Pantai Jaya Ringgung Haruna Sidodadi located in the village, Padang District Mirror, Pesawaran District, Lampung.
Location is about 20 kilometers from Bandar Lampung city center southwest toward Padang Mirror, Pesawaran. To get to the beach which was not far from Jalan Raya Padang Hanura-mirror, is smoothly paved road. Just to reach the shore, the road was a gravel road along the 2 km. But the condition is guaranteed not to make the slip road car because it was covered with coral.
Mangrove forests in some parts of the shoreline allowed to remain unexploited. Ringgung a beach cove with a curved shoreline fenced oval Ringgung Hill on the west side and south, and Hill lahu on the north side.
Meanwhile, the island-shaped mountain Tegal as a protector of the bay from the raging waves unfriendly. The waves are calm and crystal clear water because the sand in the bottom layer of thick and smooth seas, making Ringgung Coastal waters became convenient location for swimming, including children.
In fact, for those who swim in the sea hobby, can swim to the island race in front of Tegal, which is about 500 meters. This small island has a population of 35 heads of households and also have beautiful beaches.
For those who like fishing, there are floating houses that do not need to hire a boat. There are also dozens of huts, where the hut, visitors can see the sea in the center stood a few keramba grouper fish cultivation. Tourists can see the fish in keramba. Even businessmen who have set up a special keramba to accommodate a variety of fish fishermen built and rented a house floating Rp 300,000 per day.
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