Rebo Pungkasan is one of the existing traditional ceremony in Jogjakarta, or more precisely in the area Wonokromo Village, Plered, Bantul. The name of this ceremony itself was taken from the time the ceremony was held last Wednesday (Pungkasan Rebo) in Sapar (syafar in Arabic which means the second month). This traditional ceremony itself is usually held on Tuesday night (Wednesday night before). This ceremony was held last Wednesday because, according to a story last Wednesday was also used as a meeting time between the Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I with Mbah Kyai Usman Faqih. Ceremony Wekasan or Rebo Rebo Pungkasan itself implemented as a form of expression of gratitude to God Almighty.
Center of this traditional ceremony itself make it a habit to be in front of the mosque and a week before this event there is a nature event crowd (people's party). Over time since the party considered it annoying people worship a mosque (because more and more crowded) the activities of this ceremony was moved from the front of the mosque in front of village hall in the Field Wonokromo.
In the event that the people's own party there are lots of activities in celebration of entertainment such as Sekaten market, ranging from games to clothes, food, and others. Top of the show itself is a huge procession of Mosques lemper Wonokromo Wonokromo to Town Hall, the procession begins Ngayogyakarta Palace ranks, then lemper giant, and folk arts groups such as Shalawatan, Kubrosiswo, Rodat, and so on.
At the end goal of this carnival, lemper will be distributed to the invitation, and there is also contested by the people, because it is considered will provide a separate blessing for those who can bring home these lemper.
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