Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tradisi Petungan from Banyumas,Java,Indonesia

One of the living tradition in the old tempo Banyumas is petungan for determnie the day. People want to build a house, for example, there are calculations that are believed to bring good fortune, or vice versa. Four calculations (temple, the earth, dug, sempoyong) is the basis for determining when someone was going to build the foundation of his house. If the temple was built in the count, then the house will be quiet in the future. Conversely, if the count was established on the earth, the home will be busy, warm, and ripah.

Rogoh and sempoyong day is two days petungan to be avoided in such a way. If imposed, the built house will have bad luck, often occurs theft (dug) and easily inclined (rickety).

In addition to the house construction, petungan also used in determining mate and the time of marriage. If the couple has called mutual Weton kliwon, it was considered taboo, so their marriage should be avoided.

If Weton bride falls on geret Pring count, then this pair should not eat bamboo shoots man, who often disayur (in Semarang to fill spring rolls).

Petungan is not just determining a good day: Legi, Pahing, Pon, Wage, and Kliwon.

Culturally, through culture we are taught to respect people who are considered older (elderly)-both in terms of age or depth of their knowledge.

It should be noted, not all people in the present that can do petungan. Only one or two people in a village or region. Village elders are called upon not only factually old in terms of age, but he has academic strengths in the field of mathematical (petungan) than citizens of most.

That is, the community has given the past appreciation of the "academics" who represented the "elder figure" in his day. According to the opinion of the writer, the tradition altogether petungan far from the occult or mysticism of the contemporary viewpoint.

Sociologically, in every age in a society are the key figures (key persons) which is used as a reference or a model. The implication, from the point of management science community has a planning tempo once more mature before doing anything. Although, should be recognized, it can not be separated from the role of sociological and elders implikatif existence at that time.

From the standpoint of public communication, between elders and society actors has occurred petungan tradition synergy. Communication is a comprehensive public causes an event (wedding, circumcision, build a house, etc.) are widely published long before the day H.

The impact of publicity on the follow-up, distant relatives were taking the time to come, helping, and giving false thought that the relevant intent to run smoothly. From this social synergy (mutual cooperation) was running, although there is no publicity through the mass media both print and electronic.

Families who want to marry a child, for example, I still get visits from distant relatives to spread the invitation, though not once did. Similarly child birth, moving house, for safety's death, and so on.

Above phenomena are progressively lost along with the times. The author witnessed personally feel lost boyongan house in a village, there were interesting sights: tens and even hundreds of people in a procession led a person who will occupy the new house. There are carrying kitchen utensils, there is a bearing seats, mats, and other furniture.

If the procession is at night, seen some people bring petromaks lights. The scene is very typical of family members carrying a pitcher of water and Arriving purpose, water was poured around the house.

The scene above is a portrait of local wisdom that are progressively lost. Unfortunately, the actors are very busy culture nguri-uri arts and culture in the strict sense-such as Lengger, calung, lesson braid, and others. They forgot to preserve the values of local wisdom in a ritual of "tradition" in society that increasingly rare.

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