Saturday, October 31, 2009
Api Mrapen,

Bluduk KUWU,Grobogan,Indonesia

Kedung Ombo
Grave Pilgrimage Tourism Object Prince Samudro
Telaga Ngebel,Ponorogo,Indonesia

Popoh Beach,Tulungagung,East Java,Indonesia

Ritual Sedekah Laut,

Jetis Beach,Silacap,Indonesia

Jetis beach. Directly bordering the beach with beach attractions Kebumen father was located in the district of Cilacap Nusawungu Eastern District offers a beautiful panorama of the southern sea and mountain scenery and the beauty of the River arur Bodo. + This beach is located 40 km from the eastern town of Cilacap, by using private or public vehicles through south-south directions Cilacap - Jatijajar - Gombong. In this tourist attraction is The Traditional Fishermen fish auction.
Rat Island,(Pulau Tikus)Bengkulu,Indonesia

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Moyo Island,Sumbawa,Indonesia

Bukit Malimbu,Indonesia

Orange Castle,Gorontalo,Indonesia

Limboto Lake,Gorontalo,Indonesia

Fortress Otanaha ,Gorontalo,Indonesia
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Karangnini Beach

Batuhiu Beach,

Banua Wuhu

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Karimun Jaya National Park

Batang Gadis National Park, Mandailing Natal,North Sumatra,Indonesia
Kutai National Park,East Kalimantan,Indonesia

This area originally as a Forest Inventory status with 2,000,000 ha area pursuant to the Decree (SK) Dutch East Indies Government (GB) Number: 3843/AZ/1934, which then by the Government of Kutai Wildlife established a Kutai through SK (ZB) Number : 80/22-ZB/1936 with 306,000 ha area.
Based on the geological map of East Kalimantan, the geological formations of this region largely involves three parts, namely: 1. Coastal part of the main alluvial sedimentary rocks and coral reefs. 2. The center consists of Miocene rocks above. 3. The western part consists of sedimentary rock bottom.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Badut Temple,Indonesia

Badut temple is located in Hamlet Gasek, Desa Karang Besuki, Kesamatan Dau, Malang regency of East Java Province. Clown temple is located at the foot of Gunung Kawi. Badut temple is a relic believed to Gajayana King, ruler of the kingdom Kanjuruhan as embodied in the inscription of AD 760 Dinoyo years.
Temple Structure
Badut is a temple complex surrounded by a fence enshrinement wall, but now has lost. Location of the temple is not in the center of the temple yard. Located in the lowlands, at the level 508 meters above sea level. This temple is made of andesite stone materials with the length of 17.27 meters, 24 meters wide and 8 meters high. Temple doors west. At the entrance to the temple room decorated Kalamakara.
In terms of temple architecture has similarities with the Badut temples in Central Java to a bad period-to-8 to 10 AD, in particular we can see the resemblance in the Dieng plateau region as Gedong Songo. From the legacy of the foundation remains of three temples perwara (small temples surrounding the temple of Mother), indicate if the temple is a complex Badut enshrinement.
Strong suspicion that the temple is the temple premises Badut Architectural style transition from Central Java to East Java. The possibility also an evidence of the transfer center of the kingdom to the east. In this connection, the scholars tend to connect the story to move east Holing kingdom around the year 740 AD. Then mean that the king of the dynasty sanjaya off to the east because of urgency by Sailendra dynasty. Area in question is probably around Malang now.
The foot
Morphologically, the foot of the temple consists of perbingkaian lower body and legs but legs perbingkaian the BAdut temple has only lower frame legs and body. Frame consists of pelipi below average, while the foot of the temple of the body composition of flat bricks, plain and have no decoration at all. At the front of the temple there are steps up to the booth decorated with carvings of the temple, on the south steps are kinarakinari relief fragment (human-headed creature of Heaven bodied birds play a rebound in charge of the Heavenly music). Before entering the chamber hall of the temple there pradaka sinaptha around with.
Body parts
Body of Badut Temple greater than height. On the outer wall of the temple body found niches in which there is a statue. But among all the statues were only statues of Durga are Mahesasuramardhini remaining. Durga Mahesasuramardhini (north alcove), Shiva as the Grand Master or Agastya (usually located in the south niche), whereas in the eastern niche containing a statue of Ganesha bias. These niches have kara makara frame. On the left side of the entrance right there small recesses of the viewer and Nandiswara Mahakala. Fields beside the niches were filled with decorative flower pattern.
The roof of the temple has been destroyed, leaving only the first layer is not complete. According to the results of reconstruction has ever done, was part of the roof of the temple consists of two levels that are similar to the body of the temple, but more to the smaller and covered with a top gem. Decoration found on the roof of antefix.
Suku Asmat,Papua,indonesia

In the mythology of the Asmat people who live in the Bay Flaminggo example, the god Fumeripitsy name. As he walked from sungau upstream toward the ocean, he was attacked by a giant crocodile. The host mortar boat sank. In the dog fight was going, he can kill the crocodile, but he himself was severely wounded. He carried mendamparkannya current Asewetsy river, the village Syuru now. Fortunately there is a bird that Flamingo care until he recovered, and afterward he built houses and carving yew two beautiful patug and make a drum em, powerful sound. After he finished, he began to dance continuously without stopping, and the power of magic comes out of the movement that gives life to both the carved statue. Soon the statues begin to move and dance, and they later became the first human couple, the ancestors of the Asmat (Zegwaard 1955).
It is very interesting in this myth is the common idea of creating the world in the way of narrating mythological god Shiva created the world and affects all human beings with nature to move and live. Mite is reflected in the statue of the famous Hindu classic called Syiwanataraja.
After that came back a giant crocodile also attacked the two men tried first one, but also can kill Fumeripitsy; crocodile severed head and body cut into pieces small, which threw into all corners of the compass. Crocodile pieces that had to be ancestors of the tribes who lived in homes around the Asmat people and their enemies. Thus this myth describes the first-hunting action and the creation of man by Fumeripitsy Asmat enemy. It also symbolizes the Mite recycling process of life and death (Smith 1970; Schneebaum 1985).
Traditional concept of the Asmat people live based on the belief in an area across the horizon had unraveled. Because they had when the ancestors mengendaki continuation of lineage, they send a certain spirit to the earth through a shaft of sunlight, which landed on the roof of the house where lived a woman who was destined to be a spirit from the boy's mother said. The woman will become pregnant and later gave birth to a baby. Although the Asmat people know that the sex associated with the birth of a baby, its function is only to give shape to the human spirit into the mother's womb. In this case the role of the father of the baby with a sculptor who gives shape to the timber provided by nature to him (Zegwaard 1953).
Asmat people sure that the environment in which human lives are also still many of their spirit for the three groups, namely: • yi-ow, or the spirit of its ancestors who are basically good, especially for the offspring. • osbopan, or evil spirits who bring disease and disaster. • plop-ow or evil spirits of dead people silly (Zegwaard 1953).
Souls yi-ow is the guardian of sago forests, lakes and rivers full of fish and forests full of game. Asmat people communicate symbolically with the yi-ow with repeated presentation ceremony which is usually led by ndembero, or ceremony leader. Ozbopan souls are considered to inhabit a particular tree species, caves deep, large stones that have special forms, but also live in the body types of a particular animal. Illness and disasters are usually caused by evil spirits, which also must be satisfied by a man with a variety of ceremonial offerings. Unlike the presentation ceremonies to communicate with the yi-ow, ceremonial offerings to the osbopan not be repeated, but only if someone is sick and when disaster strikes. Souls try to ensure not too often near human habitation, by conducting a series of restrictions, and sometimes with protective magic.
Conception of Asmat people of the same death in many other cultures. They believe that every human being has at least six spirit that animates some of the different parts of the body. Various known disease caused by the Asmat people that animates the soul of a sick body that is away or disappear (Amelsvoort 1964: p. 55-56). That is why how and techniques used by shamans namer ow the disease to heal the sick is to seek to persuade souls or leave it to return to the patient's body earlier. If a few souls who have gone and could not be persuaded to return, the patient in question would die.
Asmat people such conception of death is the departure of one or more of the human soul to never return again. Souls who free themselves from the man's body into the spirit of wandering around human habitation. After some time the spirit will go into the world of spirits behind the horizon, and there eternal life or after a time returned to earth and live again in the body of a baby.
Anjasmara Mountain,East Java,Indonesia
Babi Island,Aceh,Indonesia
Rondo Island,Indonesia

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Kidal Temple

Candi Agung Gumuk Kancil

The temple stands on an area 25 that are equipped with Maha Rsi Markendya statues, Ciwa and Buddhism. Everything is made from raw stone trim. There was also a bale pawedan, where offerings and senderan. This physical building cost around Rp 112 million, while the cost of the ceremony reached USD 38 million.
Implementing Development, that the stones used in the Agung Gumuk Kancil Temple was carried from Mount Agung Bali and Muntilan, Central Java. Type of stone from Mount Agung is the andesite. Stone was deliberately imported from Bali and Java, with the intention of marriage reunite the daughter with the son of Mount Agung Central Java. In addition, with this blend of history it wants to restore the ritual journey Maha Rsi Markendya starting from Java to Bali.
Building or architectural embodiment of worship in the temple-shaped Kancil Gumuk typical of East Java, the exact figure is in the temple complex Upgrading Temple. Shape was chosen to raise and respect the values of local wisdom worship building in Java. The basic concept of architecture of this temple is a marriage or a combination of Java and outside Java, which in this case represented by Bali
The orientation of the temple is the Mount (Mt roar in the north) and Segoro (sea). This temple consists of three basic parts, body, and the peak. The base of the temple consists of the following sections
Kancil Gumuk Great Temple standing on the high plains Glenmore about 400 meters from sea level, precisely in Petilasan Maha Rsi Markendya on Hamlet Village Wonoasih Glenmore Bumiharjo Banyuwangi district. Prambanan temple is patterned worked for 132 days with a fund of Rp 150 million. Inaugurated on August 11, 2002. Piodalan followed by around 400 Hindus from the temple 50 in Banyuwangi. The event starts at 07.00 pm, starting with mendak tirta from sources Banyu Urip KPH Perhutani West Banyuwangi 300 meters north as far as the Great Temple Gumuk Kancil. At 07.45 pm, the convoy arrived at the mendak tirta Gumuk Kancil Great Temple, followed by mountains, which is three times around the temple. During the last hill, Hindus who want to follow the prayer that began arriving in less than 30 minutes, the court of the Great Temple was packed Kancil Gumuk citizens dressed in white. Development Committee Chairman, I Ketut Wiryana, said the Great Temple courtyard crowded Kancil Gumuk piodalan quite understandable when considering the area is a haven Maha Rsi Markendya, before continuing the ritual trip to Bali. Even in the area this Raung foot, Maha Rsi pasraman Markendya had established with students from religious wong. "From the Mountains roar, he went to Bali. In Bali, he invested five Datu as the embryo of Pura Besakih. From this chronology we see the need for temple built here to commemorate and emulate his faith, "explained Wiryana. The temple stands on an area 25 that are equipped with Maha Rsi Markendya statues, Ciwa and Buddhism. Everything is made from raw stone trim. There was also a bale pawedan, where offerings and senderan. This physical building cost around Rp 112 million, while the cost of the ceremony reached USD 38 million. Implementing Development, that the stones used in the Great Temple Gumuk Kancil was carried from Mount Agung Bali and Muntilan, Central Java. Type of stone from Mount Agung is the andesite. Stone was deliberately imported from Bali and Java, with the intention of marriage reunite the daughter with the son of Mount Agung Central Java. In addition, with this blend of history it wants to restore the ritual journey Maha Rsi Markendya starting from Java to Bali. " Similar expressions are also given designers the Great Temple Gumuk Kancil, I Wayan Rura. According to him, the Great Temple deliberately patterned Gumuk Kancil because Prambanan Prambanan is known as the largest Hindu temple. "Applications Java Bali stones, we integrated with the motive of Prambanan. So right, if this temple became a symbol of the unity of the people of Java-Bali, "he said. Building or architectural embodiment of worship in the temple-shaped Kancil Gumuk typical of East Java, the exact figure is in the temple complex Upgrading Temple. Shape was chosen to raise and respect the values of local wisdom worship building in Java. The basic concept of architecture of this temple is a marriage or a combination of Java and outside Java, which in this case represented by the Balinese. ----- The orientation of the temple is the Mount (Mt roar in the north) and Segoro (sea). This temple consists of three basic parts, body, and the peak. The base of the temple consists of the following sections 1. Sole foundation circular scattered at a depth of 5 m above the ground, serves to support and level the load of the temple to the ground, construction plates made of reinforced concrete 20 cm thick in diameter with a radius of 9 m. To connect the foundation with the construction of the temple building made of reinforced concrete wall plate 5 m height filled with concrete Cyclops (broken stone mixed with concrete). Four columns stood on either side of the temple connected with horizontal beams binding and stabilizing function of the temple construction. 2. The base (pedestal) temple above ground circular spiral symbolizes life, organized into 8 steps, a bottom diameter of 9 meters. The basic shape of the body of a square rectangle. Kancil Gumuk Great Temple has three cubicles and one alcove temple main room of the temple is open to the front (south) contain-yoni phallus. In essence, a piece of plaque measuring 10 cm x 30 cm with a copper base material mixed with silver and gold. Contains Pengarcaan On the outside, surrounded by three hollow chambers of the temple. The meeting between the base as part of the body is filled Bedawang Nala, Naga Basuki (at right) and the Dragon Ananta Boga (at left). Each chamber contains recesses of the temple using the back of the basement pengarcaan serves as the central point of concentration worship. Pengarcaan and worship through the statue is called murti puja. Alcove booth east of Adhi Sakti pengarcaan the Tri Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Sri Lakshmi and Goddess Parvati. West alcove booths containing pengarcaan Siwa-Budha/Tri Murti, and the chamber containing the northern niche of the temple pengarcaan Rsi Markandeya. East alcove booth contains three goddesses namely pengarcaan Goddess Saraswati (at left), Goddess Lakshmi (the right) and Goddess Parvati (in the middle) into a pedestal, so impressed together. Goddess Saraswati as the goddess of knowledge, Sri Lakshmi as preserver of the world, fertility and prosperity, and the goddess Parvati manifested in the middle as the symbol of courage. Rsi Markandeya in pengarcaannya realized with the figure standing upright measuring 60 x 120 x 50 cm, long beard holding a pitcher, with a walking stick dragon head back. Meanings implied by this statue is for those who conduct the worship of spiritual discipline through the process of Nabe sampradaya and will form sisya virtuous character. Pitcher ojas kelinuwihan will flow to those who believe in dharma yatra trail Rsi Markandeya, the stick will open kemahasucian give directions. Pengarcaan Siwa-Budha/Tri Murti (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) utpeti meaningful, stiti, pralina as one-size figure with an attitude manifested darma prawartana chakra mudra. Formed with the top three tiers of stone composition. Height of 9 meters entirely temple, made of andesite stone from Mount Merapi, except the top (crown) composed by stone temple of Mount Agung. The use of two different types of stone is one of them is based on the level of material purity. The top of the temple is also equipped with kris about 30 cm long coated with gold, copper, and nickel as a lightning rod. Kept clean On the whole temple was done by the builders of the temple which was very experienced in the field of the enshrinement of Dulkamid Jayaprana Multilan Village Central Java, about 10 km before the temple of Borobudur of Yogyakarta direction. In Java, there is generally no temple that stands alone or there is only one temple in one location. Temple complex usually consists of the main temple, Pangider Bhuana, Perwara or spacecraft, Apit, color, stakes, Lawang, and the statue of Ganesha. The main temple became the central point of orientation of the temples others. In the Great Temple complex Raung Gumuk Kancil, in the second stage will be built temple Perwara (Nandini). This temple serves as a vehicle or a vehicle of Siva. It is located in front of the temple as far as 17 meters to the south with the position facing each other. Overall, the basic form of the bottom temple (circle) and upper (squares) together with the main temple. The difference is only the dimensions and contents of the temple chambers. High temples and base diameter is 5 meters. Nandini 58 cm long, sitting on bebaturan carts with two wheels. There are reliefs on the sides and rear which is a modification of Cliff Temple Tampaksiring Tegallinggah. On the front is equipped with Makara Lions, without Bedawang Nala. Materials temple is one andesite from Mount Merapi, except the top (crown) of andesite rocks of Mount Agung. In the future, the Great Temple Gumuk Kancil will continue to clean and equipped with other types of temple in accordance with the development of "revelation" and the readiness of local human resources. The development of temples made with caution with the concept of substance naturally as possible. Spiritual points around the main temple is slowly but surely emerging as Watu Hanging in the north, Sri Buhpati southeast of the main temple. Memorial day (piodalan) in this temple is celebrated on the full moon kajeng ngalih Sasih kaenem.
Prasasti Kota Kapur
Keberhasilan !
Wahai sekalian dewata yang berkuasa, yang sedang berkumpul dan melindungi Kadātuan Śrīwijaya ini; kamu sekalian dewa-dewa yang mengawali permulaan segala sumpah !
Bilamana di pedalaman semua daerah yang berada di bawah Kadātuan ini akan ada orang yang memberontak yang bersekongkol dengan para pemberontak, yang berbicara dengan pemberontak, yang mendengarkan kata pemberontak;
yang mengenal pemberontak, yang tidak berperilaku hormat, yang tidak takluk, yang tidak setia pada saya dan pada mereka yang oleh saya diangkat sebagai datu; biar orang-orang yang menjadi pelaku perbuatan-perbuatan tersebut mati kena kutuk biar sebuah ekspedisi untuk melawannya seketika di bawah pimpinan datu atau beberapa datu Śrīwijaya, dan biar mereka
dihukum bersama marga dan keluarganya. Lagipula biar semua perbuatannya yang jahat; seperti mengganggu :ketenteraman jiwa orang, membuat orang sakit, membuat orang gila, menggunakan mantra, racun, memakai racun upas dan tuba, ganja,
saramwat, pekasih, memaksakan kehendaknya pada orang lain dan sebagainya, semoga perbuatan-perbuatan itu tidak berhasil dan menghantam mereka yang bersalah melakukan perbuatan jahat itu; biar pula mereka mati kena kutuk. Tambahan pula biar mereka yang menghasut orang
supaya merusak, yang merusak batu yang diletakkan di tempat ini, mati juga kena kutuk; dan dihukum langsung. Biar para pembunuh, pemberontak, mereka yang tak berbakti, yang tak setia pada saya, biar pelaku perbuatan tersebut
mati kena kutuk. Akan tetapi jika orang takluk setia kepada saya dan kepada mereka yang oleh saya diangkat sebagai datu, maka moga-moga usaha mereka diberkahi, juga marga dan keluarganya
dengan keberhasilan, kesentosaan, kesehatan, kebebasan dari bencana, kelimpahan segalanya untuk semua negeri mereka ! Tahun Śaka 608, hari pertama paruh terang bulan Waisakha (28 Februari 686 Masehi), pada saat itulah
kutukan ini diucapkan; pemahatannya berlangsung ketika bala tentara Śrīwijaya baru berangkat untuk menyerang bhūmi jāwa yang tidak takluk kepada Śrīwijaya.
Prasasti Jambu
Bunyi terjemahan prasasti itu adalah:"Gagah, mengagumkan dan jujur terhadap tugasnya adalah pemimpin manusia yang tiada taranya yang termashyur Sri Purnawarman yang sekali waktu (memerintah) di Taruma dan yang baju zirahnya yang terkenal tidak dapat ditembus senjata musuh. Ini adalah sepasang tapak kakinya yang senantiasa menggempur kota-kota musuh, hormat kepada para pangeran, tapi merupakan duri dalam daging bagi musuh-musuhnya."
Prasasti Telaga Batu
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Upacara Basuh Lantai

Ada yang ingin anda cari ...? pakai ini...!!