Art Center Jakarta Taman Ismail Marzuki popular called Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) located in Cikini Raya 73, Jakarta, is a center of art and culture. Here lies Jakarta Arts Institute and Planetarium Jakarta. In addition, the TIM also has six modern theater, exhibition hall, galleries, archives building, and cinema. The name of this center comes from the name of the creator of famous Indonesian song, Ismail Marzuki. Inaugurated by the Governor of the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta Province marine-General Ali Sadikin, dated 10 November 1968. TIM built over the land area of nine hectares. TIM since 1968, standing ago until now have been the expression of artists' space that provides innovative. TIM stage a flare with the papers full of ideas that experiment. This is marked by a number of creator of art that had opened on a new map. Rendra, the head of the Yogyakarta Workshop Theater village Ketanggungan Wetan Yogyakarta. Originally Rendra paper, in the form of drama "Be Bop" or mini-drama the word "SSSTTT" Is glass showing TVRI. Following a classical Greek drama "oedipus Rex", "Waiting for Godot," "Hamlet" and a mini work of other words. Koregrafer canal, Sardono W. Kusumo, through a dance "Samgita Pancasona" presenting the concept of movement that has not limited scale. Theater director Arifin C. Noer, Teguh Karya, Suyatna Anirun (Bandung), enthrall the public. Senior choreographer, Bagong Kusudiardjo, Huriah Adam, painter Affandi, Trisno Soemardjo, Hendra Gunawan, Agus DJAYA, Oesman Effendi, S. Sudjojono, Rusli, Rustamadji, Mustika TEAM fill the papers with their beautiful and artistic.
Facilities that are in the TIM are
Graha Bhakti Budaya Graha Bhakti Budaya (GBB) is a large building, have a capacity of 800 seats, 600 seats and under the 200 seats in the balcony. Stage GBB-sized 15m x 10m x 6m. Gallery Gallery Cipta II and III
 Gallery Cipta II (GC II) is an exhibition space that is larger than the Gallery Cipta III (GC III). Both rooms can be used for exhibition, painting, sculpture art, discussions and seminars, and short film.
Small Theater / Theater Studio Small size has a theater stage 10m x 5m x 6m. Building is also equipped with the acoustic system, lighting system and air conditioner.
Theater Home Page (Studio Art Show) Prepared for the performing arts for artists young experimental theater and poetry, has a flexible capacity audience.
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