Equator monument located in north of Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province. Location is about 3 km from Pontianak city center, the city Mempawah. Based on records obtained in 1941 from V. en. W by Wiese cited Opzichter Bijdragen tot de Geographie from Chef Van den topographischen dienst in Nederlandsch-Indiƫ: den 31 sten Maart 1928 has arrived in Pontianak an international expedition led by an expert on Dutch geography to determine the point / milestone equator line in the city Pontianak by construction as follows:
a. The first monument built in the shape of the stake in 1928 by arrows.
b. Completed in 1930, shaped pillars with lingkarang and arrows.
c. Rebuilt in 1938 with completion by opzicter / architech Silaban. Original monument can be seen on the inside.
d.In 1990, returned Equator monument was renovated by making the dome to protect the monuments and the making of copies of the original monument to the size five times larger than the original monument. Was inaugurated on September 21, 1991. Building the monument consists of 4 pieces of wood stake purchase (iron wood), each 0.30 meters in diameter, with height of the front pillar two meters tall and 3.05 rear pillar where the circle and arrow pointer at the level of 4, 40 meters. Ditengahnya diameter circle is made 2.11 meters long EVENAAR. The length of 2.15 meters navigate. Paper plate under the arrows are listed 109o 20 'OLvGr monument marking where the establishment of the equator at longitude lines. In March 2005, Tim Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) make corrections to determine the location of the zero of the equator in Pontianak. Correction is done by using a combination of terrestrial and ekstraterestrial method of using a global positioning system (GPS) and stake-outs [the equator zero point corrected] The results of measurements by a team of BPPT, show, spot on Equator monument currently located at 0 degrees, 0 minutes, 3.809 seconds north latitude and 109 degrees, 19 minutes, 19.9 seconds east longitude Meanwhile, the position of 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 0 seconds it through the park or exactly 117 meters to the Kapuas River from the monument today. That was where the new shares are now built are still made of PVC pipe and parts of east-west line marked with rope. Regarding the position shown in cairns (0 degrees, 0 minutes and 0 seconds latitude, 109 degrees 20 minutes, 0 seconds east longitude), based on tracking results BPPT team, the point was located 1.2 km from the Equator monument, exactly at the back of a house Congratulations on Jl River, Siantan Hilir village. Important and spectacular events around the Equator monument is the culmination of the sun, ie natural phenomena when the sun was right on the equator. At that precise position of the sun will be above the head, eliminating all the shadows of things of the earth's surface. At the culmination of events, images of the monument will "disappear" a few seconds when exposed to sunlight. Likewise, the shadow of other objects around the monument. The sun was the culmination of events that happens twice a year, ie between 21-23 March and 21-23 September. This natural event becomes an annual event that Pontianak city attract tourists arrival
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