Baturaden is a destination in Banyumas regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Baturaden located in the northern city of Purwokerto in the south slope of Mount Slamet. Baturaden could be using private and public vehicles. Distance from the town of Purwokerto about 20 km and is 15 minutes with traffic that is not too dense. Batu Raden is the beauty that radiate from the slopes of Mount Slamet. Location of the tour is only about 15 km from the town of Purwokerto, Central Java, this not only save the pretty panorama of nature, but also stories about people Raden Kamandaka, or Lutung Kasarung familiar enough that people in Indonesia.
Pitu shower Baturaden
The hot water which contains the sulfur. Can be trusted to heal various skin diseases. Located on the top of the Fridge Telu.
Shower Telu
The hot water which contains the sulfur. Can be trusted to heal various skin diseases. Located on the bottom of the Pitu.
Bumi Perkemahan
It is a camping ground which is often used by the lovers of nature and it out of bond.
Kaloka Widya Mandala Parks
Kaloka Widya Mandala Baturraden or Tourism Education Wanasuka Baturraden is a zoo as well as the tourist attraction education inaugurated by the Chief Regent Regional Level II Banyumas H. Djoko Sudantoko on 17 May 1995. Kaloka in Taman Widya Mandala Baturraden there are various kinds of animals that come from within and from outside the country such as Australia, Asia and the Netherlands. The collection includes: Cattle five feet, three feet Goat, Elephant, Beruk (Buing), Irian Farming, python, Kaswari, monkey, Landak, Iguana, Cendrawasih, bats, Kate Ayam, Ayam Mutiara, Orang Utan, Elang Bondol, Deer. In this place, there are rare Museum Animal, such as Sumatra tiger, bear Honey, Macan and limb.
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