Srandil Mountain is one of the hills in the distance Glempangpasir between Adipala District attractions in Cilacap town 30 km towards the northeast and is relatively easy to reach by public bus passenger vehicle department-Jatijajar Cilacap-Kebumen or private vehicles because the course is paved and close to the causeway south-south. Mount Srandil every day for pilgrimage visited by people because the place is not only known by the community around it but to get out of Java such as Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali. and Sulawesi, then visiting a variety of purposes. The pilgrims usually visit or be imprisoned on Friday night or Tuesday Kliwon Kliwon the Shura Month. It is said that according to the story of the first inhabitants of Mount Mukhriti Sultan Srandil is the second son of Queen Lebanese Sari Dewi Sumenep East Java. The arrival of the Sultan was to be imprisoned but Sultan Mukhriti murca (disappeared) who have lived its place which lies east of the familiar with the Grandparent Gusti Agung Sultan Mukhriti Mount is believed to be place of Srandil Kaki Semar and pangreh Magical, and also serves as Kaki Semar Padepokan and the other Magical pangreh pleasing dwelling there.
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