Cibulan bathing pool, located in the South Sweet Village, Sub Jalaksana, Kuningan District about 7 km from the City of Brass or about 28 km from the city of Cirebon, location Cibulan bathing pool is located about 300 meters into the roadway west of Kuningan, Cirebon. Cibulan tourist attraction is one of the oldest tourist attraction in Kuningan, where it was inaugurated by the then Regent Kuningan, RAA Mohamand Achmad, on Sunday, August 27, 1939. There are two large ponds rectangular, first kolaam measuring 35 meters long and 15 meters wide with water depth of about 2 meters. The second pool measuring 45 x 15 meter square is divided in two parts, the first with a water depth of 60 cm and the second with a depth of 120 cm. According to the story that developed among the Village Community Beras Maniskidul and community in general, the god of fish in the pond this Cibulan was previously said to the soldiers who disobeyed or not true to the reign of King Siliwangi. Long story short, dissident soldiers was later condemned by the King Siliwangi to become a fish. It is said that the fish god of the past until now there were not reduced or increased. If the pond drained, the fish will be lost for some where, but when the pond filled with water, they will come back again with its original amount. Regardless of whether or not the legend is that until now no one dares to take the fish because there is confidence that if any one dared to disturb the fish will have misery. Another specialty is the existence of Cibulan owned seven sacred spring called the Sacred Well of the Seven in the western corner of the tourist attraction. Seven springs form small pools was named the Well of Glory, Kemulyaan Well, Well Pangabulan, Cirancana Well, Cisadane Well, Well Convenience, Safety and Well. Seven springs were located around a sacred petilasan Siliwangi King of rock like a stone structure and two sculpture Menhir striped tiger, symbol of the greatness of the King of Great Pajajaran. According to Citizens, petilasan is often visited by people, especially on Friday nights or during the month Kliwon Mawlood the Hijri calendar. Pilgrimage and begged them to success in life.Cibulan bathing pool is also a source of income for the villagers to be Maniskidul hawkers or food kiosks in the neighborhood. We have registered 20 permanent stalls outside the pool complex and 14 official hawkers selling allowed in the pool complex. They mostly sell soft drinks and snacks and meals of fish and fish nuts Wader atoms.
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