Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Upacara Ekah

Actually ekah word comes from Arabic, the word aqiqatun "biological child". The ceremony is the ceremony Ekah redeem the soul as a gift of God's children, or expressions of gratitude have been blessed with a child by God the Almighty, and expect the child to become a pious person who can help his parents later on in the netherworld. At this ceremony is usually held after the 7-day-old baby, or 14 days, and may also after 21 days. Equipment must be provided is yangb sheep or goats for slaughter, if the boy sheep have two (except for those who can not quite a), and if a girl only just.
Sheep to be slaughtered for the ceremony had to be Ekah good, qualified for the sacrifice. Next sheep were slaughtered by the expert or Ajengan with good prayers, after it is cooked and distributed to the families

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