinci (Pinus merkusii strain Kerinci), wood leech (Harpulia alborera), Rafflesia flower (Rafflesia arnoldi) and carrion flower (Amorphophallus titanium and A. decussilvae). Potential Flora and Fauna Kerinci Seblat National Park is generally still have primary forest with the main vegetation types dominated by the formation of: 1. Lowland vegetation (200 to 600 m above sea level) 2. Vegetation mountains / hills (600 to 1500 m above sea level) 3. Montane vegetation (1500 to 2500 m above sea level) 4. Shrub vegetation gleichenia / ferns (from 2500 to 2800 m above sea level) 5. Sub-alpine vegetation (2300 to 3200 m above sea level) No less than 4000 species of flora (63 families) are in areas dominated by the family Dipterocarpaceae, Leguminosae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Bommacaceae, Moraceae, Anacardiaceae, Myristicaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Meliaceae. Meanwhile, at an altitude of 500 m - 2000 m above sea level. dominated by the families Fagaceae, Erycaceae and shrubs from sub-alpine Vaccinium and Rhododendron species. Some typical types of vegetation in Kerinci Seblat National Park, among others: Histiopteris insica (highest vascular plant) in the wall of the crater of Mount Kerinci, various types of Nepenthes sp, Pinus mercusii strain Kerinci, Wood leech (Harpullia arborea), Flower Raflesia (Rafflesia arnoldi) , Agathis sp. The results of research Biological Science Club (BScC) in 1993 in the buffer zone of vegetation found 115 species are widely used ethnobotanical local communities for various purposes such as for medicines, cosmetics, food, anti-mosquito and household needs. Tedapat fauna in Kerinci Seblat National Park recorded 42 mammal species (19 families), including: Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatrensis), Clouded Leopard (Neopholis nebulosa), striped Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrensis), golden cat (Felis termminnckii), Tapir (Tapirus indica), Goats Forest (Capricornis sumatrensis); 10 species of reptile; 6 of Amphibia, among others: horned frog (Mesophyrs nasuta), 6 species of primates: gibbon (Sympalagus syndactylus) Ungko ( Hylobates agilis), Wau-wau Black (Hylobates lar), hoop (Presbytis melalobates), monkey (Macaca nemestrina) and Long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Besides, have recorded 306 bird species (49 families), including 8 species of endemic birds such as: Javan Sumatra (Cochoa becari), Quail Barking (Anas rubirostris), Scops (Otus stresemanni), Bird Brother Cheek (Laphora inornata). Topography and Climate In general the topography of Kerinci Seblat National Park bumpy, steep and sharp cycle with a height between 200 to 3805 meters above sea level. Relatively flat topography with altitude is 800 meters above sea level at Kerinci Regency enclave areas. In general, the rainfall in this region is high and evenly. The average annual rainfall ranges from 3000 mm. The rainy season lasts from September - February with the peak rainy season in December. While the dry season lasts from the month April - August. Air temperature varied on average of 28 ° C in the lowlands, 20 ° C in the Valley Kerinci and 9 ° C at the peak of Mount Kerinci. 80-100% humidity. Tourism Object Nature and Natural Phenomena • Mount Kerinci (3805 m asl): the highest mountain in Sumatra, which is still active, can climb to the top of the gravel path from Tuo for 12 hours. • Seven Lakes Mountain (1996 m asl): a crater containing dead freshwater area of 1000 ha (4.5 km long and 3 km wide), which is surrounded by 7 mountains and meruapakn highest freshwater lake in Asia, can be reached by road path from Pelompek for 3 hours. • Bukit Tapan, desert wildlife Inum Kingdom: the pastures and habitat of large mammals (elephants, tigers, deer, tapirs) which can be viewed directly. From Sungai Penuh to the location during the 6-10 hour bus drive and the path. • Mount Seblat (2383 m asl): has a very natural phenomenon unique to the paddocks with a wide variety of primates, there is huge interest Raflesia arnoldi, can be reached from the estuary to the location of safe walking distance for 12 hours. • Mount Gedang Seblat and Bukit Kayu Dew: sumatera rhino habitat, elephants and tigers. Can be reached from Muko-Muko to the location by foot for 10 hours. • Rawas Ulu Lakitan: has the potential of the waterfall S. Ampar, waterfalls S. Cloudy, waterfalls S. Kerali, waterfalls S. Koten with walls so steep and swift currents that are good for rafting. Can be taken from Slippery napal between 1-3 hours. • Masurai Mountain Village is located in Muara Sungai Lalang Surolangun District Bangko Siau (6.5 hours from Kota Bangko). Here there are tropical rain forests. • Smooth and Napal Goa Kasah. Seeing the cave complex that is rich in stalactites and stalaknit. • Solar Grao, Nguak and Turmeric. Seeing a hot spray of water as high as 15 meters and wildlife observation. • Letter W. Rafflesia flowers and see the dead flowers, and rabbits sumatera. • Long Ladeh Swamp. Animal studies and observations. Objects of cultural tourism and other attractions include: • cultural tourism: Looking at the ethnic culture is still traditional stronghold. Kerinci land customs, Minangkabau land, land Bengkulu / Rejang Lebong, as well as aspects of cultural arts such as traditional party Kerinci (Kenduri Seko), classical dances, traditional clothing, and heirloom-indigenous heritage. Traditional parties conducted once every year. • Other Sightseeing around the area include: Gods Park in Bukit Pagar Bitung Rantau (Napal Smooth) regarded as a sacred community, the Lake Kerinci, Lake DEPATI four, Rawa Bento, Semurup Hot Water, Hot Water Ketenong, taking gold in the traditionally Ketenong , Goa in Napal Smooth Rawas Ulu District (South Sumatra), Muara Sako (West Sumatra) elephant training center (PLG) in Ipuh, Rattan Crafts Center at River tutung, Crafts agate in Bengkulu and Bangko, Clothing Traditional Crafts Center in the river management and coastal areas. There is a belief that people in the area of Kerinci Seblat National Park there is a creature with features shy, walk upright, no tail and full of mystery which is often referred to as "short" and "skunk" as the ruler of the forest. Facilities Available Office, House Guest, Information Center, Shelter, MCK, Trail Road, Tower Scout / Observer, Pondok Guard, etc. Location Getting There To reach the location can be done through several ways: Padang - Tapan - Sungai Penuh (ground vehicles), 278 km for 7 hours. Padang - MUARALABUH - grit Tuo, (ground vehicles), 211 km for 5-6 hours Jambi - Sungai Penuh (ground vehicles), 500 km for 10 hours. Bengkulu - Muara Aman (land vehicles), for 4 hours. Bengkulu - Argamakmur (ground vehicles), for 2 hours. Bengkulu - Lubuk Linggau (ground vehicles), for 3 hours. Palembang - Lubuk Linggau (ground vehicles), for 6 hours. Depths Linggau - Muara RUPIT - Surulangun - Napal Smooth (ground vehicles), for 4 hours. Estuary RUPIT - napal slippery (water vehicle), for 2 hours.
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