Monday, November 9, 2009

Mount Poteng

Mount Poteng

Location Area Mount Poteng is one mountain in gterdapat yan kawsan Raya Pasi Nature Reserve, which Poteng Mountain is located in the Eastern District Singkawang by geographical location between 0 º 45'17 "- 01 º 01'21, 51" N and 108 º 59'45, 1 "- 109 º 10 '19 "BT. Accessibility To go to the Mount Poteng can skip to the streets Singkawang Bengkayang can ditempu by public transportation types oplet with travel time approximately 25 minutes to advance road Sylca Poteng Hamlet. From the face of the road to Mount Poteng homestead may be applied by four-wheeled vehicle with a distance of ± 3 km, good road condition and has been paved and if the time on foot meerlukan ± 45 minutes. Flora Various types of plants that are protected in Nature Reserves include Flower carcass (Amorphopallus sp), Flower Star (Rhizanthes zepelii), Flower Padma Giant ((Rafflesia tuan-mudae) and several species of orchids.

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