Sunan Bonang was born in 1465, with the name Raden Makdum Maulana Ibrahim. He is the son of Sunan Ampel and Nyai Ageng Manila. Bonang is a village in the district Rembang. Sunan Bonang died in 1525 AD, and now the original tomb in the village of Bonang. The location of the tomb of Sunan Bonang two because it is said, when he died, the news of his death until a student who came from Madura. The students absolutely adored him till he wanted to bring the body to Madura. However, these students can not carry and can only bring in a shroud and his clothes. As he passed Tuban, there was a student of Sunan Bonang from Tuban to hear a student from Madura who brought the body Sunan Bonang. There is a genealogy that connects Sunan Bonang and the Prophet Muhammad: [ Sunan Bonang (Makdum Ibrahim) bin Sunan Ampel (Raden Rahmat) Sayyid Ahmad ibn Rahmatillah Maulana Malik Ibrahim bin Sheikh Jumadil Qubro (Jamaluddin Akbar Khan) bin Khan bin Ahmad Jalaludin Khan Abdullah bin Abdul Malik Al-Muhajir (from Nasrabad, India) bin Alawi Ammil Faqih (from Hadramaut) bin Muhammad Sohib Mirbath (from Hadramaut) bin Ali Kholi 'Qosam bin Ats-Tsani Alawi bin Muhammad bin Sohibus Saumi'ah Awwal ibn Alawi Ubaidullah bin Ahmad al-Muhajir bin Isa ibn al-Rumi Muhammad Al-Naqib bin Ali bin Uradhi As-Sodiq Ja'afar bin Muhammad Al-Baqir bin Ali Zine El 'Abidine Ben Hussain bin Ali ibn Abi Talib (from Fatimah bint Muhammad). Sunan Bonang composed many literary form of mysticism or tembang imagery. Among others who influenced Wijil Suluk al shidiq by Abu Sa'eed al-Khayr. Sunan Bonang was also composed Tamba tembang Ati (from the Java language, means healing the soul) which is still often sung by people.
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