Ulos in Batak language means cloth. And ulos usually awarded to children, relatives, guests and so on. which represents the bond of affection between parents and children or between a person and another person, as listed in the hobo philosophy, which reads: "pengihot Ijuk hodong ni." penghit Ulos ni Halong, which ertinya binding fibers on the stem and stem-binding ulos affection among others. Ulos has a symbolic function for other things in all aspects of the Batak people. Ulos not be separated from the life of the Batak. Each ulos has 'mercury' on their own, it means having the nature, circumstances, functions, and relationships with certain things or objects. Based on raksanya, known for some kinds ulos:
1. Ulos ragidup highest darjatnya, very difficult to manufacture. Ulos consists of three parts, namely the two sides are woven at once, and a middle section with its own ditenum very complicated. The centerpiece consists of three parts, namely the middle or body, and the two other parts of the male end of the frame (pinarhalak hana) and the end of the frame where the women (pinarhlak boru-boru). Each frame was given a wide range of paintings, among others 'antiganting sigumang', batuhi ansimun, etc.. Color, painting, and cork (yeast) gives the impression as if ulos truly alive, so orng called 'ragidup', namely the symbol of life. Every household has Batak ulos ragidup. In addition to the symbol of life, is also a symbol ulos blessing for happiness in life, especially in terms of offspring, ie, many children (gabe) for each family and longevity (Saur sarimatua). Perkahwinan ceremonial, ragidup ulos orng given by parents of the bride to the groom's mother as 'ulos pargomgom'
2. Ulos ragihotang also includes a high-blooded, but not as complex as a way of making ragidup ulos. Hotang means to rattan, and mercury ulos has features that may be followed by four umpasannya. second time, to wrap her bones. Ulos sibolang ulos also classified as a high degree, even simpler way of manufacturing.
3. Ulos sibolang. In a wedding party, once a custom to give 'the siholang ulos toluntuho' by the parents of the bride to the law as a defense ulos (ulos-law). In this toluntuho ulos the apparent raginya a portrait of three tuho (portion) which is a symbol Dalihan Na Tolu. This ulos usually used as 'ulos parompa' with the hope that after the first child born to follow the birth of other children as much as a bird or a star is painted in ulos. Another type is the 'botik yeast, yeast Angkola, sirata, silimatuho, holean, light pumpkins, etc.. From the small of the cost of manufacture, ulos distinguishable into three groups:
- Ulos nametmet, the length and breadth ukurng much smaller, is not used in traditional ceremonies, but for everyday use. Included in this group include sirampat ulos, yeast huting, namarpisaran, and so on.
- Ulos nabalga; is ulos high or the highest grade. Ulos types are generally used in traditional ceremonies as formal dress or as ulos submitted or accepted. Which was included in this group are: sibolang, runjat jobit, ragidup or yeast living, etc.. How to use a variety ulos depending on the situation.
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