Tretes waterfall
Location Tretes waterfall is located in Forest Park (Tahura) Raden Soeryo in complex Anjasmoro Mountain (2277 m), where this area is a protected forest that still maintained the authenticity and natural beauty. Waterfalls High Tretes ± 150 meters and is situated at an altitude of ± 1700 feet above sea level he was.Geologically this area is the volcanic rock of the old quarter. In this area there is a river that flows from the waterfall connection, so the water needs in this area can be properly fulfilled.For Complex Object to Object Tretes Waterfall can be achieved through 2 (two) way, namely:First, through the Jombang District, a path through the hills and rivers. Long road from the parking lot to the location of ± 5 km.Second, through the region Kediri regency (district markets. Kandangan), a stone path that can be taken by 4-wheel vehicles like jeeps and the like. Long road from the parking lot to the location of ± 1 km.Facility or building supporting tourism activities waterfalls are only a few stalls at the end gravel road through the area of Kediri District. Other supporting facilities in general are still natural.
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