Sunday, September 27, 2009

Museum Bikon Blewut

Museum Bikon Blewut
Background and History The arrival of the missionaries States Word of God, who is better known as Sociates Verbi Divini (SVD), in the early 19th century, has helped bring positive impact to society indigenous tribes in Flores and preservation of cultural heritage of their ancestors. SVD Priests who were experts in the field of history and language and culture (ethnologists and anthropologists) are beginning to take the initiative to find and collect "Cultural Property Flores hidden" in order to be preserved so that a "source of learning" for the younger generations now, They are Paul Arndt SVD, SVD Theodor Verhoeven, Guisinde SVD, SVD Jilis Verheijen, Paul Schebesta SVD, which is always reported the results of their research to a scientific journal anthropos, founded in 1906 in Mödling, Austria, by Prof.. Wilhelm Schmidt SVD, tutors and their teachers. A spectacular first step for Flores and the world community of science has been initiated by Dr. Theodor Verhoeven SVD, an alumnus of the University of Utrecht etnolingguistik - Netherlands. After arriving in Flores in 1949, Verhoeven began doing field-research in all areas of Flores by concentrating on cultural objects presejarah, paleontology, and geology. It therefore raises the excavation efforts everywhere to find the fossils of early humans and fossils of fauna and flora around the island of Flores. Along with research and field observations by colleagues about the history of cultures and religions of non-Christians in Oceania and Southeast Asia, Verhoeven also collect the results of exploration and discovery that is now the Main collections The museum Bikon Blewut Ledalero. The results of excavations and discoveries since 1950 until 1965 it was at first kept it in the Seminary Todabelu, Ngada District, Flores, which is managed by the SVD priests. Moreover, members of his expedition team consisting of seminary students (Piet officers, Darius Nggawa, Frans Nurak, Rokus Awe Due) at the time. But after Verhoeven returned to the Netherlands in 1967, findings and the digging was known only through his writings in the Journal of anthropos in German. In 1975 came a missionary from the Netherlands are energetic, Drs. Guus SVD Cremers, who got the assignment as a Lecturer in STFK Ledalero. On its initiative and with the approval of the Regional SVD Ende, the results of Verhoeven's discovery was transferred to the Seminary Ledalero, Kabupaten Sikka, Flores. Cremers Guus care SVD results of discovery and excavation until the arrival of Father Drs. Piet SVD officers in 1982, who moved from Ende to be a Lecturer in Cultural History STFK Ledalero. Piet officers at the hands of SVD, which is better known as sareng Orinbao and is a former member of the Expedition Team Verhoeven, this is the result of the discovery and excavation Verhoeven is then organized and systematically managed, in 1983 in a small building of the Seminary of Ledalero, thus deserve the name as a MUSEUM. Although in terms of content diversity of this collection, SVD priests called this museum as "the Museum's mission and culture", however, officers Piet SVD-BIKON spark BLEWUT name for this museum on the basis of interpretation of the poem-the customary culture-Krowe Sikka.

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