Dian Al-Mahri mosque is a mosque built on the edge of the roadway Meruyung-Labu in District Limo, Depok. The mosque is in addition to being a place of worship for Muslims pray everyday, this mosque complex also become a family tourist area and attract many people because the dome-dome is made of gold. This mosque was built by Hj. Dian Djuriah Maimun Al Rashid, Banten businessman, who had bought this land since 1996. The mosque is built since 2001 and was completed around the end of 2006. The mosque is open to the public on December 31, 2006, coinciding with the Eid al-Adha is the second time that year. With 50 hectares area, the building of this mosque occupies area of 60 x 120 meters or about 8000 square meters. The mosque is itself able to accommodate about 20,000 worshipers approximately. This mosque area is often referred to as the region most magnificent mosques in Southeast Asia Masjid Dian Al Mahri has 5 domes. A main dome and the small dome 4. Uniquely, the gilded dome of the thickness of 2 to 3 millimeters and the mosaic crystal. Form the main dome of Taj Mahal-like dome. The dome has a diameter below 16 meters, 20 meters in diameter middle, and 25 meters high. While a small dome 4 has a diameter less than 6 feet, 7 meters middle, high and 8 meters. Also in this mosque there are chandeliers imported directly from Italy weighing 8 tons. In addition, relief decoration in the place of priests also made of 18 carat gold. So was the fence on the second floor and decorative calligraphy on the ceiling of the mosque. While the crown pillar of the mosque which amounted to 168 pieces layered materials or remaining prado gold. In general, following the typology of the mosque architecture mosque architecture in the Middle East with characteristic dome, minaret (tower), the page in the (plaza), and the use of decorative detail or decoration with geometric elements and obelisks, to strengthen the Islamic character of the architecture. Another characteristic is the entrance gate of the portal and geometric decoration and ornament obelisk. Page in size 45 x 57 meters and can accommodate 8000 audience. Six towers (minarets) hexagon-shaped or hexagonal, which symbolizes the harmony of faith, rose as high as 40 meters. The six stone clad tower of gray granite imported from Italy with a circular ornament. At its peak there is a mosaic-covered dome of 24-carat gold. While the dome refers to the form that is widely used dome mosques in Persia and India. Five dome symbolizes the pillars of Islam, all clad in gold-plated mosaic of 24 carat material imported from Italy. In its interior, the mosque presents the pillars soaring to create a grand-scale space. Space mosque dominated by monochrome color beige main ingredient, to give the character a quiet room and warm. Material made of marble imported from Turkey and Italy. In the middle of the room, hanging lamps made of gold-plated brass weighing 2.7 tons that the process worked experts from Italy.
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