Rumah Betang is a unique custom home of Borneo, are located in different parts of Borneo, especially in upstream areas which are usually the center of the Dayak tribe settlements, where the river is the main transport route for the Dayak tribe to perform a variety of mobility of everyday life. The shape of the houses vary in different places. Rumah Betangis a house that reaches 150 meters long and up to 30 meters wide. Rumah Betang in general homes built in the form of a stage with a height of three to five feet from the ground .Rumah Betang is a reflection of the togetherness in the daily life of the Dayak. Rumah Betang in the house is every individual's life in the household and society were systematically arranged by mutual agreement set forth in the customary law. Outstanding principal value of life at home is the value of togetherness (communalism) among the citizens who inhabit it, regardless of the differences they have. Now, Rumah Betang is a dwelling Dayak people gradually disappeared in Borneo. Can still be found if the occupant is no longer making as the main house, where the family shelter, grow and share stories with the community. Rumah Betang live a memory for most of the Dayak people. In some places scattered, Rumah Betangpreserved as a place for the tourists. And now, in the face of modern life are very individualistic, which is only concerned with personal interests, material and full of hypocrisy.
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