Derawan Islands is an archipelago located in the Berau Regency, East Kalimantan. In these islands there are some fascinating marine tourism objects, one Lower Park Sea of interest, especially foreign tourists world-class divers. Derawan Islands has three districts namely, Derawan Island, Maratua, and the Big Dipper Big Dipper, Berau. At least four of the famous islands in the archipelago, the island Maratua, Derawan, Sangalaki, and Kakaban endangered species live green turtle and hawksbill turtle. Geographically, situated on a peninsula north of Berau marine waters consisting of several islands of Long Island, Island Raburabu, Samama Island, Island Sangalaki, Kakaban, Nabuko Island, Island and Island Derawan Maratua as well as some reef Muaras charred, burnt Pinaka , Buliulin burnt, charred Masimbung, and burnt Tababinga. Derawan Islands there are some coastal ecosystems and small island which is very important that coral reefs, seagrass and mangrove forest (mangroves). In addition many protected species in the Islands Derawan like the green turtle, hawksbill turtle, whales, dolphins, clam, coconut crab, mermaid, fish, barracuda and a few other species. Coral Reef Coral reefs in the Islands Derawan widespread throughout the island and burnt in Derawan Islands. Burnt-burnt in these islands including Long Island Megapode, Gosong Masimbung, Gosong Buliulin, Gosong Pinaka, Gosong Tababinga and Gosong Muaras. Types of coral reefs in the archipelago consists of coral Derawan edge, barrier reefs and atolls. This atoll has been formed into the island and formed a salt water lake. "Manta Tow Survey 2003" shows the average cover of coral reefs in Long Island is 24.25% for hard corals and reef life to 34.88. Coral reefs in the island has a cover Derawan average hard coral reef cover 17.41% and 27.78% live coral. With the amount of 460 to 470 species showed that the wealth of biodiversity is second only to the Raja Ampat Islands. The area of the major coral reefs: Western Long Island (inlet and channel) Coral Muaras with high diversity, healthy reefs, and aesthetic values Coral Malalungun, high diversity with a complex structure with different habitats Large coral-rich habitats.
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