This ceremony is a traditional ceremony included the Dayak tribe in the mountains of Mount Meratus. Hill tribes who often perform this ceremony, among others Mancabung area, Harakit, Balawaian, BATUNG, Lake of Blood, and Ranai.
Means Kenduri ceremony Large (influence = festivity, Ganal = large). So the ceremony is conducted on a large scale by all citizens of the village and attended by invitation from other villages. Ceremony named because there is little influence of tradition also called baatur dahar. Baatur dahar is usually only done in a family environment. The festive ceremony is performed depending on the residents in the village economy is, as is the size of rice crops, peanuts, and other basic crops. If the results of these crops and a good many will be at the ceremony Thou, on the other hand, if the harvest is less successful then held a small influence or even not performed at all.
Destination holding of this ceremony as an expression of gratitude for the gifts bestowed by the Almighty, while pleading for the coming year have an abundant harvest, kept out of harm plants and creatures of destruction.
Operation time
Ceremony is basically carried out once a year, but if the council considers that indigenous people much less income, then the ceremony was not held that year. When the organization after the harvest which usually falls in July and August. To set the day and the date was decided in a village meeting chaired by Chief assisted by the Head of Indigenous Villages. In determining the date noted in the young, ranging between 1 to 15, this corresponds to a symbol that the fortune will go up if held on these dates.
Preparation Ceremony
The place is a ceremony performed in Stempel. Preparation influence batarah day begins with a day before the ceremony begins. Batarah day means the day to start a job, preparing everything, making equipments, preparing the offerings. The job must be done in one day.
Equipment The most important ceremony is Langgatan. Langgatan are central rack and offerings. Langgatan done to decorate the next day after opening night. Beams made Langgatan five levels, the largest shelf is located at the bottom, growing up a little more. Langgatan was later hanged in the middle of the hall by using the cable that was tied at four corners.
Langgatan has various names according to the contents and purpose. There is a mountain named ancak ka (no story), ancak Raden Center (boat shaped)
Type Kelangkung other equipment, made three. The first one is Kelangkung Mantit (name ancestors of birds), Kelangkung Nyaru (God of Thunder), Kelangkung Uriah (God who takes care of all pests that damage crops)
Implementing Ceremony
To organize activities that are the special ceremony to start early to finish done by Balian. Balian has extensive knowledge of the intricacies of customs and traditions believed. This knowledge is obtained by the Balian studied Tuha and balampah (doing some kind of meditation to be friends with different kinds of spirits to a magical power).
In this ceremony Balian who do the job there are some people. As the leader of Balian is Pangulu Adat (traditional rulers).
Each Balian is always accompanied by Panjulang. Panjulang is a woman who always cared Balian or can be the wish of the community. Any request by Balian is served by Panjulang.
The ceremony is conducted by Balian will take place in five consecutive days until the ceremony is complete.
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