Rumah Banjar traditional house is the Banjar tribes. Banjar traditional house is a type-type house with typical style and Banjar ukirannya own start before year 1871 to year 1935. Generally Banjar traditional house built wing of the building project from the right and left side of the main building so-called House Baanjung. Anjung is a characteristic of Banjar traditional house, although there are also some type Rumah Banjar not beranjung. Type of home the most valuable high-ridge High House is a building normally used for the palace (in the Sultan). So the value is the same as the home Joglo in Java that is used as a palace. Majesty of a ruler in the kingdom of government size is measured by the quantity and quality of art and the greatness of the kingdom of buildings, especially the king's palace (Rumah ridgepole High). Types of Banjar Traditional House Highest home ridgepole Rumah Gajah Baliku Elephant House Manyusu Laki Central home Bini Central home Home Palimbangan Palimasan house (Rumah Gajah Anjung Surung house (Rumah Cacak Burung) Alas house cistern Rumah Lanting Home Joglo Warehouse Build a house Warehouse Banjar traditional house, with the usual House also called the Highest peak in the form of the roof so that the taper angle 45 º. Rumah Adat Banjar building is estimated to have been there since the 16 century, when local Banjar under the authority of the Prince of Ocean and embrace Islam, and changed its name to the title of Sultan Riau Panembahan Stone Habang. Before embrace Islam Huda Sultan is adopted Hinduism. He led the Banjar Kingdom in the year 1596-1620. Around 1850 buildings in the residential palace Banjar environment, especially in the environment Martapura palace equipped with various forms of other buildings. Grade Center is the place of the minister over, Bini Central place of the wet nurse educator, Elephant Manyusu family dwelling that is the nearest over-Gusti Gusti and Anang. In addition buildings are still found more buildings called Gajah Baliku, Palembangan, and as Central. Spread form of traditional home to the Banjar area is Kotawaringin Kotawaringin Kingdom through the establishment of a breakthrough from the area when the Kingdom of Banjar Musta'inbillah be governed by the Sultan. Sultan Musta'inbillah ruled since 1650 until the year 1672, and he was replaced by Sultan Inayatullah. Kotawaringin Kingdom which is the splitting of the kingdom of Banjar be governed by the Prince Dipati Anta Kesuma sultannya as the first. Spread form of traditional home to the Banjar area of East Kalimantan caused by a number of people who wander Banjar area to area, and establish a place of residence with a form of house building-ba anjung as the form of a house in their place of origin. Rumah Banjar traditional house is the Banjar tribes. Banjar traditional house is a type-type house with typical style and Banjar ukirannya own start before year 1871 to year 1935. Generally Banjar traditional house built wing of the building project from the right and left side of the main building so-called House Baanjung. Type of home the most valuable high-ridge High House is a building normally used for the palace (in the Sultan). So the value is the same as the home Joglo in Java that is used as a palace. Majesty of a ruler in the kingdom of government size is measured by the quantity and quality of art and the greatness of the kingdom of buildings, especially the king's palace (Rumah ridgepole High). Types of Banjar Traditional House Highest home ridgepole Rumah Gajah Baliku Elephant House Manyusu Laki Central home Bini Central home Home Palimbangan Palimasan house (Rumah Gajah Anjung Surung house (Rumah Cacak Burung) Alas house cistern Rumah Lanting Rumah Joglo Gudang Build a house Warehouse Banjar traditional house, with the usual House also called the Highest peak in the form of the roof so that the taper angle 45 º. Rumah Adat Banjar building is estimated to have been there since the 16 century, when local Banjar under the authority of the Prince of Ocean and embrace Islam, and changed its name to the title of Sultan Riau Panembahan Stone Habang. Before embrace Islam Huda Sultan is adopted Hinduism. He led the Banjar Kingdom in the year 1596-1620. Around 1850 buildings in the residential palace Banjar environment, especially in the environment Martapura palace equipped with various forms of other buildings. Grade Center is the place of the minister over, Bini Central place of the wet nurse educator, Elephant Manyusu family dwelling that is the nearest over-Gusti Gusti and Anang. In addition buildings are still found more buildings called Gajah Baliku, Palembangan, and as Central. Spread form of traditional home to the Banjar area is Kotawaringin Kingdom through the establishment of a breakthrough from the area when the Kingdom of Banjar Musta'inbillah be governed by the Sultan. Sultan Musta'inbillah ruled since 1650 until the year 1672, and he was replaced by Sultan Inayatullah. Kotawaringin Kingdom which is the splitting of the kingdom of Banjar be governed by the Prince Dipati Anta Kesuma sultannya as the first. Spread form of traditional home to the Banjar area of East Kalimantan caused by a number of people who wander Banjar area to area, and establish a place of residence with a form of house building-ba anjung as the form of a house in their place of origin.
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