The story of a tourist attraction site to note is how to create a comfortable atmosphere and beautiful that tourists who come to feel at home in that place. Various activities related to tourism destinations also need to be clearly explained so easy to understand the purpose and objectives of a tourist location. In this tour activities an offer to the tourists to visit natural attractions of Goa Petruk yag Candirengga located in the Village. Goa tourist area is 0.51 hectare natural. Means of transportation to get to the site there are public transport or by private vehicle, the condition of paved roads and easy access to approximately 25 kilometers from the City of Kebumen. At this point there are also attractions of Goa and Coastal Jatijajar Logending that just a few miles.
Located about - about 7 km from Goa Jatijajar. Petruk's name comes from one of the puppet characters who have a long nose and he is a loyal ponokawan. There are stalactites and pristine stalakmit shaped breasts, memorial fountain, a white shirt and Semar. To get into this cave provided tools such as headlamp, boots, waterproof clothing (coveralls), helmet. Search caves can be traversed by a long distance as far as 664 m and 100 m over short distances. Tour guide will always accompany and bring light charge as penerangnya
Location: Gua Petruk
Village: Candirenggo
Sub: Father
District: Kebumen
Range: 7 km dai Jatijajar / 180 km Kebumen - Semarang
Left visits: Every day
Telephone: Uyip (Chairman Obwis): 081,327,301,965
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