Sunday, January 17, 2010

Molonthalo Ceremony from Gorontalo,sulawesi,Indonesia

Molonthalo or ulcer around for her 7-month pregnant first child, a pre-event in the context of indigenous customary events of birth and adolescence, which has been standard in Gorontalo society. Puru Raba term is dialeg Manado North Sulawesi, Puru means stomach. In Indigenous Languages in Gorontalo Molonthalo or Tondhalo call. Molonthalo this event is a statement from the husband's family that the first pregnancy is fulfilled expectations will follow a derivative of a valid marriage. And an edict to the families of both parties, that his wife really is a holy and encouragement for girls - other girls to take care of himself and his honor. Preparation and implementation of ways to stage the event was Indigenous Molonthalo enough. The family held a traditional ceremony which was to bring the husband's relatives, or midwife Hulango Kampung, Kampung or Hatibi priest, two daughters aged 7 to 9 years, they still have their parents (breast Hulonthalo lo), two people from a family Mother sakinah.

Hulango or village midwife, who has been appointed as the executor Molonthalo event, must meet the following requirements:

1. Muslims.
2. Knowing the ins and outs of the age of content.
3. Knowing the sequence Molonthalo Ceremony.
4. Knowing pronunciation, pronunciation has been handed down by ancestors in the implementation of the event.
5. Recognized by the community as a Village Midwife.

Traditional attributes complement Molonthalo Ceremony, among others:

* Hulante shaped tray above set of materials, consisting of measures of rice or 3 liters, located above 7 nutmeg, cloves 7 fruit, egg fruit 7, 7 fruit limututu (sowanggi lemon), 7 pieces of currency worth more than Rp. 100, - currency used to consist of Ringgit, Rupiah, Interest, Tali, dime and Twinkle.
* A set of material above the burning incense tray, which consists of 1 polutube (incense burner), 1 fruit bowl place tetabu (incense) and a glass-covered cooking water.
* A set of emery (botu pongi'ila) is to erode emery piece turmeric, mixed with a little lime, and the cold water called Alawahu Tilihi.
* A set Pomama (where the betel nut), Tambaluda or Hukede.
* 1 fruit Toyopo, or set meal, place made of young coconut leaves (young coconut leaf) which contains yellow rice, boiled eggs, fried chicken and cake - a cake like wapili, kolombengi, etc. plus apangi consists of ripe banana plantain or banana responded ( Lutu Tahulumito or Lutu Lo Hulonti'o).
* A set meal consisting of a tray above bilinti plate, or some kind of fried rice mixed with chicken liver, fried chicken dish which is still intact and belly included a boiled egg, two bowl sink and two glasses of water to cook, and two tablespoons.
* A leaf silar (tiladu) apart three (tiladu tula-tula pidu), the size of the mother's abdomen is pregnant.
* Bulewe or upik nut (ngo'alo Malo).
* A not-edged shell (buawu huli).
* A set of white mat (amongo peya-peya or ti'ohu) wrapped (sponge-cake). Which were fixed in front of the door (pode-podehu). Where there is a mother went behind the curtain of the question syara '(hatibi or syarada'a or priests) who served / are invited to read prayers, to Hulango (village midwives). The question presented is "NGOLO MA hula" means how many months and was answered by the children are above Hulango instructions.
* Pale Yilulo (Tilondawu), namely: rice, colored with red, yellow, green, black and white).
* Gloved keris.

For the diacarakan (pregnant mother) wearing disposable clothes walimomo bun with sunthi levels, stems to 1 common, 3 stems for groups lo wuleya wife lipu (Head), 5 stems for groups Jogugu wife / Vice Regent / Mayor, and stems to 7 Mbui, the wife of King / Regent / Mayor. Husband (the father) wore Bo'o takowa kiki and payungo tilabatayila use salempang, keris tucked in his waist. Two men to women wearing galenggo wolimomo, head wear Bo'ute Lo Baya, or material headdress. Two mothers who wore vegas kebaya and batik, as well as cover surang batik or (wulo-wuloto) or mango lo tiilo fashion.

Clothing Ceremony Molonthalo

Procession Ceremony Molonthalo implementation begins with signals Hulango (bontho) with alawahu tilihi on the forehead, the neck part of the throat, shoulders, the curve of the upper arms and feet, below the knee, a meaningful statement of the mother would leave the properties - properties mazmunah (ignoble ) in educating and raising children - his son later. The mother then placed on a white mat over the carpet, his head facing east and feet to the west. A mother holding a pillow and keep dibagian head. At the foot of a mother holding her knees to keep the expectant mother, her knees folded up position.

Two children (male - male and female) in breast limutu lo, one daughter (the breast Hulondhalo lo), which was able to speak. They sat side by side (breast limutu lo), seated to the right of the mother in tonthalo. Their hands are arranged on pregnant belly (mothers in tonthalo), just above the belt three-headed young coconut leaf.

Syara 'asked the mother behind the curtain / holder lalante bull (batik cloth wrapped mats), as follows: "MA MONGOLA hula?" Means "WHAT ARE MONTHS?". This question is forwarded to Hulango then repaid by hulango the sentence: "ff OYINTA OLUWO.". The answer is transmitted by the mother behind the curtain (lo podebu bull), the syara 'out loud, so last three times. The husband continued with his wife's stomach bypass 3 times, then unsheathed the keris, cut the ties woven silar.

After matting it silar lost, then the husband took the silar bond, and his wife woke up to the front door lalante bull and her husband came out around the house 1 time, then throw it away silar - away. This symbol, so that the baby was born safely, and look for 3 lines custom ties, syara 'and baala, as guidelines for life in society later. Finished the event, the couple returned home, sat across from each mouthful of food fed to the existing set of dibaki ie bilinthi rice, and fried chicken, preceded by her husband pulled the eggs from chicken stomach, as a symbol of the wife gave birth to ease baby. Bribe bribe is a symbol of love, and remind the rights and obligations of both wife and husband.

ADAT procession Wife MOLONTHALOSuami feeding each other food that is
one part of the procession Molonthalo

Continued with the reading of a prayer or blessing by the priest hatibi or other religious authorities, before the meal, which was attended by invitation of relatives on both sides. Last stage, Husband and Wife is washed by the shaman with the indigenous water management with a variety of flowers - flowers and herbs.

ADAT procession stomach bypass MOLONTHALOSuami his wife and 3 times with dimandiksn
is part of the Ceremony Molonthalo

The event ended with a treat of coffee or tea with the traditional cake served with Gorontalo. Before dissolution, the husband to give alms to the executor of the event as sincerity. Pala'u shared - shared with the owners, namely Hulango, blessing the prayer reader, two children, two mothers and a mother behind a curtain (which continued questions and answers between hulango and priests).

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