Accera Kalompoang a traditional ceremony to cleanse sacred objects Gowa Kingdom remains stored in the Museum Balla Lompoa. The essence of this ceremony is allangiri kalompoang, namely cleaning and weighing of salokoa (crown) made in the 14th century. The crown was first worn by the King of Gowa, I Tumanurunga, which symbolized the inauguration of the Kings next Gowa.
The royal objects are cleaned in between: a spear-headed cane horse (panyanggaya barangan), scrap metal machete (lasippo), kris is wearing gold jewelry (tatarapang), magic weapon as an attribute of the ruling king (sudanga), headed gold bracelets dragon (janga ponto-jangaya), oversized necklaces (kolara), earrings of pure gold (bangkarak ta'roe), and gold buttons (buttons gaukang). In addition to heritage objects are, there are also some imported items stored in the Museum participated Balla Lompoa cleaned, such as: necklaces from the Zulu Kingdom, the Philippines, the sixteenth century; three gold spear; long machetes (furious Manurung); Penning pure gold gift Kingdom England in the year 1814 AD; and giving the gold medal Netherlands.
Wash the royal objects using holy water that begins with the reading of Al-Fatihah jointly by the participants of a ceremony conducted by a Anrong Gurua (Professor). Special for legacy weapons like the keris, machetes and spears the eyes, washing treated specially, which is rubbed with fragrant oils, bamboo shavings, and lime. Implementation of this ceremony is not only witnessed by the descendants of the Kings of Gowa, but also by the general public, subject to customary dress Makassar during the event.
Sacred ceremonies was first performed by the king of Gowa who first embraced Islam, which I Mangrabbia Karaeng Mangngarrangi Guest Sultan Alauddin Lakiung on 1051 Rabi'ul 9 H. or 20 September 1605. Although the King of Gowa XIV had begun, but the ceremony has not been used as a tradition. King of Gowa XV, I Mannuntungi Daeng Edge Karaeng Mattola Lakiung Karaeng Malikussaid Sultan Tumenanga Ri Papambatuna, mentradisikan this ceremony on each of 10 Zulhijjah, ie after every Idul Adha prayers. Furthermore, the king of Gowa XVI, I Mattawang Karaeng Mallombasi Daeng Sultan Hasanuddin Bontomanggape Balla Pangkana ri Tumenanga the title of the Rooster from the east, entering the Islamic elements in this ceremony, the slaughter of sacrificial animals.
Since then, the Kings next Gowa continue to perform this ceremony and Accera Kalompoang until now continue to be carried out by the descendants of them. Therefore this ceremony requires considerable cost, which reaches tens of millions of dollars, then each family belonging to the Concord Family finance Salokoa this ceremony in turns.
Implementation of the highlights of the ceremony is Accera Kalompoang when weighing salokoa or gold crown weighing 1768 grams with a diameter of 30 cm and 250 grains of diamond-decorated. Weighing the crown is very important for the officials and the community Gowa, because it is a weighing of evidence for their lives in the future. The crown was never corrected by adding or subtracting weights, but unique, weighing at a ceremony conducted in this Accera Kalompoan, crown scales are often fickle, sometimes less and sometimes too much. If the crown scales are reduced, then it becomes a sign of disaster will happen in their country. Once upon a time, the scales are reduced crown and proven in a landslide that swallowed tens Bawakaraeng victims. Conversely, if the scale crown grows, then it becomes a sign of prosperity will come for the people of Gowa. One time, a crown that weighs less than 2 pounds can not be removed by anyone, not even 4 people at once tried to lift it, but still can not afford.
Logically, a strange scene was very hard to believe. However, having been proven, the descendants of kings of Gowa and the general public already believes. Therefore, they always support and maintain the tradition of ceremonial Accera Kalompoang they consider sacred.
Accera Kalompoang ceremonies were held once a year, ie after each Idul Adha prayers on 10 Zulhijjah in Balla Lompoa Museum on Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No.. 48 Sungguminasa, Somba Opu, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi.
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