Menara Kudus is one of the historical heritage, as evidence of the spread of Moslem in the land of Java. The mosque is considered unique because the design of the building, which is a merger between the Hindu Culture and Islamic Culture. As we know, before Islam, has been developed in Java, Buddhism and Hinduism with the legacy of temples and temple. In addition there is the worship of the Spirit Ancestors (animism) and belief in the objects (dynamism). Holy Mosque tower into evidence, how a combination of Islamic Culture and Hindu culture has produced a building belonging to a unique and high-style architecture. Building a mosque, but with the tower in the form of temples and various other ornaments of the Hindu style. According to history, the Tower of the Holy Mosque founded by Sunan Kudus or Ja'far Shodiq R. was the son of Haji Usman is styled with the Ngudung Sunan Jipang Panolan (some say the place is situated in the north Blora). Sunan Kudus Rukhil married Dewi, daughter of R. Makdum Ibrahim, Sunan Bonan Kanjeng in Tuban. Makdum R. Ibrahim is the son of R. Rachmad (Sunan Ampel) son Maulana Ibrahim. Thus, Sunan Kudus is a law Kanjeng Sunan Bonang. Sunan Kudus is known other than a religious scholar also known as tawhid scientists, science and the science of fiqh hadith. Therefore, among the nine trustees, he is known only as "Waliyil Ilmi". The Sunan Kudus way to spread the religion of Islam is the way of wisdom, so that the sympathy of the population which was then Hinduism. One example is, cow is an animal that is highly respected by the Hindu religion, a bind when Kanjeng Sunan cows in the courtyard of the mosque, after they came Kanjeng Sunan bertabligh, so many of them embraced Islam. And even now in the Spirit, especially the Holy of Kulon banned cow slaughter in honor of the Hindu religion until today. Respect for others is expressed in terms of building a patterned minaret Hindu. Historically, the Holy mosque was built by Sunan Kudus in the year 956 AH This can be seen from the slate Pengimaman located at the mosque, which reads and shape of the Arabic language, which is difficult to read because it has a lot of letters damaged. Stone was shielded, and the size of the shield is 46 cm long, 30 cm wide. Stone is said comes from Baitulmakdis (Al Quds) in Jerusalem - Palestine. From the word that appears Baitulmakdis Holy name which means holy, so that the mosque is called the Kudus Mosque and the city is called the Kudus City. Kudus Mosque tower consists of 5 pieces right door, and 5 pieces left door. The windows all have 4 pieces. The door consists of 5 large pieces, and a large pillar in the mosque which comes from teak have 8 pieces. However, this mosque is not in the original, larger than the original because in the year 1918 - an already renovated. Inside is a mosque pool, pool-shaped "padasan" is an ancient relic and used as a place of ablution. Is still in question until now, whether the pool is a Hindu relic or deliberately created by Sunan Kudus to adopt the Hindu culture. Inside the mosque there are 2 fruit flag, which is located on the right and left of the preacher read a sermon. On the front porch door of the mosque there is a gate, usually called by the inhabitants as "Lawang twins", the gate is said comes from the former Majapahit kingdom first, the gate was once used as a door mirror. Looks from the front of the mosque tower glance it looks a little Ghost, but after entry into the vast. Besides the mosque, was in the back of the mosque is the tomb complex Kanjeng Sunan Kudus and the family. The entrance to the tomb mosque is located on the right side, then after a little way we are going through a second door into the complex in which there are hostels, hostels. In the midst of these huts there is a greatest buildings, the building is said was a meeting place and place of the Walisongo Sunan Kudus giving discourse to his disciples. North of a complex have a small door leading to the cemetery complex of Sunan Kanjeng. Complex-tomb complex is divided into several blocks, and each block is a separate part of the relationship of Kanjeng Sunan. There are blocks of the sons and daughters Kanjeng Sunan, there are blocks of the warlord and the largest block is the tomb of Sunan Kanjeng own. Unique is that all the connecting door between arch-shaped blocks of temples.
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