Building Joang'45 or'45 Museum Joang was one of the museum which is located in Jakarta. This museum is located at Jalan Menteng Raya 31, Kelurahan Kebon Sirih, Menteng District, Central Jakarta. This museum is inaugurated in 1974 by President Soeharto, after the renovation. Building that was built around the 1920s that is currently used as a museum Joang'45 this is the first hotel managed by the family "LC Schomper ", a berkebangsaan the Netherlands has long lived in Batavia. Building room lodging remaining few live this sat on the north side the main building, currently used as office space and manages Cafe Museum Joang 45. When Japanese go to Indonesia (1942-1945) and the Batavia, the hotel was taken over by the youth of Indonesia and its functions as the office that managed Ganseikanbu Sendenbu (Jawatan propaganda Japan), which are headed by a Japanese, "Simizu". In this museum can be seen impression independence struggle RI with collection objects remainder of the combatants Indonesia. Among them are official cars and official President First Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, known as car number 1 and Rep 2 Rep.
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