Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mandapar King's tomb

Mandapar King's tomb is located in the village Lompio, Banggai city. tomb that is only made of rocks tinbuan with this protective houses seem very simple. Yet this grave is often visited by the public and local and foreign tourists as a relic of history since Mandapat is a popular king. King Mandapar buried in 1625 or after 25 years he ruled. Mandapar was the son of warlord Sultanate of Ternate, Adi Clark, who was given the title Java Mumbu Doi. Adi Clark is also known as Adi Soko is a figure who unites the region and Banggai Banggai Islands Land. These warlords had married a Portuguese princess and gave birth Mandapat. King was given the title Mandapat Godong Mumbu Doi. Not far from the tomb of King Mandapat traditional markets Banggai there. From the height of the tomb can be seen bay Banggai with a beautiful panorama. Fro traditional fishing for a living, while the home interest above sea bajou a fascinating sight.

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