Hope it rains soon and avoid the dry season due to drought Klabang Village residents, Bondowoso held Ojung tradition. In addition to dance performances and mask Rontek Kuna Wulung Singo, in the tradition of the game was also held at each other using a cane.
Old Mask Dance and Singo Rontek Wulung be opening Ojung tradition held in Town Hall Blimbing, District Klabang, Bondowoso. This dance background in folklore in the village which is cool Seng. Seng was appointed as village headman who is believed to be the duty of government aided and Jasiman faithful disciples.
Together with his friend the lion, cool Seng often fought expel invaders. Because the model that people around willing to give charity money to the dancers. Led by elders of local people, continuing the largest safety ritual procession in the village.
They placed the various food offerings at the spring while burning incense. They ate together at the edge of the river, after prayer beg to survive all sorts of dangers due to the dry season.
It was time peak Ojung tradition held. Match race at a cane. Participants adult males from the age of 17 years until the age of 50 years old. When the referee signaled, the game started it had two players race memecutkan swift rattan.
Sense of heat, that's what the players felt so Ojung landed dibagian rattan rod body. Tradition held Ojung citizens Klabang, Bondowoso once every year during the dry season. In addition to this tradition of safety by residents also hope that soon it rains or drought does not occur.
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