Gedung Merdeka located in the way of Asia-Africa, Bandung, Indonesia, is a building that was used as the High-Level Conference of Asia-Africa 1955. At the time this is used as a museum. The building was designed by Van Galen Last and CP Wolff Schoemaker. This building occupies the area of 7500 m2. At that time the building is called Societeit Concordia used as a place of recreation by a group of Dutch people who live in the city of Bandung and its surroundings. During the Japanese occupation the building was named Dai Toa Kaman with its function as cultural center. In the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 this building used as headquarters youth Indonesia. After the Indonesian government began to form (1946 - 1950) is marked by the government Haminte Bandung, Pasundan State, and Recomba West, Concordia building used again as a public hall. here held regular art, parties, restaurants, and other public meetings. With the decision the government of the Republic of Indonesia (1954) is set as the city of Bandung Asia Africa Conference, the Concordia Building was selected as the conference. At that time the Concordia Building building where the meeting is the greatest and most luxurious in the city of Bandung. And its location is very strategic in the middle of the city of Bandung and close with the best hotel in the city, the Hotel Savoy Homann Hotel and Preanger After the form of constituent Republic of Indonesia as a result of the election year 1955, Gedung Merdeka made as constituent building. Next, Gedung Merdeka as the Board of The National and then became the House of Assembly while Permusyawaratan (MPRS) that of 1960. In 1965, held in Gedung Merdeka Islamic Asia Africa Conference. In 1971 activities in the MPRS Gedung Merdeka entirely diverted to Jakarta. After a burst of rebellion G30S / PKI, Gedung Merdeka, predominantly by the military and some of the building used as a political detainee G30S / PKI. In March 1980 this building back trust into the Asia Africa Conference warning to the 25-and on the Peak peringatannya inaugurated Asia Africa Conference Museum by Soeharto, President of the Republic of Indonesia - 2.
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