Tanjung Putting National Park is a national park located in the southwestern peninsula of Central Kalimantan province. Tanjung Putting is the first nature reserves and wildlife reserves with a total area of 305,000 ha established by the Dutch Government on June 13, 1936. Furthermore, on May 12, 1984 by the Minister of Forestry, Tanjung Putting National Park defined as the extent to 415,040 ha. Its geographically located between 2 ° 35'-3 ° 20 'S and 111 ° 50'-112 ° 15' E covering an area Kumai district in West Kotawaringin Hanau and in the district and the Lower Seruyan Seruyan District. West Kotawaringin Government has prepared land use zones in the region with an area of 14,000 ha for the development and construction of tourism facilities. Tanjung Putting National Park was originally Tanjung Putting Wildlife Reserve established by the Dutch East Indies colonial government in the year 1936/1937 covering 305,000 ha for protection of the orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus). Then, in 1984 the region established as a National Park by the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 096/Kpts-II/84 dated May 12, 1984. The total area is 415,040 ha TNTP consisting of Tanjung Putting Wildlife Reserve area of 300,040 ha, the forest area of 90,000 ha of production (eks. HPH PT Hesubazah), and the water area covering 25,000 ha. Geographically situated between 2 ° 35'-3 ° 35 'S and 111 ° 50'-112 ° 15' E. Government administration of Kumai District is located in West Kotawaringin (± 253,860 ha / 61.17%) and in District Hanau, Lake Sembuluh, and the District Lower Seruyan Seruyan (± 161,180 ha / 38.83%). TNTP area bordered by: Sekonyer River, Kumai River, Java Sea in the west Artificial boundary to the east and north Java Sea to the south The types of major flora of the north is the Forest Heath area and plant-eating insects such as bags Semar (Nephentes sp). Along the edge of all rivers in this area are freshwater swamp forest (alluvial) true, has a complex of plant species and woody vines of the large and small, epiphytes and ferns spread in large numbers. Plants in the main river upstream of the marsh grass that is dominated by Pandanus sp and stretch makrofita (narcissus) are floating, as Crinum sp coastal mangrove forest cover (mangrove) and further inland in the region namely in brackish estuaries along The main river, there are native palm The types of other plants that can be found in TNTP is meranti (Shorea sp.), Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), jelutung (Dyera costulata), aloes, [[wood street, Keruing (Dipterocarpus sp), ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri), tengkawang (Dracomentelas sp.), Dacrydium, Lithocarpus, Castonopsis, Schiima, Hopea, Melaleuca, Dyospyros, Beckia, Jackia, Licuala, Vatica, Tetramerista, Palaquium, Campnosperma, Casuarina, Ganoa, Mesua, Dactylocladus, Astonia, Durio, Eugenia, Calophyllum, Pandanus, Imperata cylindrica, Crinum sp., Sonneratia, Rhizophora, Barringtonia, Nipah (Nypa fruticans), Podocarpus, and Scaevola. While for the lower layers of forest vegetation consists of the types of rattan and regeneration / tree saplings.
1. Mammals
TNTP Regions inhabited by about 38 species of mammals. Seven of them are well-known primates and protected like the orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), gibbons, gibbons (Hylobates agilis), and bears (Helarctos malayanus). The types of large mammals such as deer, sambar, barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak), deer (Tragulus javanicus), and [wild boar (Sus barbatus) can be found in this area. In fact, some types of aquatic mammals such as cow (Dugong dugong) and dolphin lumb reportedly been seen in the waters around the area TNTP.
2. Reptiles
Several types of reptiles can be found in the area TNTP, including crocodiles sinyong chopsticks (Tomistoma Schlegel), estuarine crocodile (crocodilus porosus), and bidawang (Trionyx cartilagenous).
3. Bird
Recorded more than 200 species of birds that live in the area TNTP. One bird species in this area, namely Sindang yarn (Ciconia stormii) including 20 species of the world's rarest birds. Tanjung Putting is also a place for all types of colonies of birds "great alba" as Egreta alba, Arhinga melanogaster, and Ardea purpurea.
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